
Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Boosting Your Courage & Confidence

Courage is not just something for big screen heroes. Courage is just something you can choose to put on whenever you need to move out of your own special comfort zone. Think of courage as a magic and invisible hat you can put on whenever you need to do something that seems scary or strange.

Try this:
Stand up and close your eyes.
Imagine a circle of chalk around you. That circle is your comfort zone - the things you do now, how you are now, things you don't like now but are just used to.

In your imagination see a magic hat at your feet and bend down and pick it up.
Put it on and feel a power surge of courage blast through you.
Take a big step forward and re-draw the chalk circle to take in that new space.
Now get comfortable in that new zone - imagine doing the scary, risky things you might have to do to get what you want and to get to where you want to be.
See how it will be.
Hear what you will hear.
Feel the feeling of achievement.

Now, every time you think to yourself "I can't do that" or "I'm not confident enough" say to yourself "I'll take courage and put on my courage hat - that will get me through". Taking courage has an amazing side effect...

Courage gets you confident!

Every time you push out your comfort zone circle and do something scary, your confidence and pride in yourself will increase. The sum total of all your own courageous acts is the energy pack of your own confidence, which will work for you in the future.
Read on for some confidence tricks!

Related LinksOne Life: Confidence CheckOne Life: Ulterior Motives


I feel that as an individual I am confident, but I think everyone can benefit from learning to expand the comfort zone and reach to new places --no matter how confident we feel.

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