
Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Its funny how the people who openly and LOUDLY claim to be 'open minded' are the ones who jump into any situation with pre-programmed stereotype images and history to back it up... Then have the nerve to say afterwards, 'But I can understand why they would do it...' Maybe it is because I have been locing, fighting my own stereotypes and my attitude towards things, that I notice this more...

Stereotypes are for the lazy people who find it more comfortable and easy to just make their mind up about something -with no extra thought behind it. For the people who can't deal with real life or are accepting that ignorance is bliss... Thats fine by me.

Easy to avoid when you can walk past strangers which you most probably will never lay eyes on again, hard when they happen to be family who just don't get it -and to be honest, I can't be bothered to explain. If they are happy to live life that way, then thats fine. I know better than to waste precious energy explaining my Self --- They really don't want to hear it.

Like I probably said a thousand times before, being open minded is not a medal to parade around, its a choice in how you decide to live life -learning with each individual you meet, each experience and accepting that we don't know anything really -we can only really expand. There are so many people out there who take the easy option and decide that they know it all already - That they are probably 99.999....% right in any given situation and that if someone else has a different opinion, then they are probably 99.999....% wrong.

There is no right or wrong -in most day-to-day situations.

Ofcourse, I'm not including the other extremes... crossing several boundaries that is in the no-go zone.... But in most people's lives, we are just living and expressing our thoughts.... What is right in the mind of one, might not be right in another -but the actions are there to suit each individual...If they're not harming anyone, then why say they are wrong or put them in the nearest labelled box so we can handle it easier...

In life, there is no easy way ... Just a healthy curiosity.

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