
Wednesday, August 18, 2004


The key to success, said a close friend, is simply the ability to be aware of potential opportunity.

If this is true, then I feel my awareness has been very poor -just in the last 2 months I was slow to spot the not-so-obvious chances of getting in places that I only ever dreamed to reach right now... What stopped me?

Question is: Where was my mind at at the time? Too busy to notice!

Its the barrier I put my mind in -the fear of the comfort zone being taken away is still very much alive. I like things in the place I know best. Take that away and I act on observation -which doesn't always prove to be an obvious quality to others.

This barrier seeps through my aura in many ways -On the one side I feel empowered by the freedom that I have found to live MY life (not anyone else's) -Yet the other side is still getting used to the possibilities. Fine tuning opportunity is a skill I need to work on.

I also see it as a Spiritual skill of being able to seek and receive what the Universe rightfully gives to you -In these dimensions, I feel secure... I spot a like soul a mile off...In the work place, I work in silence -which works against me most times.

The Universe takes each day to a place where you may reach potential -in whatever it is that you have been tapping into. Small or large. Its like all those times you can't remember something and knock your braIns out thinking -yet ...Then a week later it just hits you while you take a shower to work -the Universe and the subconscious are working double time in energy you put out.

How intense is that Universal energy? Are you working with or against your passion to achieve?

You can be putting out all the right energy but if your awareness is poor - the results don't come.

So I'll just breath in, calm my thoughts, be in that relaxed state of receiving -and in its own time, I will see what opportunity is.

In the hustle of today's world, are our minds really calm enough? -In that relaxed state, we achieve greatness, we are in control over Self. Easier said than done while rushing in public transport and jetting in and out of busy streets... That control over calmness -That is the state I want to reach. The rest just makes sense afterwards.

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