
Sunday, October 24, 2004


What is that all about?!?
Has it always been like this and I'm just late in observing this trend that the youth seem to be in?

...OK, that just made me feel old saying that...lol... But seriously...

I'm walking across the road and this boy (not a boy but still- about 18 or so...) has got his tight tracksuit bottoms half way down his butt, his butt cheeks up in the air showing his boxers...and his tracksuits hanging off like he's done a doodoo...

So the car stops and waits, the green light is about to turn on and I'm already across, he's still slowly walking in the middle of the street until he realises that he needs to get a move on...And just when he starts to run, his loose tracksuits around his legs causes him to fall flat on his face...

Now I know this is gonna sound mean, but I laughed along with the driver... Not out loud though.

Why the hell are so many young men walking around looking so ridiculous!!!
I feel like telling them to just pull their pants up and stop feeling their crutch at the bus stop. No shame.

And then both sexes hang around like a pack of sheep, talking out loud and wolf whistling at one another... Just the other day I was held up on the street by a bunch of boys coming out of the hair salon, chanting some things... While some girls would like that, I just think its the silliest thing to do --and they knew it too.

I can't help but feel that every silly comment from the pack are just an ego boost to make them feel the strength that they lack to just go out and do things for their Self -- not just in attracting the opposite sex, but in life as a whole.

Why does anyone need the approval of others to achieve?

I must be slow, coz I've only really seen this the last 2 years---

The youth look LOST. I mean really LOST.
And it worries me... It worries me to see so much lost talent and potential with the trends that are surpressing their youthful mind to achieve greatness.

And it makes me upset to see that they all have to rely on their 'sheep herd' to get the needs of feeling like a real man/woman.

Sitting at the bus stop while some are doing their jam with useless words, inspired by the useless music that is being blasted out of every stereo in London and world wide...

Now I'm not saying music is useless, but the choice of commercial music is the same crappy message, designed to just be a fun fantasy or illusion that takes our mind off the real issues.
The media playing its games again...

And if we're talking about people who are no longer teenagers, then...

Oops, did my bubble just burst... I think it did.

Its a crime to be so LOST.

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