
Thursday, October 28, 2004


I'm always out to see and explore -- and this was one topic that made me really fascinated...




Why is this so interesting to me?
It just sounds familiar --not to my health condition, but to those who I've met...

Through the healers I worked with, and the way a few people used to describe it as they lived their lives...

What is it?
Does your favorite book smell like textured circles? Do you think you are the same age as the cerulean blue, steadfast, brotherly, male number 4? Do you dislike the personality of your bedroom’s doorframe? Do you see white when you stub your toe? Does the odor of road tar taste salty? Does Sting's voice look like golden spheres?

If so, you are almost certainly a
synesthete. Synesthesia literally refers to the fact that in some animals, a stimulus in one sense modality involuntarily elicits a sensation/experience in another sense modality. An example of this would be the taste of lemon visually evoking the color blue. The elicited synesthetic experience does not replace the normal experience but instead always adds to it. Synesthetic elicitations are durable, consistent, and discrete, as noted by Dr. Cytowic.

Other examples of synesthetic experiences people can have, just to name a few, are being able to see sounds — as well as hear them; seeing or "knowing" the colors, sexes, and personalities of letters, numbers, and other symbols; feeling weight and shape on their bodies by just tasting something; and smelling colors.


As part of my training, my Teacher would explain all the things he would see in touch, all the senses that should be opened wide to get the full equation of the situation, the person and what they are...

To a certain degree, I feel that many of my 'visions' are a slight version of this --But isn't it the same for everyone? I work with energy, my senses become more intune as I start to focus on the auras of people, and then I really see it. This is something that many of us can train to do with time, just by being aware --says my Teacher. And I believe this.

We just need to open that side of us to another level of 'seeing' life or sensing it.

In a latest survey, 1 in 100 people tested randomly by a British crowd, showed wide signs of it.

I see it is a gift, people who are able to see life through other dimensions -- people who can sense the deeper side of life and make a picture of it, or use the senses to merge into a poem...

Its said that there are signs that shakespear was one. They looked through his work, picking out signs of senses being fused. Most creative people are said to have some level of this too.

I can't help but think that maybe ALL of us really have this within...? Or do we?


Are your senses overlapping?
Is Monday red? Do musical melodies have colours? Take part in our experiments and see if your senses overlap.
Do you see what I see? ·
Do you hear what I hear?

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The use of affrimations have always been am amazing way to help my skeptical mind to just work its way through the difficult parts of the jounrye...

So here I go with a few more new affirmations that empower my Self to want more than what I have achieved...

Feel the fear and do it anyway

The next fews days are going to be all about getting out of that comfort zone and getting into a new place once again... so here I go.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2004


This is all going to sound very hypocritical --as I watch the show and have a good laugh.
But what am I really laughing at?

To be honest, its the over exaggeration of the characters, how they have this 'sisters are doing it for their Self' attitudes, yet the whole series and last shows were based on women looking for the right men in their life...It really disappointed me.

The strange thing is, I had many friends like this in the past --very intelligent women who made it a big deal that they were earning a good wage, paying their life and living well...which is rightly so, and something to be proud of.... But then when you get them into a place where they are honest, a night out with them is just about how unhappy they are with not finding 'the one'...

Yet, in every relationship, the first sign of a bit of rough gets them calling the man a bad guy... Across the other side, the men are complaining about the exact same thing!

How do I know all that? I just watch it.

Its all gone way too far for me, I appreciate the original concepts of women liberating their lives, but I think some have just taken things a little too far.

Whats the shame in wanting to get married young?
Why look down on the natural process of having a baby?
Do we have to suddenly be in denial of our womaness to be a strong independant being?

What is a successful image of women nowadays?

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I have always said to my Self that all the village tales and stories of the mystical past must be partly based on some sort of reality.

Just recently a friend came back from Sweden, where he stayed in a little village and he said the doors were so small that every one of them had to literally crawl into the old houses. Thats when we had a long discussion about the tales and truth.

So here is something that caught my eye in the news today.
There are so many things we still have yet to find.

And more findings:

AOL news:

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Most of my work these days are on the computer, so I get many times where I can just sit back and type my articles, and think at the same time... My brain doesn't stop thinking which is getting annoying lol.

Anyways...I had the radio on today, and lets be real here...
Half, if not all the wording of most love songs are unreal or would only be used by a stalker!

I am a romantic at heart, but I do think that romance is so wrongly put out there, so we are all automatically disappointed when the long-term relationships don't resemble some chick flick movie.

I've known a few men ( in my past) who used to say they loved me all the time.
Their actions though --said something completely different.

Like for example, whats the point in having your partner be the most romantic person on Valentine's Day and the rest of the year, he fails to show up on time for the important appointments, says one thing and means another, isn't willing to take responsibility for committing 100% to the nitty-gritty of long term involvement
--but all is forgotten because he still remembers one lousy day a year to bring flowers?!? Please!

Seriously, its not all cotton candy and sweet chocos.
And I'm glad I see that now.

Its the day to day actions that make a person really romantic.
Actions really speak louder than words.

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Boosting Your Courage & Confidence

Courage is not just something for big screen heroes. Courage is just something you can choose to put on whenever you need to move out of your own special comfort zone. Think of courage as a magic and invisible hat you can put on whenever you need to do something that seems scary or strange.

Try this:
Stand up and close your eyes.
Imagine a circle of chalk around you. That circle is your comfort zone - the things you do now, how you are now, things you don't like now but are just used to.

In your imagination see a magic hat at your feet and bend down and pick it up.
Put it on and feel a power surge of courage blast through you.
Take a big step forward and re-draw the chalk circle to take in that new space.
Now get comfortable in that new zone - imagine doing the scary, risky things you might have to do to get what you want and to get to where you want to be.
See how it will be.
Hear what you will hear.
Feel the feeling of achievement.

Now, every time you think to yourself "I can't do that" or "I'm not confident enough" say to yourself "I'll take courage and put on my courage hat - that will get me through". Taking courage has an amazing side effect...

Courage gets you confident!

Every time you push out your comfort zone circle and do something scary, your confidence and pride in yourself will increase. The sum total of all your own courageous acts is the energy pack of your own confidence, which will work for you in the future.
Read on for some confidence tricks!

Related LinksOne Life: Confidence CheckOne Life: Ulterior Motives


I feel that as an individual I am confident, but I think everyone can benefit from learning to expand the comfort zone and reach to new places --no matter how confident we feel.

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I have always known how precious a link the moon has on the female cycles and their emotional connection to nature...
I have never met a man say the same until now...

And it made me wonder what I was missing and how it affected males of all ages...
And the Goddess role with the God of Earth...?

Within balance, there is always a male and female energy to things...
But where does the moon come into the male cycle?

I have to look that up.

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A few great articles that have helped out in the past and now...

No Clue What To Do?
Energy & Persistant Action
Interview Info
CV Info
What Job?

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Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I never like to get into politics -- but lets face it, things are bulls**t... always have been and always will be...

The negative forces of the world haven't got much time left....

The new world order is working against itself and...


I'll cut it there.

All I will say out loud is please read between the lines --everywhere.
These times don't take kindly to people who are naiive about things...
It is a world wide wave --and always has been...
And we are going to live through a shift in times...

I know my thoughts, do you KNOW yours?

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This is something that I was talking about with my old boss who used to be a famous guitar player, playing with Pink Floyd and other well known artists... And he would always be complaining about how most artistic and creative people seem to burn out when they work for others -- the end conclusion being that deadlines don't work too well with creativity...

For a long time, I've felt this way. I consider my passion for natural health to be a very creative skill... both in practice and in the lifestyle that goes with it --I still consider my Self to be learning my way through this way of seeing my Self...

In the process of things, I have only recently seen it and my Self to be part of a creative network... I have never really seen this side of me...

But is it true to say that creative people are selfishly just trying to potray their own inner ideas into others?

Is creativity just an attempt to express our inner Self regardless of whether it is acceptable in society?

And can creative people really be productive and satisfied with a 'boss' above them?

Are we really our own boss is the creative process?

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Not happy at all...
I've been slacking on my routine, trying to get my mind to just calm down, concentrate and meditate...
I have all these ideas and plans bursting out.

I'm finding the physical work outs are working better when my mind is racing...
I work out and think, and release my tensions out at the same time.

Meditating is great, but to be honest, I feel over-meditated lol!
So I looked in my book, to find that there may be times when we really do feel that meditation is not a step to take... that our Self can be over stimulated by our inner Self, so we need to get back into the outer realms and ground our Self...

And that just makes sense to me. If I'm over stimulated with my inner Self, I get the high feeling of not really being on this Earth, not keeping up with the pace...
So the kite needs to be tied down to balance the high with the low.

I just need to follow my feelings on this one.

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There's a story about a famous person who made in a highly competitive sport. Someone asked her, "How did you make it?" and she replied "It was something I always dreamed about!" The someone said "Well I dreamed of being a rock star and it never happened!" The famous person said "Well, when did you stop dreaming?"

Dreams are not just wishful thinking but can be extraordinary motivation triggers, if we can harness them. They are not just the wild images and fantasies that come into our heads during sleeping. A dream is a pumped up goal.

Here's an example - an 8 year old says "I'd really love to be a professional footballer". He plays football a lot with friends and keeps thinking about it. He grows up and takes a job in a sports centre.

Another 8 year old says the same thing. He plays every day and at weekends. He goes for coaching. He dreams of being a footballer each night before he falls asleep. He gets picked for a local club's School of Excellence. When his mates start smoking, he decides to go running every night. He makes it eventually.

If you have a dream, everything else revolves around it 'til it is achieved. Most people give up because the effort and concentration is too much for them. But if you want to go for your dream life, you have to go for it as if your life depended on it, because it does!

Dreaming your Dreams
Try this technique and practise it every day for two weeks to imprint it on your subconscious:

Think of something you really want for yourself or something you want to happen

Get a picture of some kind in your mind of what it would be like if you achieved this dream - how you would be.

See anything you can see about it - colours, shapes, people in your dream

Hear yourself and anyone/anything else, which would be part of the dream

Imagine the feeling you would have from achieving your dream

Freeze frame everything - what you see, hear and feel

Allow yourself to come back to the present. You now have a strong focus to work with but keep practising this 'rehearsal' technique - it will pay off.

Being motivated to go for your dreams takes energy and action, but most people give up before they begin because they think their probability of success is zero. They bail out before the boat even gets a hole.

Will you realise your potential? Check your probability here!

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Monday, October 25, 2004


Just in a mood to get into one of my random blah-blah sessions...
So if you don't understand it, I won't blame you...

Here it goes:

I can either sit on my ass and do nothing or get up and get to them directly
I can't believe this is just another start to the search
People could atleast be polite and tell me what is going on
I miss my babes, I should give him a call to see how he is
Maybe I was a little harsh on my little bro before he left

Kinda hungry now--need a break off the computer
Yes, I'm supposed to be working right now

There...my blah-blah's done for now...

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I have 9 piercings in total... each with its own meaning, and stage in my life...

And I couldn't do without them.

Now, I think its time to get another one done. But my head looks kinda loaded with them lol...
And I'm not too keen on getting my scared zones holed so...
I'll just have to think of another place.

This person had the nerve to say how nasty it was to see people wearing jewellery all over our bodies--that it was such a Eurocentric thing to tattoo and pierce the body... and my eye brows raised.

Long before today's fashions, people of all cultures and non-European backgrounds adorned their bodies with jewels and symbols to be used in ritual and healing processes, a sacred way of bringing mind-body-spirit into flesh form... Everything in the body was sacred, we were sacred beings living a spiritual lifestyle... And it all had meanings.

And all this person could think about was today, right now, the ways things are apparently working in life...

Why do we forget to open our minds to the bigger picture of things?
There's a HERstory in everything you know.

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Sunday, October 24, 2004


Spirituality gives me a freedom, that I need to make my own set of rules about life and what it means to ME...

But when 2 people meet and have spiritual values, no matter what the background school of thought...the same connections happen -and its a click.

I love it when that happens--like we just get eachother and what we see in life.
Its what I like to see as the same frequency level...tuned in to another of the same... And thats when it gets good!

And there is that understanding that we as individuals are evollving with every moment, ready to burst into another moment...

I feel that at the end of the day, we are all so similar...we are all seeking something within, yet we want to go on a creative mission to open our thoughts, to show the world how we work...

But feelings are never really reflected in the exact way -thats when we need another to bring it back out... and no painting or poem really explains our dimensions quite right...

I just met a new click mate.

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Now, people might not like what I'm going to say but here it goes anyways...
Coming out from a comment that a friend told me today...

In order to be a feminine person --do we really need to be wearing frills and make up?!?

Honestly, I've seen more feminine woman and naturally beautiful women wearing baggy pants and bare face than many of the girls with cake face on.

I have no problem with make up and skirts --On occasion I love to wear them and I wear subtle make up now and again... I don't like people with too much make-up though, it makes me wonder why they decided to cake it on...
But just because today is a baggy pants day, am I less of a woman for it?!?

I question my brother all the time when he jokes about me being the tom-boy type...
Whatever happened to being naturally beautiful counts more than cake face to put a face on?

And when it comes down to it--are we really judged by the stereotypes of what a feminine woman should look like?

So I guess I'm just ugly then, in most people's eyes for being a tom-boy at heart right...
So if I'm not following a media's perception of being a 'woman' then I have my own ideas of what womanism means...

Oh well.

What is the standard of someone being feminine?What is your definition of a feminine person?Do we as females need to be wearing make up and skirts/dresses to be more feminine?Or being feminine something we have inside?Does more feminine mean more beautiful or pretty...In your eyes?And in the media's point of view?And from a fashion point of view: Are we less of a woman for wanting to wear no makeup and dresses/skirts?

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READ THIS BLOG: Blackgold's Spot 

Blackgold's Spot
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What is that all about?!?
Has it always been like this and I'm just late in observing this trend that the youth seem to be in?

...OK, that just made me feel old saying that...lol... But seriously...

I'm walking across the road and this boy (not a boy but still- about 18 or so...) has got his tight tracksuit bottoms half way down his butt, his butt cheeks up in the air showing his boxers...and his tracksuits hanging off like he's done a doodoo...

So the car stops and waits, the green light is about to turn on and I'm already across, he's still slowly walking in the middle of the street until he realises that he needs to get a move on...And just when he starts to run, his loose tracksuits around his legs causes him to fall flat on his face...

Now I know this is gonna sound mean, but I laughed along with the driver... Not out loud though.

Why the hell are so many young men walking around looking so ridiculous!!!
I feel like telling them to just pull their pants up and stop feeling their crutch at the bus stop. No shame.

And then both sexes hang around like a pack of sheep, talking out loud and wolf whistling at one another... Just the other day I was held up on the street by a bunch of boys coming out of the hair salon, chanting some things... While some girls would like that, I just think its the silliest thing to do --and they knew it too.

I can't help but feel that every silly comment from the pack are just an ego boost to make them feel the strength that they lack to just go out and do things for their Self -- not just in attracting the opposite sex, but in life as a whole.

Why does anyone need the approval of others to achieve?

I must be slow, coz I've only really seen this the last 2 years---

The youth look LOST. I mean really LOST.
And it worries me... It worries me to see so much lost talent and potential with the trends that are surpressing their youthful mind to achieve greatness.

And it makes me upset to see that they all have to rely on their 'sheep herd' to get the needs of feeling like a real man/woman.

Sitting at the bus stop while some are doing their jam with useless words, inspired by the useless music that is being blasted out of every stereo in London and world wide...

Now I'm not saying music is useless, but the choice of commercial music is the same crappy message, designed to just be a fun fantasy or illusion that takes our mind off the real issues.
The media playing its games again...

And if we're talking about people who are no longer teenagers, then...

Oops, did my bubble just burst... I think it did.

Its a crime to be so LOST.

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Whats your dream?
Why do you think you might not make it?
And what makes you so sure that its not possible?

I'm a dreamer -- but thats not a bad thing, it just means I keep my imagination tapped into the endless possibilities out there...

And when you're a dreamer, it also means taking the right steps to just get out and try to make it a reality...

So whats the point in dreaming and then waking up --to do NOTHING about it?!?

I've felt for so long, that I'm meant for something bigger... I know so many of us have a dream that we feel is just plain silly, but I really believe it is possible now...

I'm not asking for fame, I'm not even wanting to be rich (although I wouldn't complain if I did lol!)...
I just feel that when we are in tune with our inner journey and transmit it into our outer reality, amazing things can happen...that are right for us...

So I'm just doing my bit and taking the chances given to me... and I'll see what happens...
Dreams are there for a reason.

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Saturday, October 23, 2004


The things that seem harder as I get older:

Just some of the few things that seem to be getting hard --and I'm only 24! Shame on me!

I've been meeting new friends --not just people -- but friends and in a way I find it very liberating that I am in a new stage in my personal path, but it seems people are more closed to meeting friends... and issues with trust seem to come in all the time.

And then I'm a loner at heart, so I need to make that extra effort to get up and meet new people, and keep in contact!

But I'm not pushing it... I know if people are right for me, they'll show up at the right time.

I just met this person who I saw in the temple when I first came to London ( 6 years ago...), and there he was... saying HI! It took me by surprise but it was very good to see an old face again. Made me see how long a journey I've walked.

And makes me wonder where I'll be in the next 6 years...

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A BLOG TO READ: From My Soul to Your Screen:The Life and Times of Diane Dixon 

From My Soul to Your Screen:The Life and Times of Diane Dixon
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I have been kicking my Self for turning down a radio show inteview from a well known station across the UK... and I swore that the next time I would get such an opportunity, I'd grab it with both hands and tight too!

So, my time came again -this time, even better! A magazine journalist wanting to write about MY therapy work... For someone who only started a year ago, this has gotta be amazing luck!

And it also comes down to the hard work I put in on promoting my therapy work...
Everyday is like another chance to get people out there to notice what I do, and it has become a really good habit now!

Not just talking about my therapy work, but in my personal life... It really did feel akward at first to 'sell my Self' but soon I realised how vital it is to be honest about what our journey is and what we feel we are contributing...

And people respect you for that.

When one door shuts, another opens wide WIDE open.
Very true!

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Saturday, October 16, 2004


Just when you think people open up, and they are real in your mind... They suddenly shy away and show you another side of the same coin, going into defence mode.

Have we become so scared of being our real Self, that we now have created a whole new image to present to others?

Is it ever really possible to just be both sides of the coin?

I know it is wrong to be dissappointed with someone I barely even know, that would mean that I am judging them... And how can I judge anyone? I can't judge anyone fullstop.

It just felt like a small part of what humanly connected with this being, suddenly turned so cold as the world came and took over their conscious.

Yet, I knew that this person knew, that I knew....if that makes any sense.
Its a clear understanding.

So, its a strange connection, a rare moment in a large city where people rush by so quick and everything is business as usual...

Nothing is what it seems.

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Always Keep Pen & Paper Handy
This works well for me because I have a bad memory and often will not recall a good story idea or line of poetry or whatever. Even if your memory is excellent it's still a good idea, simply because having it on paper gives you something to start with, an idea of where you want to go even if it's just a line or two you jotted down on a scrap of paper. It's best, however to have a little notepad just for that purpose, something you can keep in a pocket.

Read As Much As You Can & Read Variously
Reading a lot gives you an idea of what you like. You will be most successful as a writer if you write about what you enjoy. Reading various subjects and writers gives you an idea of the infinite types of writing styles out there, which can give you confidence in your own. If the only thing you read is Horror novels and the only Horror writer you've ever read is Stephen King, chances are that you will sound like Stephen King in your initial efforts at writing horror. You don't want to get trapped in mimicry. Develop your own voice.

Write Every Single Day, or Close To It
Writing may be your hobby, it may be how you want to make your living. Either way, it's a craft that needs fine-tuning. Writing something every day, even if it's just a journal entry, keeps your writing "muscles" in shape and helps you to develop your own style. A professional dancer or athlete stretches their muscles on a regular basis. The serious writer needs to do this with their mind.

Take Yourself Seriously
If you are afraid to proclaim yourself a writer, why should anyone else accept you as a writer? If you feel timid about being a writer, why should anyone else take you seriously? Every writer feels that their work could stand improvement, so don't let the lack of perfection hamper you from getting your work out there or at least beginning to create. Be proud of your craft. It is an important skill that you have. Good writing affects the world.

Schedule Your Writing Time
Treat your writing as if it were a paying job that you have to go to. Put it in your Planner, Palm Pilot, whatever, just schedule it and keep to the schedule. If you have to leave your house to make this effective, then do that. Remember a lot of Harry Potter was written in a coffee shop.

Practice & Preparation
Preparation : By -- Ralph Marston
The most reliable way of being in the right place at the right time is to prepare yourself for it. Great opportunities are everywhere, and the people who benefit the most from them are those who are the best prepared. Preparation can be tedious and it's not usually very exciting, yet the results it brings can be tremendously exciting. Being sufficiently prepared will open doors for you that you otherwise would never see.

The time and effort you spend learning, practicing, developing your skills and laying the groundwork for achievement may not pay off immediately. Yet those efforts spent in preparation will indeed pay off, and when they do, they'll pay off in a big way.

Your time is never wasted when you spend it to become better prepared. Athletes win because of practice, and businesses succeed because of the skills their people have developed. Those who achieve do so because they have prepared themselves to achieve. There's no better way to be genuinely confident than to know that you're prepared.

Do your homework, lay the groundwork, build a solid foundation, be prepared, and become truly confident. When you're prepared, great opportunities will virtually jump out at you and the best thing is, you'll be ready for them.

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Thursday, October 14, 2004


...And gave me all I needed in this first week of exploring...


You never really know people until you KNOW them.... so many people have suddenly surprised me with their inner beauty, it has been amazing...

And then when I am in balance, I attract balance in others - and people see you in the real light of day... and you see them too.

It can be such a beautiful world when we open our energy to the vastness of it.

And its just araound the corner if you want it.
We just need to open it up with a new start -no baggage, no limits, just love.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2004


I am a hybrid of:
Progressive Girl
Granola Girl

Click on the pictures below to read more:

Progressive GirlGranola Girl
Take the 'What Kind of Girl Are You?' quiz at CookingToHookup.com

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Sunday, October 10, 2004


Since my grandfather died, things have never been the same ... something really hit home to an issue I had been putting off for years...In the end, I lost someone that I wish I had known better. A great man.

I'm no longer taking any chances, I've made the effort to contact many old family ties, with good results!

OK, so my Spanish and Arabic is very rusty but I'll just have to learn...

Roots start from our own.

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Its that time when things won't really pick up until I get a few knots tied securely, so I get on with a nice fresh start next year.... Right now, the old knots are coming apart -again.

So I'll slug it out until it finally works out and there is a nice firm base to work on.... Whats the point in trying to get ahead when the foundations are all wrong. These foundations need to be concrete before I can even think of what comes after that.

Luckily, it didn't take long to find a solution - it even surprised me that things showed up when they did! ...a little more time and things should work out nicely -I hope!

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Saturday, October 09, 2004


OK, so I didn't achieve much yesterday, but I started something small that will do for now...

And I'll reward my Self for that, because even though I would like to take bigger steps, I know this small step is just a start to many more small steps that lead to big results.

Its amazing what can happen when you put your mind into something and just GO for it, with all your will and energy...

I think the hardest step for anything is always making the choice to dedicate and commit your Self to take the first step. It was the same with my locing journey, and my ambition to become a holistic natural therapist -and now this...

And from all that, I've learnt to take each small step slowly and do the best I can to make sure that step is a job well done, then I can move on to the next without having to move back again.
So, even though I don't like what I am going to start, I know in the bigger picture, it is well worth the effort.

And who knows... maybe I'll meet others on the way who will bring the next step just one place nearer... networking is everything sometimes.

YOU-niverse always brings opportunities when we choose to be aware and commit to the journey.

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Thursday, October 07, 2004


Got a package in the post today -and wasn't expecting it...

And out came a sunstone wrapped in material with a necklace to go with it.The strangest and best time to receive it!

Energy travels fast!

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In this week so far....

I have pushed my Self far FAR out, well past my comfort zone where I feel comfortable -and into a place where I feel I am starting to really get to grips with a few inner fears.

So they say, the best way to tackle and eliminate fear is by heading straight for it and comforting it. 'Shaming' the fear into extinction.

And what did it feel like? Very uncomfortable to begin with, but surprisingly rewarding for the few hours here and there that have tested me. It was worth every minute of it.

Its so true that fear is what we blow out of proportion. We think we know how a situation will be or how others will react, we assume we will end up doing the worse thing possible or not handle the situation in our best manner... We underestimate the will to succeed in our Self.

Then we surprise our Self when something inside takes over, and runs the show.

Yeah, there was nothing to lose. And all to gain.
So I got it!

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Friday, October 01, 2004


I can't believe it...
Time really is against me right now, I need to go and really work hard to get this back on track...

This snail pace is getting me nowhere!

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moon phases






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