
Thursday, August 26, 2004


Dear Universe,
Let this be the start of new ventures and plans,
A new space for positive health and life,
A new vibe in friendships to be found,
An end to the past few years of struggle.
Let this be a time to enjoy,
A new journey to follow,
And a blesing in so many ways.
Please give me strength to see where my goals are,
Be aware of my potential,
Lead my path with righteous intent.
Let this move be a new freedom to discover.

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They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis."

It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.

You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.

You look at your job... and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.

Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life and are constantly adding things to your list of what is acceptable and what isn't. One minute, you are insecure and then the next, secure. You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.

You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such damage to you. Or you lie in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent enough that you want to get to know better. Or maybe you love someone but love someone else too and cannot figure out why you are doing this because you know that you aren't a bad person.

One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap. Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic.

You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life for yourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be a contender!

What you may not realize is that everyone reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out.

Send this to your twenty something friends.... maybe it will help someone feel like they aren't alone in their state of confusion.....


...Yup, being in the 20's is a b**ch!
Just another stage to get through.

This article made me laugh, its not exactly what I feel I'm going through in my head but I can see what they re trying to say with it... Just a month ago I was watching a program on the topic - how the people in their 20's seem to be under so much stress -more than ever before.

Now, I'm not sure if its right to say the last statement, but I do know many in my age group tend to look and compare their lives to others around them -what have you achieved so far? How high up the job ladder are you climbing? And are you still messing around with different people while others are married? I hate comparisons... I don't think its ever fair to compare our life journey to someone else's -just because they are the same age.

I no longer wish to have that kind of unnecessary pressure from others.
They do their thing -I do mine.

The only pressure I wish to have is from my own expectations of what I want.

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Bags piling up with clutter and old memories...
And I STILL have so much to get through before I'm done...
Why the hell did I carry all that stuff with me all these years?!?
Or was I just being completely lazy by not wanting to go through it...
Or just looking out for excuses again...
One thing is for sure -its all out!
In black bin liners and ready to throw far away!
Thank goodness for that!

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Wednesday, August 25, 2004


It was a month ago when I was waiting patiently in a cue at a shop... When I turned around and saw a friend who I used to hang out with 5 years ago...
She didn't even recognise me! At first I took it down as my locs from the back look different -I had extension braids at the time we were friends.

We chatted, the usual -'How's life with you? What are you doing now? Are you still in contact with __________?' -that kind of thing.

It got to the point where I asked for her new mobile number -typed hers in then asked if she wanted mine. She hesitated. Then she asked''Whats your name again?'

OK, that took me by surprise -this was a girl that I had seen almost every single day at the time, had some good times and met many friends with... And she can't even remember my name?!?

Wake-up call! Time seems to be moving faster than I thought -people just seem to erase the old and get on with things.

Now, as in all new stages, there are times when you are faced with new situations -Before, I would have run a mile before slowly taking my first few steps towards it. Now, I just enjoy embracing it.

Its the same things like the above simple situation that remind me exactly why the old needs to stay -the old.

Embracing the new means that I know what my choices are and no longer want to shy away from it. It means new possibilites. It means a new way of starting over in my mind. Its a new attitude towards my approach in things.

~~~I've been quick to close my eyes and avoid really looking at whats happening?
So what is happening exactly?
While I have been so hard focusing on some things, other factors have been working their way through this change... I caught a glimpse of it today on my coffee break. All these new things that are slowly showing their Self to work towards my goals and my future...

It comes back to the same point, when I KNOW what I want -things have a way of turning out that way.

My problem? I have been avoiding it for years. And getting nowhere.

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And I'm stuck on this computer finishing up a few things with my work...

So I took a break and started to search and never stopped, looking through all the blogs one by one -going throguh people's minds and their dimensions...
So its this time, and I still haven't finished the damn article I was supposed to be typing up!

But its made me see how many things are out there -its crazy how easy one forgets the expansive possibilites of the world, where anything can happen and people lead lives that are just so different than our own...

My square world... Then I see again... I take a few steps back and notice how amazing things are and what I am taking for complete granted!

And I SEE whats out there for me -- if I want it. The bigger picture in life is....

London is getting old on me -really. Sure, it has everything you could possibly ask for in one city... but its not me anymore. And I know hat I have to leave this place before I become just another marking on the pavement.
Its amazing how how our mind and system work best with what it knows -every 5 years or so, up until thisyear, I have been on the move to a new location -new people, new place to get settled into and a new start. Sounds like I was running from place to place, but it felt so natural -so this time around, I'm feeling a little uneasy about having to face the same old -my system wants for me to just leave and be gone.
This time, I have people here who are important to me and I can't just up and go on. Thats the huge difference. But I welcome that! I'll just wait for a while, get my work done until the day we can move on together.

Yup, there are places out there that I want to see and feel.... I'm a born traveller,
And this city has just past its expirary date.

...Time for this butterfly to move on.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Its funny how the people who openly and LOUDLY claim to be 'open minded' are the ones who jump into any situation with pre-programmed stereotype images and history to back it up... Then have the nerve to say afterwards, 'But I can understand why they would do it...' Maybe it is because I have been locing, fighting my own stereotypes and my attitude towards things, that I notice this more...

Stereotypes are for the lazy people who find it more comfortable and easy to just make their mind up about something -with no extra thought behind it. For the people who can't deal with real life or are accepting that ignorance is bliss... Thats fine by me.

Easy to avoid when you can walk past strangers which you most probably will never lay eyes on again, hard when they happen to be family who just don't get it -and to be honest, I can't be bothered to explain. If they are happy to live life that way, then thats fine. I know better than to waste precious energy explaining my Self --- They really don't want to hear it.

Like I probably said a thousand times before, being open minded is not a medal to parade around, its a choice in how you decide to live life -learning with each individual you meet, each experience and accepting that we don't know anything really -we can only really expand. There are so many people out there who take the easy option and decide that they know it all already - That they are probably 99.999....% right in any given situation and that if someone else has a different opinion, then they are probably 99.999....% wrong.

There is no right or wrong -in most day-to-day situations.

Ofcourse, I'm not including the other extremes... crossing several boundaries that is in the no-go zone.... But in most people's lives, we are just living and expressing our thoughts.... What is right in the mind of one, might not be right in another -but the actions are there to suit each individual...If they're not harming anyone, then why say they are wrong or put them in the nearest labelled box so we can handle it easier...

In life, there is no easy way ... Just a healthy curiosity.

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NOW THIS IS SAD!!! And why didn't anyone tell me?!?

I had it all planned that I wanted to go and see one of his talks in the near future, get all the info and really try it out for my Self...This guy was a genuis! And his work is amazing!

Just had to put that in! I'll be trying out his herbal work for my Self very soon...

And I'll come back with the results.

Light and energy.

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A little restless these days -things flying through my brain at speeds I can't even understand lol... It has been making me feel a little shifty in my ways, stressed too.

So now more than ever, its time to get some routine challenge going...

Now, that sounds very simple but when things don't feel very settled, 15 minutes seems like a waste of time when I can't even relax, let alone meditate or do yoga in peace.

Its in times like this that I need to ground myself and keep my focus -I've been all over the place and I feel that I am well behind target because of this.

These are hectic times -so I need a calm mind.

This is a basic grounding visualization. Try it outdoors first to practice connecting to Earth. Then you can do it anywhere.

~Stand with your feet solidly beneath you shoulder width apart.
Balance yourself by swaying front to back and side to side until you find your "center".

~Bend your knees a few times to limber up your legs and get your energy circulating.

~Inhale deeply and exhale fully, then repeat.

~As you continue to breathe deeply, picture yourself as a tree.

~Your arms and hair are branches. Your torso and legs are trunk. Picture roots extending from your feet into Earth.

~Each time you inhale, feel energy coursing up into your body through your roots and into your legs, torso and finally into your arms.

~Each time you exhale, feel your roots extending deeper into Earth seeking new energy.

~When you feel "full", thank Earth and let your roots retract until they disappear back into your feet. You are now "grounded" in your body.

Thank goodness for this grounding technique , 5 minutes of this visualisation and I am ready to begin my work.

A few things I can't do without when I'm trying to rearrange my head ...

  1. Write everything down, each night (when my brain is working the best), I write a to-do list for the next day -And I try to stick to it.
  2. Wake up and give m Self at least 10 minutes of me time to compose my Self before getting into the morning routine.
  3. I like my quiet in the morning to keep my mind at rest, ready to face the day.
  4. I can't jump in straight into breakfast, so I sip herbal tea to get my system off to a good morning start.
  5. I'm definately not a morning person, so keeping a regular sleeping pattern makes it so much more easier to wake up and get my head going.
  6. I like to give my Self plenty of time so I never have to rush about. Otherwise I just forget stuff.
  7. Look good, feel good -thats so true!
  8. Keep things simple and work each step at a time, don't think too far ahead until I have finished the step I'm on properly.
  9. Keep a book of cut out pics and scribbles of future dreams -and look through it every other day to remind my Self of what I'm trying to achieve with the work.
  10. "YES -I believe in me!" -repeat over and over until I feel strong enough again to continue.


Now I need to just get out and start it up.

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I am blessed -This person's soul is beautiful!
Just one of those days when I look at him and remember why he's my cutie!

I just had to smile again when I thought of him....

I am truly blessed to have this gentle soul in my life.

... Yeah, I got you babe!

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Monday, August 23, 2004


Come on...lets just be honest ...Don't look at me that way or say you don't know what I mean when I ask simple things...

Would life just be so much easier if we didn't assume things -and actually asked upfront? Instead, we interpret things, play with ideas in our minds and keep the thoughts to our Self, even though you're dying to ask it out loud...

And then someone comes along and states it simple. And others can't handle it.Pause

Why is it intimidating to have someone speak up and be open? Be genuine.

It seems that most of us go through life observing good thoughts and feelings about others but never voice their mind -we forget to give the other compliments when they do things we appreciate, we forget to ask direct questions to get to know strangers, we forget to be our Self... by avoiding the uneasy feeling of putting our Self out there to another...

Stop being afraid. Aren't we just running from our thoughts?
Or is it all about our mask to the outside world?

The Goddess Mawu

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Sunday, August 22, 2004


Again, I come back to this book... Stored in the back of my book shelves, I completely forgot about it for a while... And now its back again.

Knowledge is a source that primarily comes from tapping into Self and making interpretation of what we already really know -yet never brought out... That is how I view knowledge. I think many people make the mistake of thinking that gathering information externally will give them the right start ...

What is the right start to looking at info?
Its about looking inside, seeing where your inner info lies, then the external books and info from others simply compliments it and lets it grow...So this book has been all about making my Self grow with my inner knowledge.

The source was what made me aware of what I wanted to learn about... made me open my thoughts to seeking it in the outer world.

Back to being a WOMBan...

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...That I like what I see when I look in the mirror
...That I wouldn't change anything for the world
...That I think I am a beautiful person
...That there is no shame in admitting my acceptance for ME

Sure, I'm not the most beautiful, most intelligent or most ________ that walked the face of this planet, but I love who I am. And I don't feel I should be ashamed to admit it either -there's a difference between being arrogant and confident.

Its taken a long time to get to this place in my mind - many years, particularly when I was younger in feeling like the ugly duckling, and battling through my personal thoughts of how bad I look, feel - but I'm here now. I'm finally here.

I think I was concentrating so much on the bad things, or less attractive bits -that I forgot to give my Self credit for any of the good.

I'm a package -and I accept it now, even when others don't.

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This last year has been very transitional -moving more than once and being able to restart up in new locations...

Gives me the chance to really travel light -physically and mentally -getting rid of all the things I don't need any more but liked to keep for sentimental value...

All that clutter -I managed to get a few bags of it in the rubbish tip outside. And then it makes me wonder why I ever kept half the stuff! Its not like I needed it -I hardly ever saw it until I started packing... So this was definately a mental de-clutter as all the past issues were thrown out of the window -quite literally.

Remind me again why I didn't throw it away? Simple answer: I felt these things were still part of my life... These things symbolised an area in my mind that held the memories very strong... These material reminders where adding up over time as I decided to make excuses for keeping it... I felt I was still there holding on to something...

What a relief! Like all letting go, it was vey hard to see these precious items gone, a little empty at first -but my God, did I feel light! Looking at all the remaining things packed up in neat bags and I really saw where ther was now room for....

I'm going to make a point to clear up my stuff every 3 months now -throw all the things that are old and make room for the new...

Open my mind and Spirit to the new, Be gone with the old!
Give me the space and strength I need to let go of all the things that no longer are right for me!

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Saturday, August 21, 2004


Feeling a little drained and blank right now, the same feeling I get after one of those long days of doing work... Gives me the chance to catch up in silence, no thoughts.

So often our minds are racing ahead and taking decisions without even taking a step back to look at the whole situation...

Just the other day, I thought I accidentally offended a work friend with a few words -Spent the whole day bringing the situation up in my mind, what I should have done and where... Got all hyped up to apologise and when it came to it, she gave me a blank look. "What are you on about?!?" was her answer .
When I explained, she laughed and said she knew I was not saying it in a bad way, I was in my jokey-jokey moods...

It was all in the mind. All those so-called made up situations and thoughts, turning into something that is more confusing than it should be...

How often do we really make more out of a situation than needed?
Does your mind work with worry?
How 'real' are we seeing things?
Can we ever really seperate our fear from our reality?

Sometimes a little silence and a reality check is all we really need.

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To the bad apples....
You just don't get it... do ya?!?

You're not the first or last person I'll come across that will try to be funny with things, make excuses for their bad behaviour -get used to the fact that I don't care.... No more time, emotions or thought given to the losers out there who try to get control mad on others, put others down, correct my so-called 'wrong' ways with their 'right' -its all ego. Ego that needs to be fullfilled by others' and their loss.

When will you realise that things have just taken its journey and ended to the point where you are the only fool losing out with what you are doing... ?!?

Waste your time trying to get to me -Its your loss.
I'm happy without any of that worry in my life.
I know better now than to waste time explaining to someone who just doesn't want to see my views.
I feel better that I am free to be rid of this bad vibe.

To the toxic people -get lost. I won't be missing you.

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Friday, August 20, 2004


It used to be that I loved working in an unstructured way -go with the flow, work with what I know and take things gradually...

However, the last few months have been a shift in my work mentality...
How do I best work?

Everyone goes through it at one stage in our life, where things are still up in the air... The difference is, some people thrive on this type of excitement while others don't!

The there are some who can work with both -and choose to go one way or another...
As much as I love not knowing what will happen at work the next day, a small part of me wants to get some routine going. For me, routine now symbolises a way to program my mind and physical energies to work and know when to work in the best way -and most importantly, to be able to have a Spiritual plan of the day...

I love to keep busy -but its hard to keep busy when things don't ever seem to come at the time when you want. But do they ever? Atleast with planned routine, I KNOW my day works to give me all the time and freedom I need...

No more last minute rushing about. No more long blanks while my mind starts to slowly get it Self together for the next best option when the first fails.

Can living in a world of Spiritual planning also give me the freedom to work with my creativity?

Creativity seems to turn on and off at funny times, so this is one challenge I'm willing to work out.

The thing is, time is too precious to waste while my creative streek decides to come back -my work is too important to be rushed.

I want routine. I need routine.

And I need to see if it really does work for ME.

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A few things to meditate on...

Let my instinct show me the path, effortlessly guiding me to the place where my work and love lies...
Give me the strength to follow my dreams and take each day as a step forward to achieving them...
Send me love and light in times where I need to be in total focus, during the day and night, through my thoughts and actions...
Open my world to possibilities and awareness...

Let my path be light and love.


In times during the day when I have just a few moments to spare, I repeat these affirmations in my mind -slow and controlled breathing, awareness of my body's movements and heart beat.

In more ways than one, affirmations have changed my moods and energy levels when I feel drained -a quick pick-me-up and go statement to remind my Self where I am in my path to positive action and awareness.

For more info:

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Thursday, August 19, 2004


Like I always say, its never easy being on a path that most don't appreciate or overstand... there are many times were the stereotyping aims to put my thoughts down as others are embedded with ideas of false assumptions... and for those who know me and read this -I'm sure you've heard me rant about it...

If my energy is supposed to be good -then why all the bad reactions?

The simple answer I tell my Self: Its not meant to be easy, Nothing good comes from easiness... Bad reactions are from those who wish to shield their Self from being 'exposed' ... Positive energy works in a weird way -On the one hand it heals and shines bright, reaching to those who are open to it - but on the other hand, it seeks out the opposite and challenges it to work with it, which might cause a negative reaction.

It reminds me of the time when I started to learn to eat cleansing foods -washing out my physical system, expecting to get even healthier but saw my body react in a bad way -acne, less energy and feeling rather s**t. This was just my physical getting rid of all the toxins... and with time, the real results began to show through - its the same now.

My distant healing work is soon to start -For those of you who are taking part, I'm thankful that you have given me your time and patience as I get my Self prepared to work with my Teacher on it.

One of the things my Teacher tells me over and over again -my healing can only work if I am healed. These days have been very mixed as I prepare to take the next step into my healing course -And with the correct attunments, Teacher has shown me that energy works in more ways than one. And so I am learning -that channeling energy is a serious process of focus ans serious dedication. Learning to give energy to those who are like and not waste energy to those who feel repel.

Slowly, I am beginning to see that for my Self.
Its about to begin.
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Creativity is best nurtured in a focused atmosphere. Recognizing the distractions which life can provide, we offer these tenets to provide guidance and support to all.

by Moon Dance.org

You will always remember: You are a creative woman.

You will honor your creativity by nurturing it.

You will honor your sister's creativity by nurturing it also.

You will allow yourself to take creative risks.

You will use your creativity to express and increase the beauty of the world.

You will use your creativity to express truth.

You will use your creativity to see more beauty.

You will allow yourself and your art to be a work in progress.

You will allow your creativity to be the "true voice" you hear when others may scoff.

You will accept and love yourself during times of feeling fallow, trusting this quiet time is necessary to precede new birth or creation.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2004


The key to success, said a close friend, is simply the ability to be aware of potential opportunity.

If this is true, then I feel my awareness has been very poor -just in the last 2 months I was slow to spot the not-so-obvious chances of getting in places that I only ever dreamed to reach right now... What stopped me?

Question is: Where was my mind at at the time? Too busy to notice!

Its the barrier I put my mind in -the fear of the comfort zone being taken away is still very much alive. I like things in the place I know best. Take that away and I act on observation -which doesn't always prove to be an obvious quality to others.

This barrier seeps through my aura in many ways -On the one side I feel empowered by the freedom that I have found to live MY life (not anyone else's) -Yet the other side is still getting used to the possibilities. Fine tuning opportunity is a skill I need to work on.

I also see it as a Spiritual skill of being able to seek and receive what the Universe rightfully gives to you -In these dimensions, I feel secure... I spot a like soul a mile off...In the work place, I work in silence -which works against me most times.

The Universe takes each day to a place where you may reach potential -in whatever it is that you have been tapping into. Small or large. Its like all those times you can't remember something and knock your braIns out thinking -yet ...Then a week later it just hits you while you take a shower to work -the Universe and the subconscious are working double time in energy you put out.

How intense is that Universal energy? Are you working with or against your passion to achieve?

You can be putting out all the right energy but if your awareness is poor - the results don't come.

So I'll just breath in, calm my thoughts, be in that relaxed state of receiving -and in its own time, I will see what opportunity is.

In the hustle of today's world, are our minds really calm enough? -In that relaxed state, we achieve greatness, we are in control over Self. Easier said than done while rushing in public transport and jetting in and out of busy streets... That control over calmness -That is the state I want to reach. The rest just makes sense afterwards.

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Week commencing Saturday, 14th August 2004
CANCER (Jun 23 - Jul 23)
They say, 'Money can't buy you love'. But very few people know what love is. They mistake lust for it, or romantic excitement, or some other form of emotional intensity. There are some who argue that the only real love is 'unconditional'. Yet, who can swear that we will continue loving a person, no matter what they do? Perhaps we don't really know. Maybe money can buy you love, and maybe it can't. It certainly can't buy health or happiness. Or wisdom, or peace of mind. So there. That's what money can't buy. Soon, though, as the Moon grows new in the part of your chart that governs wealth, you may find out what it can pay for!

I'm not one to read my horo's often -Infact, I only ever read one horo over the years as it has proved to help me make a little sense out of things... ( http://www.cainer.com )

If only life were as simple as making a few lines of words to mean different things to everyone, take what you want from it, leave what doesn't compliment your thoughts...

This Cancer knows that instncts count for so many things in life -never a day where I make a decision without looking at my instincts and meditating over it. This Cancer is emotionally lead ...I work with my heart and my brain gives into it... I lay low, watch the tides and flow... And I never really take step without first observing the cycles of things...

A little down on my luck with the green, pockets seem to be empty these days as I try to follow a not-so-solid path in this life... Half of me wants to get a job that doesn't make my thoughts sing -just my bank happy. Infact, its not really even a choice anymore. So its a process of looking for something that doesn't drive me in any way... thats life. Thats the bottom end of the curve right now.

But I give thanks that I still have a dream, that I know dreams do come true and that it is just a temporary phase that I am going through. How many can say that and mean it?

Hard work, a little patience with bad luck and I'll be on my way...

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This time last year, If you had told me that I was going to stop eating meat and actually enjoy food better -I would have looked at you like "WTF?!? "

Coming from a background where meat was present in every meal, it never even crossed my mind that meat eating would be one of the huge habits that I feel has made my physical form suffer -Spiritual form then taking the knock on effect. For many reasons, I just felt that it was time to take meat ou of my nutrition, make a new start to cleanse my whole body and being.

Over night, a few things started to make sense -and I stopped. My fuse broke and I really saw that change would mean a whoile new mind set in the way I eat, sleep, live and think...
No urge to even touch the stuff, just a few minor cravings at the beginning when I was starting to learn that feeling 'full' is not always about consuming meat.

Even as I write, my work mate has finished putting together a cooked meat meal -while my stomach is telling me to go get some fresh air. Its toxic, it feels toxic, the smell suddenly takes another form of meaning to my senses. My body has decided to literally cut off any connection with it.

Sounds radical -Maybe it is, but for me it has been a huge result. Its not for everyone, but I see it as a personal mile stone in my challenge to make life a cause for promoting soul living.

Physically, I feel new energy... the energy to feel more humble, take a back seat and feel light, to be light -in all ways. The power of the mind never ceases to amaze me.

If we believe and know that something is right -nothing can stop it.

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A few ghosts remain in my mind, Where dreams still hold people from years gone by that show up out of now where -in my head and in my life.

I was walking through Amsterdam to find my name being called across the street -2 friends from my past days greeted me with a huge smile and keen to catch-up in the space of 5 minutes. Don't get me wrong -these 2 girls were very close to me and still are, distance and time played a huge part in our loss of contact. Yet to this day, we still have the same image of eachother in our mind, from the last day we saw eachother ...Nothing has changed, only situations change.

Time and the past suddenly seem so opposite.

This is just one example of a few simmer situations lately.

And it got me wondering how the past affects the spiritual growth... Some say LET GO, others say HOLD THE MEMORY DEAR... But what has worked for me?

When we decide to cut off the past are we intentionally making a conscious decision that it doesn't count?
How much of the past can we really cut off -the whole or partial past?
In terms of Spiritual growth, are we a product of our past? If YES, then can we really ever let go?
In making the decision to learn from the mistakes and move on- Is that simply running away from a small portion of 'past'?

And what does it mean when the past comes back to show itself, unannounced?
How willingly do we let it in, after making that choice to let it go of the whole past?

It has a little while now that I decided to just let go of things, taking mistakes and moving on, remembering good times and forgetting the bad. ...Letting the Universe cleanse the remaining left over emotions of connective energy that still surrounds me. I believe time and healing work hand in hand, not to be forced by my impatient ways...

So I guess the real question is, where do I go from here?

Isn't it just time to let go of everything, not just one thing?
Then maybe I can really move on...

The Universe works to test my choices...

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Tuesday, August 17, 2004


....just taking time out for me me me! No -I'm not being selfish, I deserve the chance to stop playing a role of nurturing others... Today is my day off to nurture ME...

This is what I feel so many people forget to do during their week -They have lists of all the things that are 'important'...(and those things are)... but then they forget to add their name down for a 15 minute quality time session with their Self.

WHY!?! I appreciate we all have busy lives, but taking care of your Self shouldn't be any less important.

Nothing selfish about that. Today I want to put those feet up and let life just float on by...No worries.

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Monday, August 16, 2004


moon phases

...Watching you, As you watch me -Beaming through my window in darkness and light, Reflecting off my moods and thoughts -You are light. You reflect my inner Being and cause attention to my changes in flight.

Bless to the Goddess of the Sky. She watches on....

Its a connection I have with HER... through the ages I've seen how good She has been in my life as I spiralled through the good and bad times.

In trouble, I let Her rays shine through my window at night, even when the clouds have hidden her presence.

She is always there, watching and calming my tides and solar system within... Bless the Goddess.

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Its that time again where I've got that itch to write and write ...and dream of all the possibilities in life... And start to be a force of cause for what I feel I believe in...

How many of us really do things in our day-to-day life for something that we know we want to be part of.... ?!? Be honest now!

I seem to be finding my Self in situations where people are just complaining and moaning about life, yet when I ask what they are doing to sort it out....they look at me completely blank.

Isn't it time to stop talking and start doing?!?

After a few attempts to get a group of people together to promote a good cause, I was disappointed to find that people eventually faded in their comittment to the group -leaving everyone annoyed, picking up the left over efforts... But I am willing to re-start this avenue of hope and give my Self a chance to get involved... Activism is not a hobby, its a lifestyle! I really believe so. Activism means that every action -big or small- is counted for.

So here are a few things that have worked in the past:

~Hiring workshop rooms in local centres for meetings -a chance to promote

~Do your research on the topic... know the negative and positive sides to the story.

~Weekly stalls with flyers and petitions for people to sign and be involved

~Work with what you know how to do best and enjoy

~Always carry flyers with you to promote your work

~Network, network, network!

~Hold an event of poetry or open mic by your group, the themes surrounded with your cause -people love that!

~Get in touch with your local newsletters and start writing articles

~Get on radio and speak out -pirate stations are brilliant to work with, more people seem to tune in!

~Have an online group website so members can post up their progress and organise meetings

~Good communication between members is key

~Every day is a chance to go out with a message

~Give each member the freedom to do their thing too

~Start of small, it goes a long way

~Support your striving students, go to the university and hire a stall on open days.

~Support your local artists -its a two way thing -both promoting work.

~Make an online newsletter that posts straight to members' emails, collect emails with your petition work and add them on -

~Look for online communities and submit articles, they might even give you your own section to write in!

~If you are trying to gain extra cash for the cause or for a charity, do a sponsored nature walk

~Children love getting into action, talk to local school about organising events

Who said activism has to be boring! I think people like to be involved whn they know its not just all about the work -finding creative ways to bring people together doesn't cost so much money, just a bit of time and patience!

Now how the hell am I supposed to really make a difference alone?Not with that attitude lol- If we all thought like that, we wouldn't get anywhere! What we don't seem to realise is that within our Self is a vast space of power to make change happen -maybe on a small scale, at first -but then do you really know where the kindness goes and who you enlighten.... it spreads, and we don't always see the effect. Heal our Self first, teach others knowledge of empowering their inner strength and courage, inspire them to achieve dreams and they in turn go and expand the cycle... its not all lost with one small action.

Activism is activity... is never ending. It follows a cycle that returns somehow to us -through many other forms. Thats chi.

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Its rush hour, the tube is packed, crammed like srdines on our way to our usual work place -that is what I have to look forward to in the morning -along with many others...

Shifting feet, bad BO and bored faces.... Can't help but wonder and amaze my Self with how many realities I am sharing this small space with... What thoughts are going through their heads? What bad s**t happened to them this week, what made everyone in here smile recently?

Do we meet others by sheer accident? Where we put together in this small space for a reason -apart from daily routine matters.

How many realities have you passed today? Each person being a door to a whole new world of thoughts and ideas that have slowly been shaped through life choices and life changes...

Then I remember that the outskirt of our looks don't matter anymore -So many of us wear the mask within our own friends and family day-to-day, so how crazy is it to assume we can unleash the realities of other strangers?!?

Maybe its time to start really letting go of judgement. To really let go of it.

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HOLD ON THERE... Did I Just Forget To.... 

...Now where did the time go from age 20 up to now... did I just forget to plan my life? Or did I have too high expectations that I scared my own Self into not accomplishing them? Maybe I'm just not giving my Self any good credit...?

I really do feel that life works in crazy ways and things NEVER turn out the way we hoped or planned -so I didn't plan... and here I am. Happy -yes. I'm grateful for so many things... but am I really feel that room for improvement and planning is needed...

Serious planning.

Knowing what you want in life, in my opinion, is really beginning the planning process. I didn't know what I wanted for so many years before I finally got my Self to look at what I wanted -not what anyone's expectations hoped for. So much time and energy wasted trying to fight the inner Self until eventually it spilled over...

I've hit base. My plans are ready. No more time wasting -just go.....

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Saturday, August 14, 2004


I've been in a state of reflection this whole month -getting back to really getting into 'me' -for whatever that means at that minute...

This time last year, I was picking up the pieces of so many lost things... thats the one thing I'll remember 2003 as -my year of loss. Both through a physical and spiritual sense. What I didn't really know was that it would later on lay the foundations to something better... All the dissappointment of close ones who surprised me in a bad way and the loss was just a test to what I really want to achieve.

Time really heals -even when we don't realise it. I think the main thing that kept me going through rough times was having faith that things will start to turn around -turning Self into another form of growth.

Life is growth -Life is not meant to just be about the good times -Pain is Happiness unmasked, it shows us what is wrong with our Self and what we need to do to promote happiness.

Loss is a start to new ventures -we create an empty place to be filled with the new. Loss is learning not to take things for granted, to open our hearts to what we really know we should be expressing.

Bad times are just the ending of another stage -let time do its thing and heal with inner love.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2004



Did you ever have a relative or so-called friend who consistently said demeaning and critical things to you? "Are you going out dressed like that?" "You’ll never amount to anything!" "Why don’t you go on a diet?" and so on, and so on. Are you still going through this? If so, why are you letting this go on? You are having your self-esteem, energy, and spirit be diminished or extinguished. Even if it is claimed that these comments were being made "for you own good", if you look at it objectively, you will see that they have not brought you any benefit and in fact have caused you to suffer. Understanding this is "Moha".

Technically, Moha translates from Sanskrit as "Delusion". Philosophically though, it is much more. There are probably billions of people in the world right now who understand the real meaning of Moha. Because of this, they lead their lives in a much saner, rational, inner peace-producing manner than we do in America and other countries where the concept of Moha is virtually unknown. Basically, it means that you put up with stupid (although not necessarily unintelligent), mean spirited, or negative people just because you have some kind of nostalgic connection to them. So, if they happen to be related to you, have known you for years, work with you, have the same friends, or whatever, they feel entitled to bring suffering into your life. Sometimes this comes in the form of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual direct personal attacks, and sometimes just by their own ongoing habit of expressing negativity about life and things in general. And you continue to let them be part of your life. Pretty delusional reaction, isn’t it?

So, now that you know about Moha, you must, for your own well being, cut these people out of your life. It is very much like the suggestions that AA, NA, and other 12 step programs make - don’t associate with people, places, or things that will bring you down. It is really very simple. If something brings you peace, it is "good" and should be encouraged. If something takes your peace away, it is "bad" and must be eliminated from your life. Sometimes, because of economic situations, like your job, or due to relationships, like your in-laws, you must continue your physical contact with the people who you realize are "bad" to and for you. You must then at least divorce yourself mentally and emotionally from reacting to their comments. As a matter of fact, you can gain from seeing them for the pitiful beings they are and feel compassion for them. After all, they have to wake up every morning and spend all day in their own miserable company. But you must never let them "get under your skin". You owe nothing but compassion to anyone whose words or actions cause you to suffer. This will free you to create a life full of those things that you have found to be "good" for you. And you will live happily ever after.


I came across this article -and it really hit home to me. Over the last few months, I have really started to open my mind to this concept...

How positive is your environment? Your work place? Your home life?

...A gradual process of eliminating other factors that may be negative takes time -but in the long run -worth it!

Slowly slowly, I've been looking at the way things are in my life -the loss and the things I have gained -most importantly, the things I take for granted... and I realised that for everything in our life that we can't change, we can change our Self -our attitude towards the negative.

Some situations aren't going to change overnight, some people are always going to be in our life...

Its time to stop wasting energy on the things that are no longer an issue.

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Its one of those things that goes OFF and ON for long periods of time. Tried and tested: Universe knows.....

The universe sends messages when you are ready,
It knows the time to listen and not,
It seeks you -you can't find it,
It knows you in ways you can't explain.

Trust Universe, Then it will trust you to know what to do...
Universe hears every thought, Every sound and action...
If you act in love - you gain,
Act in fear -you lose.

Universe is all around - don't fight.
Just love it for what it is.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004


When we shed the need to control, to feel that we are in control over our emotions and thoughts -by masking it with the ideal of ego,
We begin to really see. We open our Self to being in a spot of trueness, where there is no place to hide -where the Universe decides to take control for us -then we can relax.

Is it easy to lose our sense of wanting to control?
Why is it so hard to let go and trust?
Why do we feel we need to live life trying to show our best side?
Is this 'best side' really a reflection of us? Or a reflection of our EGO self?

Just a few things that have been starting to show itself to me these days....

Finally, I decided to just shed my need to feel in control ... And in a short space of time, so many wonderful things have shown up.


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It has been a long while since I have written anything in a diary form...here I go again. I miss writing!

Things have been ....testing... right now, but somehow when this month passes by, I KNOW my life will turn out for the better.

Spiritual routine requires time and space -which I am struggling to find these days. So I'm looking forward to getting things in place again -just the way I want it.


moon phases






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