
Wednesday, August 25, 2004


It was a month ago when I was waiting patiently in a cue at a shop... When I turned around and saw a friend who I used to hang out with 5 years ago...
She didn't even recognise me! At first I took it down as my locs from the back look different -I had extension braids at the time we were friends.

We chatted, the usual -'How's life with you? What are you doing now? Are you still in contact with __________?' -that kind of thing.

It got to the point where I asked for her new mobile number -typed hers in then asked if she wanted mine. She hesitated. Then she asked''Whats your name again?'

OK, that took me by surprise -this was a girl that I had seen almost every single day at the time, had some good times and met many friends with... And she can't even remember my name?!?

Wake-up call! Time seems to be moving faster than I thought -people just seem to erase the old and get on with things.

Now, as in all new stages, there are times when you are faced with new situations -Before, I would have run a mile before slowly taking my first few steps towards it. Now, I just enjoy embracing it.

Its the same things like the above simple situation that remind me exactly why the old needs to stay -the old.

Embracing the new means that I know what my choices are and no longer want to shy away from it. It means new possibilites. It means a new way of starting over in my mind. Its a new attitude towards my approach in things.

~~~I've been quick to close my eyes and avoid really looking at whats happening?
So what is happening exactly?
While I have been so hard focusing on some things, other factors have been working their way through this change... I caught a glimpse of it today on my coffee break. All these new things that are slowly showing their Self to work towards my goals and my future...

It comes back to the same point, when I KNOW what I want -things have a way of turning out that way.

My problem? I have been avoiding it for years. And getting nowhere.

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