
Wednesday, August 18, 2004


This time last year, If you had told me that I was going to stop eating meat and actually enjoy food better -I would have looked at you like "WTF?!? "

Coming from a background where meat was present in every meal, it never even crossed my mind that meat eating would be one of the huge habits that I feel has made my physical form suffer -Spiritual form then taking the knock on effect. For many reasons, I just felt that it was time to take meat ou of my nutrition, make a new start to cleanse my whole body and being.

Over night, a few things started to make sense -and I stopped. My fuse broke and I really saw that change would mean a whoile new mind set in the way I eat, sleep, live and think...
No urge to even touch the stuff, just a few minor cravings at the beginning when I was starting to learn that feeling 'full' is not always about consuming meat.

Even as I write, my work mate has finished putting together a cooked meat meal -while my stomach is telling me to go get some fresh air. Its toxic, it feels toxic, the smell suddenly takes another form of meaning to my senses. My body has decided to literally cut off any connection with it.

Sounds radical -Maybe it is, but for me it has been a huge result. Its not for everyone, but I see it as a personal mile stone in my challenge to make life a cause for promoting soul living.

Physically, I feel new energy... the energy to feel more humble, take a back seat and feel light, to be light -in all ways. The power of the mind never ceases to amaze me.

If we believe and know that something is right -nothing can stop it.

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