
Monday, August 16, 2004

HOLD ON THERE... Did I Just Forget To.... 

...Now where did the time go from age 20 up to now... did I just forget to plan my life? Or did I have too high expectations that I scared my own Self into not accomplishing them? Maybe I'm just not giving my Self any good credit...?

I really do feel that life works in crazy ways and things NEVER turn out the way we hoped or planned -so I didn't plan... and here I am. Happy -yes. I'm grateful for so many things... but am I really feel that room for improvement and planning is needed...

Serious planning.

Knowing what you want in life, in my opinion, is really beginning the planning process. I didn't know what I wanted for so many years before I finally got my Self to look at what I wanted -not what anyone's expectations hoped for. So much time and energy wasted trying to fight the inner Self until eventually it spilled over...

I've hit base. My plans are ready. No more time wasting -just go.....

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