
Thursday, August 19, 2004


Like I always say, its never easy being on a path that most don't appreciate or overstand... there are many times were the stereotyping aims to put my thoughts down as others are embedded with ideas of false assumptions... and for those who know me and read this -I'm sure you've heard me rant about it...

If my energy is supposed to be good -then why all the bad reactions?

The simple answer I tell my Self: Its not meant to be easy, Nothing good comes from easiness... Bad reactions are from those who wish to shield their Self from being 'exposed' ... Positive energy works in a weird way -On the one hand it heals and shines bright, reaching to those who are open to it - but on the other hand, it seeks out the opposite and challenges it to work with it, which might cause a negative reaction.

It reminds me of the time when I started to learn to eat cleansing foods -washing out my physical system, expecting to get even healthier but saw my body react in a bad way -acne, less energy and feeling rather s**t. This was just my physical getting rid of all the toxins... and with time, the real results began to show through - its the same now.

My distant healing work is soon to start -For those of you who are taking part, I'm thankful that you have given me your time and patience as I get my Self prepared to work with my Teacher on it.

One of the things my Teacher tells me over and over again -my healing can only work if I am healed. These days have been very mixed as I prepare to take the next step into my healing course -And with the correct attunments, Teacher has shown me that energy works in more ways than one. And so I am learning -that channeling energy is a serious process of focus ans serious dedication. Learning to give energy to those who are like and not waste energy to those who feel repel.

Slowly, I am beginning to see that for my Self.
Its about to begin.
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