
Friday, August 20, 2004


It used to be that I loved working in an unstructured way -go with the flow, work with what I know and take things gradually...

However, the last few months have been a shift in my work mentality...
How do I best work?

Everyone goes through it at one stage in our life, where things are still up in the air... The difference is, some people thrive on this type of excitement while others don't!

The there are some who can work with both -and choose to go one way or another...
As much as I love not knowing what will happen at work the next day, a small part of me wants to get some routine going. For me, routine now symbolises a way to program my mind and physical energies to work and know when to work in the best way -and most importantly, to be able to have a Spiritual plan of the day...

I love to keep busy -but its hard to keep busy when things don't ever seem to come at the time when you want. But do they ever? Atleast with planned routine, I KNOW my day works to give me all the time and freedom I need...

No more last minute rushing about. No more long blanks while my mind starts to slowly get it Self together for the next best option when the first fails.

Can living in a world of Spiritual planning also give me the freedom to work with my creativity?

Creativity seems to turn on and off at funny times, so this is one challenge I'm willing to work out.

The thing is, time is too precious to waste while my creative streek decides to come back -my work is too important to be rushed.

I want routine. I need routine.

And I need to see if it really does work for ME.

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