
Wednesday, August 18, 2004


A few ghosts remain in my mind, Where dreams still hold people from years gone by that show up out of now where -in my head and in my life.

I was walking through Amsterdam to find my name being called across the street -2 friends from my past days greeted me with a huge smile and keen to catch-up in the space of 5 minutes. Don't get me wrong -these 2 girls were very close to me and still are, distance and time played a huge part in our loss of contact. Yet to this day, we still have the same image of eachother in our mind, from the last day we saw eachother ...Nothing has changed, only situations change.

Time and the past suddenly seem so opposite.

This is just one example of a few simmer situations lately.

And it got me wondering how the past affects the spiritual growth... Some say LET GO, others say HOLD THE MEMORY DEAR... But what has worked for me?

When we decide to cut off the past are we intentionally making a conscious decision that it doesn't count?
How much of the past can we really cut off -the whole or partial past?
In terms of Spiritual growth, are we a product of our past? If YES, then can we really ever let go?
In making the decision to learn from the mistakes and move on- Is that simply running away from a small portion of 'past'?

And what does it mean when the past comes back to show itself, unannounced?
How willingly do we let it in, after making that choice to let it go of the whole past?

It has a little while now that I decided to just let go of things, taking mistakes and moving on, remembering good times and forgetting the bad. ...Letting the Universe cleanse the remaining left over emotions of connective energy that still surrounds me. I believe time and healing work hand in hand, not to be forced by my impatient ways...

So I guess the real question is, where do I go from here?

Isn't it just time to let go of everything, not just one thing?
Then maybe I can really move on...

The Universe works to test my choices...

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