
Sunday, October 24, 2004


Now, people might not like what I'm going to say but here it goes anyways...
Coming out from a comment that a friend told me today...

In order to be a feminine person --do we really need to be wearing frills and make up?!?

Honestly, I've seen more feminine woman and naturally beautiful women wearing baggy pants and bare face than many of the girls with cake face on.

I have no problem with make up and skirts --On occasion I love to wear them and I wear subtle make up now and again... I don't like people with too much make-up though, it makes me wonder why they decided to cake it on...
But just because today is a baggy pants day, am I less of a woman for it?!?

I question my brother all the time when he jokes about me being the tom-boy type...
Whatever happened to being naturally beautiful counts more than cake face to put a face on?

And when it comes down to it--are we really judged by the stereotypes of what a feminine woman should look like?

So I guess I'm just ugly then, in most people's eyes for being a tom-boy at heart right...
So if I'm not following a media's perception of being a 'woman' then I have my own ideas of what womanism means...

Oh well.

What is the standard of someone being feminine?What is your definition of a feminine person?Do we as females need to be wearing make up and skirts/dresses to be more feminine?Or being feminine something we have inside?Does more feminine mean more beautiful or pretty...In your eyes?And in the media's point of view?And from a fashion point of view: Are we less of a woman for wanting to wear no makeup and dresses/skirts?

Good Topic...

To me, Femininity is an energy. It is a manifestation of energy. Many think that if one's gender is female they have to act in ways that are stereotypically feminine. As you said, girls/woman who don't fit that mold are called tom-boys. Dichotomous, either/or thinking such as that is very, very limiting. It suggests to people that they cannot be themselves. We are a union of opposites. We all have feminine and masculine energies within us. We have fathers/men who can be nurturing, and Women who can be very analytical and aggressive.

We should be able to manifest what is within without being labeled, judged or criticized but we know that that rarely happens.

Although society often attempts to dictate what is feminine, I believe that Femininity is personal. We have to define our own realities. I used to struggle with this very issue. Wondering if I was feminine enough for this or that person. I like jeans and sneakers. They are more comfy. When I want to dress a little more girly I do that. But when I don't I still know that I am a woman. When we are comfy with who we are inside, it will show. It will seep out of the pores...that confidence.

Don't believe the hype about what someone else tries to tell you about who you are.

...Sorry for being long winded.
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