
Sunday, August 22, 2004


This last year has been very transitional -moving more than once and being able to restart up in new locations...

Gives me the chance to really travel light -physically and mentally -getting rid of all the things I don't need any more but liked to keep for sentimental value...

All that clutter -I managed to get a few bags of it in the rubbish tip outside. And then it makes me wonder why I ever kept half the stuff! Its not like I needed it -I hardly ever saw it until I started packing... So this was definately a mental de-clutter as all the past issues were thrown out of the window -quite literally.

Remind me again why I didn't throw it away? Simple answer: I felt these things were still part of my life... These things symbolised an area in my mind that held the memories very strong... These material reminders where adding up over time as I decided to make excuses for keeping it... I felt I was still there holding on to something...

What a relief! Like all letting go, it was vey hard to see these precious items gone, a little empty at first -but my God, did I feel light! Looking at all the remaining things packed up in neat bags and I really saw where ther was now room for....

I'm going to make a point to clear up my stuff every 3 months now -throw all the things that are old and make room for the new...

Open my mind and Spirit to the new, Be gone with the old!
Give me the space and strength I need to let go of all the things that no longer are right for me!

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