
Tuesday, August 24, 2004


A little restless these days -things flying through my brain at speeds I can't even understand lol... It has been making me feel a little shifty in my ways, stressed too.

So now more than ever, its time to get some routine challenge going...

Now, that sounds very simple but when things don't feel very settled, 15 minutes seems like a waste of time when I can't even relax, let alone meditate or do yoga in peace.

Its in times like this that I need to ground myself and keep my focus -I've been all over the place and I feel that I am well behind target because of this.

These are hectic times -so I need a calm mind.

This is a basic grounding visualization. Try it outdoors first to practice connecting to Earth. Then you can do it anywhere.

~Stand with your feet solidly beneath you shoulder width apart.
Balance yourself by swaying front to back and side to side until you find your "center".

~Bend your knees a few times to limber up your legs and get your energy circulating.

~Inhale deeply and exhale fully, then repeat.

~As you continue to breathe deeply, picture yourself as a tree.

~Your arms and hair are branches. Your torso and legs are trunk. Picture roots extending from your feet into Earth.

~Each time you inhale, feel energy coursing up into your body through your roots and into your legs, torso and finally into your arms.

~Each time you exhale, feel your roots extending deeper into Earth seeking new energy.

~When you feel "full", thank Earth and let your roots retract until they disappear back into your feet. You are now "grounded" in your body.

Thank goodness for this grounding technique , 5 minutes of this visualisation and I am ready to begin my work.

A few things I can't do without when I'm trying to rearrange my head ...

  1. Write everything down, each night (when my brain is working the best), I write a to-do list for the next day -And I try to stick to it.
  2. Wake up and give m Self at least 10 minutes of me time to compose my Self before getting into the morning routine.
  3. I like my quiet in the morning to keep my mind at rest, ready to face the day.
  4. I can't jump in straight into breakfast, so I sip herbal tea to get my system off to a good morning start.
  5. I'm definately not a morning person, so keeping a regular sleeping pattern makes it so much more easier to wake up and get my head going.
  6. I like to give my Self plenty of time so I never have to rush about. Otherwise I just forget stuff.
  7. Look good, feel good -thats so true!
  8. Keep things simple and work each step at a time, don't think too far ahead until I have finished the step I'm on properly.
  9. Keep a book of cut out pics and scribbles of future dreams -and look through it every other day to remind my Self of what I'm trying to achieve with the work.
  10. "YES -I believe in me!" -repeat over and over until I feel strong enough again to continue.


Now I need to just get out and start it up.

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