
Tuesday, November 30, 2004


A WHOLE heap of poetry (and dust) was pulled out from my store cupboard...

I never knew I had so much of it! So, the process of going through it and typing, editing it , etc. begins today...I'm also on a mission to make the cover this week, I love black 'n white photography and I have the exact image in my mind of what I'm looking to get....

The wheels are finally in motion...

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When I started my work, I knew I was destined to meet wonderful people along the way...But what I never dreamed of was meeting people across the world and doing my sessions with them...

Over the last 2 weeks have restarted my distant healing for FREE, similar to reiki and working with energy...It has opened up a whole new level of how the Self healing process works...

And I just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to all the people who wrote in and tried it out -- the feedback and comments have really been a valuable part of my process in learning --not all good, but thats what makes it so wonderful! And I've met so many beautiful people who have shared their stories and personal thoughts with me.

The biggest reward: Knowing that the soul and the YOUniverse has so many gifts that don't take much time or effort to unravel.

If anyone is still interested in it, email holisticlocs@hotmail.com and I'd be happy to get in touch and discuss it!

At this time, I am especially passing some healing and light to a distant friend who I have known for many years who is going through a very difficult time after a tragic accident. We met when I was 14 and since then, we have had a very 'free' friendship, somehow always coming back to eachother and finding out about eachother... Shge has seen so many firsts and sides to me as I have been growing up. I just hope that she gets my thoughts and prayers now. There's always a reason why other people come our way again...
Light and Love Faria!

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Monday, November 29, 2004


This is something I have been wanting to do for SOOOOO long, and I finally have the chance to set something up... And with a good deal, I don't lose anything in the process...

So all those poems that are collecting dust are finally going to see light!

I had it planned years ago...I even worked out the title and image on the front.
Now its possible.
Keep you all updated!

The sad thing is I haven't been actively creative in a long time, it takes time to get back into that flow of things... retraining the mind to see things in another light that can be used creatively. I was working over the weekend with my friend, and it really inspired me that she saw everything like a potential art piece or photo take... We would be in the middle of the street and she would suddenly stop me and try to express her way of seeing an object that she comes across... And I just smiled. I love that! I love that she was really alive in her work... and creative thought.

I remember how I used to be that way, not sure what happened... All my thoughts are suddenly blocked in the project that I'm working on now...

And I forgot to look up and really see...

So, if I focus my mind now on something, I'll be back to that state again.

I can speak to people and it would never be the same, like I would say a sentence and most people like to just get straight to the point. But when we write, we are offering our thoughts on different dimensions...We can take that same sentence, change words but then take the next sentence into another mind set, another way of looking at it, then return to the point. We can play with images in our minds when we write, things that are associated with the the actions, not always directly linked... It invites the reader to go up and down lines, levels and visions.

And the beautiful thing is, we can all start today to write and explore.

I want to write, I love to write, I don't always make sense lol...but it is my freedom.

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CHECK OUT THIS BLOG! hair journey: February 2004 

hair journey: February 2004
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I love Europe, I love evrything about the places I've been so far ...the smell, the streets, the good variety of foods and different tastes...

And I love that Europe is so different from when I was younger --times have really changed, culturally. Its so wonderful that I feel more alive with my Afro-European roots... Not that I wasn't intune before, but it is not the same to be living ni the UK.

I remember just before my grandad died, we went to his favourite Spanish restaurant, tucked away in one of the side streets of Madrid where no tourist could find... And as always, we sat in his favourite table. Minutes after, 2 black cubans came in....and sat down next to us for a meal...Now this might sound SO stupid, but YES, I was a little shocked! When I grew up going to Spain, I would never see a black face --if I was lucky, once in a while. So to see these 2 walking in a very cultural spanish restaurant, it made me smile.

The plan is that in a few years, I would like to revisit and live in mainland Europe, somewhere.
But until I get that chance, I'm doing my info searching...

Isn't the internet so wonderful? A whole new generation of people connecting and learning and bringing people together...

I've found quite a few portals that I would like to share:

...notice how I seem to have a fascination with France for some reason. Hmmmm.
I was always too young to really experience France properly, so I'd like to see it in a new light.

I was talking to my 'twin' ...a really sweet girl who is half Italian and half Nigerian. It was so good to finally connect and see things through another level...She understood everything I was talking about about the issues that Europe is now going through. The fact that being an African-European has been a completely different experience in mainland Europe, than in the UK in general. Going to school in mainland Europe, breaking through a few conservative European issues and being accepted.

Times have changed --and people are forced to open their minds as cultures fuse and mix. Europe is expanding its borders and with a whole new flood of people mixing and travelling...

What a wonderful time to be in Europe!

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CHECK OUT THIS BLOG! raskal trippin 

raskal trippin
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Saturday, November 27, 2004


The sleep state -- a time when our body is renewing its Self, the time when our soul is reviewing a few things as it attempts to solve the open endings that often happen in our life, maybe even travelling out of the body to seek a higher Self...

And then the alarm goes off, and our Self is forced to return quickly into the body...

Have you ever woken up and just felt 'misplaced' or like falling back to the sleep?
This is not the way spiritual or conscious sleep should feel like when the body awakes. The whole point of sleep is to wake in a good state, feel refreshed and go into full physical gear again...

The trouble is most of us don't get that feeling as we struggle to get ready for work/school and overdose our Self with caffeinne to feel like we are ready to function...Who are we kiddin'?

This is why the routine of sleep is a sacred one. Who we lay next to at night or at any sleeping moment is also another time when our energy is constantly soaking and becoming in sync with the surroundins... So why would you lay next to a toxic soul? Think about that....

And if we were to just take 15-30 mins of conscious positive thought before/after our sleep...wouldn't it just set everything in a smoother motion?

The old saying: Never go to bed on an arguement...
Truth behind it!
Your mind soaks up and stores all those negative images/thoughts and carries on working through it during your sleep --this is the time you should be absorbing and going over positive and progressive thoughts...
Just because you are asleep, does not mean your mind and soul is.

So next time you get some shut-eye for the night, have a think about what it is you are about to let your Self into... (assuming you are getting 8 hours sleep a night...)
8 hours of fasting
8 hours for your Self to really heal...
8 hours of seeking the future...

End the day with a start to a fast with some herbal tes and love thoughts...
If you wake and you feel like you have been disturbed, take an extra half hour to fully get Self back into your physical body...
End your fast with nourishing food and hearbal tea...

Take sleep seriously.

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Friday, November 26, 2004


And its not what you're thinking...

I'm talking about salt and sugar...the two things in most people's kitchens that are slowly eroding our bodies.

Even in an attempt to not put salt or sugar in our food, so much of it is already hidden in our day to day food content... we just don't notice it.

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Reading my new book...And it was going on about colours and the way it changes our emotions and feelings...So I tried it, and to be honest, I wasn't expecting it to really work...

I've been in a pretty foul mood today after hearing some news ...So I took the chance to try it out...Think pink, imagine the colour pink is being part of the breath...in and out and surrounding me...

And it had this really warm feeling to it, I actually did feel better after a few minutes of silence and quiet images.

Colours have such an effect on our mind. I think it always affects people in different ways so its time for me to get in touch with what the colours mean to me ---starting from the rainbow colours and moooving to other colours.

It mentioned that pink brings about trust and love --used in difficult situations (like interviews, confrontations , anything that may make us on edge etc)...it diffuses the barriers between people and brings pink into the room. Pink is also soft colour, melting and soothing...

I first began to be aware of the colour this season when I was walking down the streets and noticing that the 'in colour' this season is pink...all these pink coats and pink florals... It gave me a completely different feeling than most other colours...And it really made people glow in another way...a warm glow.

Colours are powerful.

I've always tried to pick colours according to my feelings, but this time I might just try to be a bit more serious about my choices.

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Its been a while since I've been out on a shopping trip, I tend to stick to a style that I like and in the past 2 years, the fashion has been something I just wouldn't wear...

But this winter is good...The problem is, most people buy the same things. And I have found my Self on so many occasions standing right next to a person wearing the same on the tube...side glances from the others and all that... *blushes*
Hate that!

Its about time I start learning to make my own clothing... I've been meaning to buy a sewing machine for years but I just never got 'round to it...so I'm on a lookout now.

I love fabrics and original prints... I have all these ideas boggling about what I would like to see out there in the shops...

So yes, the time has come to just learn how to get on with making my stuff.

I get that funny feeling that I won't be wearing any shop clothing once I get the hang of the sewing...

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Thursday, November 25, 2004


Contribute To Your Education
Contributing to your education allows resources to be available to expand the exercise of assisting others to develop themselves. Other people provided so that you may benefit, you in turn should provide so that others can benefit.

Remember The Source Of Your Information and Instructions
Remembering the source of your information and instructions is important if you are to receive further help when you need it.

Be Truthful At All Times
Being truthful at all times allows you to derive experiences from what ever you understand to be true. This is how character is refined.

Give Of Your Best At All Times
Doing your best at all times is the highest form of meditation. This allows you to pay attention to the task at hand thereby quieting your senses and faculties. This allows for a greater flow of energy.

Continually Learn About Yourself
Continually learning about yourself allows you access to more information from which to evaluate your ideas and actions.

Continually Work At Refining Your Character
Character refinement is acting on what you understand to be true. You may be doing something one way and through learning, you may realize a better way; acting on the better way is character refinement.

Be Respectful At All Times
Being respectful at all times leaves you able to receive assistance when you need it.
Do Not Contribute To The Dissemination Of Misinformation
You are responsible for your actions and the fruit of your labour. People should not support anything that they realize is not in their best interest.

Always Be Willing To Work And Save Your Finances
Work is all things you do to the best of your ability, as explained above this is the highest form of meditation. Saving your finances keeps you in a position to contribute to your learning and to acquire your needs.

Assist People Who Are Consciously Pursuing Their Development
All people who are consciously pursuing their development are always ready to assist others in such pursuits. You should do likewise.

Respect Other People's Right Not To Pursue Their Development
You may be ready to pursue higher development, but other people may not be; it is important that you remember this. All people reach the point of readiness at different times. People are evolving at different rates and people have different levels of understanding, so be patient.

You Should Not Be Sexually Active With People Who Are Not Consciously Pursuing Their Development
It is advisable that people who are taking deliberate steps to become more informed/aware/conscious only sexually engage others who are making similar efforts to improve their own character. People should use their own awareness of good character to make that judgement. If the encounter does not bring the desired benefits, then they should question how they made their choices, and improve their own character-discerning abilities.

Taken from ARTICLES

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I have been in London since Summer 1998... And from a few years of observing London, I see that London as a city is a beautiful place ...Not in terms of the actual city which is ridden with rats and dirt ...but the character is beautiful. Its a huge clash of people, like many other cities, but it has its own edge to it...

And when it comes down to it, there are only 2 distinct divides:

A. You are a real Londoner...
People who were born and raised in London, have family ties and know their ends...Pretty much in a stable way as to living in one area only, being friends and rooted within the boundaries. The accent, the culture is distinctive to London.

B. A nomad in London...
I've known people who have lived in London for pretty much all their grown up lives, but if I were to ask them if they were from London, they would shake their head. London is not home, London is a place to seek opportunity, moving from one place to another, most often with not many or any family. London attracts people world wide to take a chance, even though it is a harsh environment as its so bloody expensive. But at the same time, we pride our Self in not being from London... Friends usually come and go, there are no real roots. The best way to explain this type of Londoner is a nomad. Moving, seeking the best spot to make the best for ones Self and moving on.

I write more on type B because I feel those who are nomads in this city tend to stick together, tend to bond quicker and tend to like to meet others who are also nomads.

Ofcourse, I'm being extremmmmmely general, it might not be fair...but its just a side note on the observations.

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I'm a book addict, if I step into a book store, you KNOW I'll have to leave with something my hand. Over half of my stuff consists of books from the years that have passed on...

Then there are the other things that I can't resist...

...Now I'm sure I had more on the list but those where my obsessions...

And the latest addition to my book collection to my books is:

Your Healing Power: A Step-by-step Guide to Channelling Your Healing Energies Jack Angelo

I like to get straight in with the practical, but its so great to see that all the exercises that I have been doing, purely on intuition have been listed as ways to channel and heal.

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Share My World
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Ayurvedic Tips
First Aid
Reduce Weight by Natural Ways
Look Beautiful, the Natural Way
Remedies for Hair Loss and Balding
Taking Care of Eyes
Massage - An Easy Way to Stay Healthy

...A few things that I have picked up from this website:


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This is a topic that I would love to get into, I feel that as we only use a tiny faction of our brain power on a regular basis --there is SO much we just don't know about the power behind our mind...

We think we know best, humans tend to have this arrogance that we are the most intelligent and therefore best creatures on the planet ...but we don't want to admit that there is still so much to learn. And YES, not all of it will ever be explained by science...

This is simply because we don't really have enough power to go as far as we'd like... yet anyways.

So, my search continues to widen my thoughts on this topic.
I touched on it breifly while studying the way meditation works, very impressive stuff.

I'll keep you updated!

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004


This lady has been one of my first inspirations when I first started up my work, and she is such a beautiful soul.

Along with some great advice, she also shared her personal experiences that aren't in the book she wrote:

I think one of the best paths to success is through observing those who are already in a successful position. Through time, I have been fortunate enough to work and observe and learn a great deal.

I hope to one day be in a position where I too, am a well known healer.

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Oooooh, I am so jealous of a friend who is now on her way abroad....doing the travel thing on her own.

There is nothing like travel alone, being completely free to roam the world and see sites...I can't wait to get that chance to do that again.

I love these websites:


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I met a stranger today and she asked me what I did for a living --
I replied: Natural health therapist and healer.

She stared at me blank and then smiled: Soooo, did you just wake up one morning and decide this or what?!?

It did take me a minute to try to see where she was coming from, but then again...I completely understood. It was on the 'strange path' of things... Not exactly what most people expect to hear or grow up to be... I welcomed her honesty. Most people just ask again and then say 'ok', clearly unsure wheteher they should ask what it is exactly.

From experience, most people in my field started it up in times of hardship and health problems. And then there are some who just said they always knew it was what they had to do... And I admire them both. There always seems to be a touching story associated to how many healers start their work.

I was both, I discovered about my health condition when in 2001... In a state of denial for a while but I knew that things just had to move my way from now on... I wasn't getting anywhere, my life felt unfulfilling and I always did have a passion for health and natural lifestyle. All the ancient knowledge and wisdoms came naturally to my thoughts and mind. Along with many other things, I took a promise to start the journey.

And it wasn't easy --it was a learning process, plus a few other personal issues came about but I am now enjoying a new journey on my professional work.

All the things IT IS:

All the things IT IS NOT:

To anyone who is reading this with little or no experience of what it is...Then please be aware that there are so many different types of natural health therapies...It is not just one thing.

If you are looking for a natural therapist, contact the association that deals with the type of therapy you choose and get a list of member therapists in your area -so you know they are qualified and insured.

And always do your own homework on the subject, ask questions before starting anything and please don't continue if you don't feel comfortable with your therapist. The client-healer bond should be good and comfortable otherwise it is more or less a waste of time/money.

More Info:


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Monday, November 22, 2004


Thats a statement I strongly believe is true...For the most part, it has made sense in my life.

I'd like to say that I get an idea and then go straight for it...But in all honesty, I'd be lying.
#OK, so I am better than I used to be about hanging around with choices, maybe because I know now what direction I'm headed for... But there is still a long way to go.

And when I open it up further, I can see why this statement is real to me...When I really wanted something, I usually (not always with good results) got to where it was.

When we subconsciously decide what we want out of something, we can then really get to that place.

Unfortunately, not many of us really look at the truth behind our actions and what our subconscious is saying. I have learnt that what I feed my subconscious is what makes the action and thought process really happen...

On that level, we train the brain to store our positive or negative experiences and needs... So even when the results end up looking like shit, with a clear positive healthy subconsious, it has turned it into a positive experience.

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I was so caught up with a few minor and petty issues, that when I finally took the time to just be still and quiet ---I really felt pathetic for wasting my energy on it.

I was told by a healer once that if you are not taking the time to be at work, keep the flow of energy flowing within your work environment, then there won't be much success... And she's so right. Since going away and spending most free sessions in another side of London, I feel like I have lost touch with my imput in my work...

So, I went back for the first time in 2 weeks and just meditated. I had no client at the time, just me and my healing room. What I love about it is that when you enter the room, there is a clear and fresh feeling to it --A sudden calm hits me everytime. It has taken years and dedication through my boss to create such a wonderful space for people to relax abd recharge. I'm just so happy to be a part of that.

I thought about all the things that I forgot --why it is I went this pathway, why and how long it had taken me to reach here and where I had my dreams... All those plans that I had stored in my subconsciousness waiting to explore.b I thought about all the peopl who inspired me and gave me friendly advise, believing in thir work through rough and smooth patches.

Then I felt like all the bad left my body...And I was back again, in that fresh state of mind.

I was refocused.

Yes, I am going through a bad patch with wrk, but as of that minute, it was over.

I'm back to doing my energy healing an distant healing work.

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Sunday, November 21, 2004


You Are From the Moon

You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.

What Planet Are You From?

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You are 80% Cancer

How much do you match your zodiac sign?

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There has been something that I have been avoiding like the plague over the last year --but I did the wrong thing and decided to fool my Self into thinking that I was getting the work in progress and in shape... When really, I was subconsciously doing everything possible to just get around it...

And not knowing my actions and energy where projecting it, I now face the agony of finally confronting it...

With time, things put off get a million times worse... And the guilt behind fooling my Self is overwhelming but its time... and I need to step forward and confess to Self and others.

And I actaully feel that I am going to enjoy getting over this step.
I am looking forward to seeing a side of my Self finally revealed.

See, no matter how much we try to go forward, if we lie to Self, we just take steps backwards each time. I'm just happy to finally realise it.

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Here is a simple process to identify which crystal will work best for your specific goal.

  1. Clearly identify your purpose
  2. Look for a few crystal varieties that seem to support your goal (in a book, online, from a professional, etc.).
  3. Pick a specific specimen that offers vibrational match to your frequency.That last part is best accomplished by holding the crystal in your hand or thinking about holding it (if you're buying online for example) and state your purpose: "I want to lose weight." Always state the purpose in an affirmative sentence (so don't say: "I want to stop feeling angry").
  4. Affirmative sentences allow the flow of energy (which is what you want), while negative sentences trigger resistances. Close your eyes while you state your purpose so you can focus inward.
  5. If you are more in-tuned with your emotions, look for a good feeling (light, tingly, happy, smiling, good memories come to mind, laughing are all good). If you are more in-tuned with your body, you can use muscle testing: balance yourself upright and let your body "hover" and let it fall in the direction it wants. If you fall forward, it means you have a good match. If you fall backwards, you don't. There are many different ways to use muscle testing for this purpose, this is an easy one.



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Top 10 Gifts for the Yoga Enthusiast
Guide Picks

From Phylameana lila Desy,Your Guide to Holistic Healing.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!
It won't take a stretch of the imagination to figure out that any of these yoga selections would be appreciated by your yoga friends.

1) Yoga Sculptures
Offers beautiful sterling silver yoga sculptures depicting classic yoga poses. The sculpture pictured here is Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana II - One-Legged Inverted Staff Pose II by Lindsey Johnson.Read ReviewManufacturer's Site

2) Kundalini Yoga with Gurmukh
Energizing yoga exercise video featuring Gurmukh to help you unleash the the spirit within you to become a happy, healthy, and whole person.Read Review

3) Living Yoga
Christy Turlington's "Living Yoga: Creating a Life Practice" - Exploring the history and present day practice of yoga.Read Review

4) Yoga Art Poster
Colorful and detailed yoga art print. Order with or without frame.Vendor's Site

5) Yoga Vacation: A Guide to International Yoga Retreats
This is a practical gift for the yogi extensive traveler or anyone who is planning a yoga vacation or weekend get-away. Read Review

6) Nike Kyoto Women's Yoga Shoe
Comfortable and stylish footwear for the yoga-minded.

7) 2005 Yoga Calendar
How better to remember to make yoga a part of your daily exercise program than to have it featured on your calendar or datebook?

8) Bally Total Fitness Yoga Kit
Yoga Kit by Valeo Sticky mat 24" x 68" 72" woven cotton strap with buckle Two firm foam blocks 3" x 6" x 9" Nylon tote bag with shoulder strap. Includes yoga instruction chart.

9) OM Yoga Flash Cards
Cyndi Lee, founder of New Yorkês OM yoga center and creator of OM yoga created these "For Beginners" flash cards that portray a unique blend of Hatha yoga and Buddhist mindfulness.

10) TKO Yoga Mat
Features cushioned, non-slip sticky surface. Adds stability to postures.

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This article came right on time!


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Saturday, November 20, 2004



Britain's Real Monarch
Startling new facts came to light in research for a Channel 4 programme on Richard III. The historian Michael K Jones had uncovered what appears to be strong proof that the 15th-century English monarch Edward IV was, in fact, illegitimate, thus throwing the legitimacy of all the kings and queens who followed into question. In fact, it appears that the royal line should have extended, not through Edward, but through his brother, George, Duke of Clarence, and his heirs.

Check out our royal family tree to see who should have been occupying the British throne since the 15th century – and who should be occupying it now.

Its funny to think that all the history lessons I've spent in the younger years of school in the UK was a HUGE waste of time.

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A link to a book that has been so vital since I've bought it:

Taking the process from the basics to the advanced and beyond...

If I had to recommend a book collection that explains it all -this is the collection.

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This will be the first time I can say this and really mean it... I live in a clutter free place.

All the clutter from past and present is officially GONE! And it does actually feel rather strange to walk into a place and not see the objects that have been hanging around my space for so long...

And it feels just SO FREE! Really. It kinda blew me away to just have this space where I can now look to the future and think of what I want to do with it...instead of consuming my thoughts in the past and what every item meant to me...

It literally creates a vacuum in my mind to what happens next...a place where anything can happen and I can await to expect things...good things.

So the answer to the question:
How important is a clutter free space?

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...Sick people getting pleasure in seeing an animal being ripped apart...
Good ridance to bad rubbish.

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Being aware, awake, informed, transforming, learning, listening, observing, knowledge, overstanding... and piecing it all together to build a bigger picture.

This is a discussion I had earlier when a friend was asking me what my idea or overstanding of the word was... and I spat out all these words... Similar thoughts on that.

But when he then explained that it was a racial issue, our paths divided. See, the new world order plan is not just a racial issue, because there are many faces to the plan. It was a plan thought of far and wide from long ago...and to trust that people will open their mind and eyes to read between lines is not a 'mass' following unfortunately.

If you are consciously open, then there is no race that will just be effected -its a mission on ALL put forward to ALL of us.

Just because I am a pro-black minded person, does not mean that I am anti-white...
Infact, from many talks I know that there are many white people out there who KNOW and see exactly what is going on here... And doing the good deeds that follow.

And many will say its strictly a political issue -so if you're not involved in politics, then you're safe -right?!? Wrong!

It is everywhere, and when we open to look closer and really analyse... then doors start to open.

Truth is everywhere, it is simply skewed by the teacher.
So, whats your version?

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Friday, November 19, 2004


I know~~~I've been SO laid back, and i said I would start it up and its only now that I've booked a class after a few sessions a while agao...

I LOVE it! I love watching it, its such a beautiful art! And so symbolic!

A few links:


...There is something about this art form that is sheer magic to me...

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This is what worries me... These days, people think that all our problems will go away once we pop the right pill...

And instead, ignore the source of the issues involved.
Ofcourse, I am not saying orthodox medicine is bad.

A year ago, I watched a programme where this study was being conducted with a few classes of school children who were on the difficult side of teaching... or just way to hyper active to learn...

So they told the parents of these children to feed them on fresh food and vegies, no sugars and artificial processed foods... And would you believe that within a week onwards, those same children improved dramatically... Their level of concentration increased along with their results.

When we were kids, our chocolate treats were just that --a treat. Even then, we were scanned for which chocos to buy...

Nowadays, children consume crap at any given opportunity and this is normal...Not surprisingly, their little bodies are overloaded with energy and become hyper in the process... Just an example of a simple solution to a problem by dealing with the source.

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Another update:

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5 Tragic Stereotypes, Part I

One of the tragic consequences that occurs when a person or group is subjected to ridicule and degradation is that if it occurs long enough, the victims of this treatment begin to acquiesce and in a unfathomable process begin to take on the negative characteristics assigned by the victimizer. As Blacks in the United States and elsewhere throughout the Diaspora, this scenario has been inescapable and has in fact been successful in ways unimaginable to those who first practiced this type of psychological conditioning, known in some circles as "seasonin."

"Seasoning" to the uninitiated was a common practice where Africans who were enslaved were intimidated by torture, physical force and psychological coercion into accepting their new status as enslaved human beings. Thereby, becoming a valuable product capable of carrying out the wishes of their respective enslavers. Think of the conditioning applied to training wild horses or in today's basic training for the military, except that horses and soldiers are treated much more humanely. It is the process of breaking down an individual's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being until they are a totally new creature.

A carryover of this type of "seasoning" is that the fear of possible consequences of rebelling against the authority that exists prevents the victim from assuming their natural or previous state. They begin to exhibit characteristics of that idealized image held by the person's who initially provided the conditioning. As a consequence of this type of fear and brutal brainwashing that existed during the Transatlantic slave trade and the era of Black Codes, Jim Crow and present day continued disenfranchisement, the victims (Blacks) of such treatment continue to suffer from the legacy of these sadistic techniques and in some cases are perpetrators who out perform its most devoted non-Black adherents.

The behavior that I speak of now is not physical, it is verbal (stereotypes) and can be observed in many different ways and in fact has become apart of Black culture. It can be heard in humor, average conversations and can be major components of intellectual writings and debate. Whether it is a janitor or C.E.O., student or professor, apathetic citizen or activist, sinner or priest, many Blacks have accepted, processed, internalized and now proselytize the verbiage of shameful stereotypical statements not as fiction, but as fact.

In the age of modern media technology and the proliferation of media messages through many different mediums, these verbal "shots" cannot be escaped and thus are highly detrimental to Black communities' development and advancement.

Now, since these stereotypes are many and varied, this article will limit itself to five statements and others will be discussed in future writings. So, what are these verbal stereotypes and their effects?

Number 1: If you want to hide something from Black people, put it in a book!
This is a very offensive statement and not a thoughtful one at that. A cursory glance at historical data will demonstrate that after prohibitions had been lifted against Black people learning how to read in the US, Black people flocked to those who knew how and pleaded or cajoled them into teaching them how to do so. In fact, without the push by many Black politicians during Reconstruction (1865-1877), public schools as we know it might not exist. Reading has always been a strong tradition amongst Blacks before and after slavery. To state that Black people do not understand the importance of reading and that most do no read, is a fallacy. A better question may be, what types of materials are Black people are reading, which in itself may be an inexhaustible subject.

Number 2: Colored People Time, Better known as C.P.T.
This is another statement that hurts Black communities in numerous ways. There is the perception, held by many, that Black people are not able to start functions on time as well as Blacks as individuals are not punctual, in general. As a matter of consequence, those who constantly rely on this statement as an excuse for this type of behavior and view lateness as a cultural phenomenon assigned to Blacks, indeed provide license for this behavior to occur. People, groups or organizations that do not start things on time is a universal behavior and it is not a characteristic that can be assigned to a group. Instead, the event organizer, individual in charge, guest of honor or "fashionably late" person should instead be judged as not being punctual or professional. The blame should not fall on Black communities as a whole. After all, the people who are in attendance and who are present at that time are not late.

This stereotype also carries over to professional assessments and business determinations, which affect the perceived credibility of Blacks as it relates to economic endeavors.

Number 3: More Black Men in Jail Than In College
The reasons for this statement are obvious. It is to cite the sheer sense of hopelessness that exists for Black males as it relates to society in terms of being involved with prison systems and chances for a higher education. Yet, this statement should be clarified. Yes, there are more Black men in jail than in college. However, that is if you include all age groups. If you choose the age demographic that falls between 18 to 24 years of age then there are more Black men in college of this age range than in jail. This is nothing to be excited about, but it does provide a clearer perspective and lets us know that Black men are on the right track. By highlighting this disparity without clarification, Black men who are in college and not involved the criminal justice system receive no credit.

Number 4: Minority & Minorities
In terms of population in the US, Black people constitute a numerical minority as it relates to the White populus; however that is where the use of this term should cease. Instead of this word being used as an adjective describing Black numerical representation, it is instead used as a noun and the Black person becomes the minority. If the Black person is now the equivalent of that noun then they are in essence the definition of that word and all it implies.

See definition below:
Minority: 1. A group of people or things that is a small part of a much larger group. 2. Group with insufficient votes to win 3. Smaller socially defined group, a group of people, within a society whose members have different ethnic, racial, national, religious, sexual, political, linguistic, or other characteristics from the rest of society. 4. Offensive term; an offensive term for a member of a minority group 5. Non adulthood; the state or period of being younger than the legal age of adulthood.

From analyzing the definition, provided by Microsoft's Encarta College Dictionary, the word minority has many implications, none of them particularly impressive. As can be seen from the definition, many types of groups can be assigned this name, however in US society, only color determines if that is your official designation to be used by media pundits, scholars and your every day average citizen.

What is particularly disturbing is that this term's usage by Black individuals and communities is rampant. To automatically assign oneself to a degrading status is an indictment on one's perception of themselves and their power and role in society as an individual and of Black people as a whole.

I am not a minority and neither is any other person of color. End of discussion!

Number 5: Young people have no direction!
Black youths are often viewed in a negative sense. They are criticized for their style of dress, choice of music, way of expressing themselves and if you really think about it, for their audacity in existing at all. As a surveyor of communications media and its corresponding terrain, criticism of Black youths by their elder generations is continuous and in some cases worse than mainstream criticisms.

Although much of the imagery concerning Black youth is negative and can influence them to behave negatively, creatively a vicious cycle, most of the imagery is indeed false and portrays an unrealistic picture of those who know them intimately as sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, students or friends. In reality, if Black youths have no direction, then what does it imply about the preceding generations' role in preparing them for adulthood? Are older generations providing guidance, are they asserting their leadership or have they folded to the pressures of society and have resorted to complaining backed by inaction?

Instead of quickly indicting youth and assigning them to mediocrity or less, perhaps a greater focus should be placed on finding the success stories that are out there and they are numerous. Black youths are attending high school and college, are politically active, volunteering in their communities, playing sports, creating businesses or working, assuming all of their responsibilities and enriching their communities in ways we would be wise to recognize. Instead of continuously highlighting their immorality, faults and wrongs, perhaps they should be recognized as those who will accept the baton of leadership for the future and allies for a better tomorrow. To do otherwise would be an error that will hold negative consequences for both young and old.

In conclusion, it is possible to be one's own enemy, even if unconsciously. Therefore, a thorough analysis should be applied to our interactions with each other, both verbally or otherwise. Our present day language, vernacular and conversations that we hold with each other may seem harmless, yet it affects the way we treat each other as well as the way that we approach the society in which we exist. As humans we have choices and my choice is to use language for empowerment and not degradation, I hope you choose the same!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2004


A few things that are getting on my nerves as the season is here...

Those TV ads exploiting kids to look the sad part so that it can win people's hearts to give money to a charity that most likely uses most of the money for who ... the big cheeses in the organisation.

I'm seeing all these ads for young people to come and 'make a difference' with the charity giving and earning good money to stand in the cold and talk to people to sign up, fooling them to doing something that they feel passionate about...

And when I explain that the money in most charities go to the wrong hands, they get deeply offended.

...I could go into detail, but I'm keeping it simple.
It ( the $) doesn't go where we are told it goes.

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Domestic violence is quite rare.

Unfortunately this is very far from the truth. Research indicates that:

UK police attend a domestic violence incident every minute of every hour of every day.
It's difficult to know the true extent of domestic violence due to four factors:

For more about the extent of the problem, have a look at our Facts and Stats section.
Back to
'What is domestic violence?'

taken from this site:


I find this to be a very scary look at the reality - and a HUGE wake up call that many of us (both men/women) can be the unlucky ones to meet a person who is a potential harmer.

However, I don't feel that this is the only form of abuse that relationships can ge through ...
Just because a person has not raised a hand to you, does NOT mean they are not an abusive partner.

Abuse comes in many forms -from emotional to physical.
And what does it come down to -- In my opinion, the need to be in control over someone else. The need to feel important for their insecure sorry self.

From observation, I know it may take years for someone to regain their confidence and sense of being back after an emotional vampire contacts them... And that often, it is usually dealt with too late before the other wakes up to the reality that their partner is strictly a negative force. The energy vampire is usually clever (but insecure being) and manipulative, that knows how to hide their tracks... And spot the victim.

Unfortunaely, I don't feel that there are any stats to prove this point, but it is more common thatn we know.

So abuse does come in many forms -- All I can say is that if someone steps over a line, then they're probably going to do it again. Its best to just leave them alone.

Another set of scary stats -STALKING:

...Another thing that has been an observation in my life through friends etc...


A few scary facts to think about.

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Monday, November 15, 2004


I'm a very lazy vegie cook ... I really feel that some people look at my food and say it looks boring, but I know its simply because I just don't make any effort at all. A simple dish goes a long way for me --I don't feel I need to impress non-vegies in my family/friends to prove that my eating habits are good.

What I do love most is a simple plate of lightly cooked vegetables... fresh vegies, so I can can literally taste everything individually... And then there is the fire foods that I like to use during this season.

Going by the chinese food ideology, the hot foods balance the cold weather. And especially when I'm feeling a cold or illness coming on, the fire foods help to ward them off...

A must have: My spices.
Tumeric, black pepper, garlic, onions, a mixed variety of other spices ... all turn a cold energy dish into a winter version. Normally eaten in Summer with no spices, I can now feel the heat of the hot foods as they slowly clear the dampness that we take in with the cold weather... our body tends to store it all up without us even knowing, and with the fire food, it slowly clears the toxins and negativity.

It was last winter that I had the flu from hell ... never ending!
After trying everything, I just felt completely dozey with the medications that I had been pumping my body with from the local chemist.
And then I tried the hot concepts to my food. The next day I was good as new!

And this Winter has been an easy going process.

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Sunday, November 14, 2004


Oh dear.... You'd think that so many good artists out there would be able to step forward to sing a tribute song...

And in the UK HALL OF FAME, we get Beverley Knight singing.... (shakes head)... what is going on here?

I got all hyped up to see something and received a HUGE let-down...

But a few truths were told...I have never actually heard on TV how Elvis took Black music and made what we call 'rock 'n roll' - and we all knew that, but it was a shock to hear a few voices speaking up...

And... I'm still watching...

The media has always been f'd up anyways, so I'm not expecting too much here.
A few media profiles took advantage of real talent and a few fatter pockets happened in the process... Hmmm, what else is new huh?!?

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I just don't learn sometimes!

I have this really annoying habit of thinking that the 'perfect time' will show it Self when its ready ... And then I need to remind my Self that there is no such thing as a Perfect Time.

There is no such thing as 'Perfect'.
Its all the annoying Imperfections that make the experience perfect.

Its all the nerves that comes with doing things that we hope go 100% well,
Its the push we get that makes us just go for it, even when we feel just half prepared.
Its the faith in our Self that we will just know what to do in the moment of akwardness.

Do I just trust the process to go ahead the way it should do?
And do I trust my Self to just pick a moment and know that I can really pull it off?

There are so many things that I had planned and hoped that would come in due time ... But now I can really see that this whole Perfect time perception is just going to cost me time waste...

When I make the choice, then its just time to go with the next step.

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Saturday, November 13, 2004


I'm not one to keep up with gossip on celebs, I really don't care what they get upto... But I stumbled across a few topics on a forum about a certain ladies nipples showing through her dress... and not by accident I might add...

She (along with so many other females in the media) are in crisis ... its the same old thing, you show a bit of flesh and keep your fingers crossed that you'll get some attention and a whole new status... its terrible.

Lets face it, talent doesn't seem to be enough and women are still (in this day and age) feeling that they need to show their goods to get places.

Seems like its going to be a LONG time and wait before we move away from this rut...

This concept is getting boring. And very predictable. But its their choice at the end of the day, they're grown women who have that right to do whatever they feel.

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Friday, November 12, 2004



...This is a topic that hits home to me. I'm glad that FINALLY things are being revealed, even in a different light.

Even as recent as 1 year ago, if I told people that I was from Sudan, I would get a blank face and they would ask me where this country was...

Now, not a day goes by with out a mention of it. It so wonderful to finally see a few issues being brought to the attention of people.

The British museum is also doing a wonderful piece on Sudan, displaying its rich history and traditions:

It really was presented in such a beautiful way, taking the viewer through the past and right upto the recent days. Worth a visit!

Its the same consepts of evil all over again: Greed.

A few more links for info:

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WISH ME LUCK!!! ... 

...My moods today.

I have decided to just go for this -- I know what I want, some things just ring good bells inside and I KNOW that I'll be part of it. And that it would suit me for me. And along the way, I feel I will be able to explore my Self better, open up a few sides inside that haven't had a cahnce to breath in a while!

I rarely get strong urges, so when I feel them ...its that time to do what I 'need' to do... There's a new place to visit or see, new people to meet and share with, a new area that is calling for me to open my dimensions... And it has always proved to be a success in the past.

So, I'm making that call and just giving it all I've got.
I've got a good feeling about this one.
Wish me luck!!!

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Thursday, November 11, 2004


A little something I stumbled across as I was searching for home made recipes on incense:


I'm always on the look out for new recipes --just what I needed right now!
I think I'm going to start making a few tonight.

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The joys of being a WOMBan huh!

Its a good sign though, its a hated time for many but I really do feel that our emotional connections during the days in and around the special time, is a direct reflection of how in balance we are...

On a bad month of unrest within, I can expect to feel a bad time and bad signs ... But then there are months of pure peace where I get a good feeling with the special days.

A little discussion last night between a few friends on the topic that most like to avoid ...
Its misunderstood in this modern day and age, but we were never meant to shed...
And if we are in balance, we shed for a day or so.

Its all the bad we feed our body and mind, literally weighing down on the WOMBmaness, creating the monthly pains and moods... Since changing my diet, I feel less controlled by the bad signs ...I still have a long way to go... As said in Queen Afua's book, our WOMBaness needs to be a sacred one.

And why should it be a negative experience?

When will WOMBan begin to really tap into HER-Self and see that the cycles are a blessing, a connected factor to shedding our energies to the Earth...

I was reading a book a while ago on the topic, which mentioned the rituals that men went through to do their bit to the Earth-shed. As WOMBan, we have our monthly time to shed --but men did blood shedding rituals to return and balance the Earth with their energy.

I'm not expecting men to go out and do any of the things that our ancestors did, but maybe its time for both men and womben to honor the cycles that we both go through ... Really nourish our minds with how our connections lie with Earth, nature, God/dess (whatever you like to call 'it') and stop believing the negative impact that others have taught us...

The female Spirit is strong, as is the males.
Without eachother's understanding, we produce a bad balance.

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...and check out the links on the pages to other blogs!

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You Are Ashlee Simpson!
Stylish, unique, talented
You're your own woman!
"It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels"

Who's Your Inner Rock Chick? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

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The book:

...A book looking at the the military tactics that are involved today using the realms of the mind and 'new age' techniques to combat.

Where I first saw it, quick info:

Begins Sunday 7 November at 8pm on Channel 4 (UK TV)

Three years in the making, Jon Ronson’s Crazy Rulers of the World explores the apparent madness at the heart of US military intelligence.With first-hand access to the leading players in the story, Jon Ronson examines the extraordinary - and plain bizarre - national secrets at the core of George W Bush's war on terror.

The three-part series begins with The Men Who Stare at Goats, which charts the history of a secret US Army unit founded in 1979 - the First Earth Battalion.

The programme uncovers the startling truth about this unit's involvement with paranormal activities that defy all known accepted military practice, including mind reading, out of body experiences and ‘thought-death’ experiments carried out on goats at Fort Bragg.

In programme two, Jon Ronson reveals how the New Age movement of the 1980s has influenced interrogation at Guantanamo Bay and in post-war Iraq.

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Tuesday, November 09, 2004


The clocks have been set for the Winter months...
I admit, it was a shock to the system at first, but I always grow to enjoy the darkness that comes with this season.

It just came into my mind, a few artciles and reports here and there of how darkness affects people...

There the S.A.D effect:

And then there was this one report I heard on BBC world over the Summer in Amsterdam, where they were discussing in Norway, how artists would use the months of darkness for their most creative sides to come out, most of the writing and creative work was done during the dark months ... How the open mic nights and jazz clubs would be the place for people to go to & experience the minds of the artists inthe city. It was really a pleasure to hear it over the radio... people explaining how the dark brings out imagination the most.

Then the topic came to me, in my mind.

Was I most creative or at home in darkness?
Where most people I knew at home in the night space?
And the answer -- a simple YES.

What other connections are there that I've heard ....
Random thoughts ... Cat lovers are night lovers by stats and dog lovers a bright eyed morning people.

To me, night time and darkness just means people being their Self --no Rat Race rage.
And I just suddenly become AWAKE again.

We live the day, doing what we need to do to earn a few £/$ for our bills and at night, we finally undress out of our uniforms and get on with who we really are --thats the afterhours.

The mind opens portals at the night hours and between 1am - 4am, our mind is at its most creative peak. We start our fast or prayers at this time. We write our best works at this time, we get the quiet and calmness we need at this time to explore.

The night is really the morning, and the start to the day.

Maybe our bodies have been set at another shift, to start at another shift, when its not meant to be.

Or maybe, waking at 7am onwards to go to work is the lazy way to start the day and realm of mind --- is our body really supposed to be awake around different hours?
Afterall, our ancestors woke up earlier.

Whatever the reason, the dark opens light.

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Paediatrician to stars such as Madonna, Michelle Pfeiffer and Pierce Brosnan, Dr Harvey Karp has flown over from the United States to talk about his revolutionary new ways of finding the ‘switch off’ button on babies who won’t stop crying.

Published in the award winning and best selling book and video, THE HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCK: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Baby Sleep Longer, Dr Harvey Karp will be explaining why a baby is still a foetus in its first three months, as well demonstrating the five simple steps known as The 5 S’s that trigger The Calming Reflex – the virtual off-switch for a baby’s crying!


For some reason, this really caught my eye today ...
I was thinking of a gift for a friend, and this is just going to be perfect.

He was live showing live demonstrations on the cutest babies, and all of them were quiet within the first minute -it was based on using techniques that reminded the baby of being back in the womb once again... Very interesting!

The book in Amazon:

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Sunday, November 07, 2004


A few articles that I picked up along the way: http://www.asianweek.com/051399/ae_food.html http://neuro.vetmed.ufl.edu/neuro/courses/vem5208/tcm-food.htm
http://www.shen-nong.com/eng/shen-nong/article/functional03/functional03_1.htm http://www.annieappleseedproject.org/talbygeorwon.html

Taken from one of the articles above, an example:

Rice and grains tend to be neutral

Wheat or barley may be too cold for some women

Beans are good. Soybeans are neutral, cooked is best (otherwise can cause gas).

Tofu is more cold in nature and should be cooked with spice

Nuts are neutral, agreeable

Potatoes are nightshades which he does not recommend for survivors, although baked is good. Frying gives yang energy

Mangoes are very yang, promote fire, (good), recommends peaches, cherries, plums, coconut, pineapple. If yin deficit, oranges, tangerines, pears (hot), red delicious apples, especially cooked.

Grapefruits, figs and olives are neutral

Bananas are nightshades and very yin. Suppresses appetite if yang deficit.

If you have a cold nature, he suggests garlic, ginger, mustard greens, scallions, onions, carrots, pumpkin and squash (yang deficit).If yin deficit, eat asparagus, broccoli (well cooked), spinach.

Avoid cucumber, tomato, eggplant if yang deficit.

Corn, mushrooms are neutral.

Eat whole eggs-the yoke is yang and the whites are yin. Scrambled eggs were recommended.

Bitter melon and cactus are very yin.

After cancer treatments, a patient is usually very yang deficit and therefore should have (organically raised) lamb chops, venison and wild game birds once per week.

Chicken is neutral but too much fat is found in most US chickens. He recommends (free-range) chickens.

Rabbit is cold, pork is neutral.

Oysters, shrimp, mussels, clams are warming in nature as is non-farm raised salmon.

Other fish is neutral

Seaweed is good, salty and cold, add ginger or spices

Green tea is less good than black tea (in his system). (Studies show that black tea offers benefits in cancer prevention. Recommends oolong and fermented green tea.

Jasmine has a lot of caffeine

Dairy is very acidic and yin in nature. Goat milk might be easier to metabolize, soy milk is somewhat hard to digest and rice milk is more neutralRecommends: cinnamon, pepper, curry as very yang in nature.

Red wine promotes yang energy but only ONE glass per week.

White wine is very acidic and has sulfides which are not good.

Chocolate and coffee can be good since they promote yang energy. If constipated, a cup of hot chocolate (cocoa) or Brazilian coffee is recommended to raise the yang energy

Flowers-rose tea if organic would be good and warming.

Chrysanthemum tea is a little coldSalt is considered neutral to yin but too much can be a burden on kidney energy

Bee products (in response to a question) can be good but make sure they are from organically raised bees
This is something I have known about for some time, but I would like to add this into my diet system... Back to reading on the topic.

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Another chance for people to cash in all the hype of the season...
The lights came on in Regents street today, another reminder that people will be expecting presents.

As far as this season goes, its time to retune the body to the cold - the diet starts to change again, and a few rituals for the new year will be on its way. But thats it.

Just another few days to relax and stay away from work.

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A few websites I want to share:


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Sundays - a day of rest and spiritual focus.

I'm not a church go-er or a Christian ...but I do think prayers and meditations on Sundays especially are very cleansing, its a time to rid the energies of bad that have collected during the week and a time to get ready for the new week to commence.

A few things that Sundays are about:

Juice fasting -
I like to just drink freshly made juices (both vegetable and fruit), no solid foods.

Group Meditations -
Bringing family and friends together for a group meditation. Apart from the regular personal meditations, I like to get a group to share the experience with. Whats great about this is that everyone is from all nationalities, religions and backgrounds --meditation brings people together. I try to focus on the relaxation aspects, not the religious or spiritual, during these get togethers.

Time Out -
This could mean the whole day or most of the day alone, or a few minutes alone. Catching up on ME time.

Salt Baths -
Something that I love to do is make my own salt bath with crushed black soap and sea salt, mixed in an olive oil base. I never take baths during the week, just showers, so Sunday is a treat.

...I'm sure I had more in my mind of things I could do, so I'll return and add them on as I get grounded.

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Saturday, November 06, 2004


1. Transforming Your Perceptions Through Clearing Your Chakras
You place perceptions upon your experiences. The perceptions of all your experiences from all your lifetimes are stored in your seven major chakras which are energy centers in your body. Your perceptions of pain, fear and limitation shape your reality of how the world works, how you create, and the boundaries of your existence in this world. You transform perceptions by sending them into the power of universal love simply by setting your intent to do so during meditation. For your perceptions to reach universal love undistorted simply see them traveling up clear energy pathways.

2. Natural Meditation - Calming Your Mind Everyday to Reach Into Your Soul For Guidance & Rejuvenation
You can effectively meditate each day for as little as five minutes. Find whatever amount of time that is comfortable for you to meditate on a consistent daily basis. It is more effective to meditate for 30 seconds a day consistently than for 30 minutes once a week.

3. Non-Judgment
Non-judgment is letting go of judgment while still using the freedom of discernment. As long as you judge you cannot detach from the dictatorship of safe or unsafe. You will continue to hold onto your limitations because judgment is an actual energy that keeps the creation, fear, limitation or pain alive.

4. Detachment
Detachment is letting go of your needs and embracing your desires. It is the act of trusting and allowing the creative power of your divinity in harmony with the universe to open the doors and make the connections that will manifest your desires versus depending on your attachments to fulfill your needs.

5. Living In the Now Moment
The now moment is a place within your consciousness that is not limited by the past or the future. You’re connected to your totality and know time and space are unreal.

6. Loving Unconditionally By Honoring The Divinity In All People & Situations
Honoring is seeing and connecting to the divinity in all things. All things are an _expression of divinity so it is possible to honor or see the divinity in all things. Without knowing there is divinity in all things, you struggle. When you do not allow everything to be a part of you, you feel separate and have a need for survival. Honoring melts or heals the fear in your life. You cannot heal if you do not trust and allow your unconditional love to keep you safe.
Honoring is to love unconditionally. Unconditional love flows from your spirit and has the power to manifest your desires and heal your pain. It is not the same as the conditional love of the emotions.

7. Seeing & Following Your Vision
A vision is which of the many paths do you desire to travel on your souls’ great journey. In the muck of your fear you cannot have a clear vision. As you apply the principles you begin to find the clarity to see the vision.

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This is something that has been getting a little tiring --

Just because a few people want to stay in the past, does not mean that I have to.

It is that simple.

We all have that choice to move on when we are ready, even when the others aren't.

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Friday, November 05, 2004


In the calm ... We just get stronger.

In the storm, we get stronger still.

And then everything just works out.

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When I need a break, an online meditation works great!
Speakers on and up again to listen....


Chakra Info:

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Another vegie topic again...

Look at this:

...oh yeah -turn up your speakers!

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This will be the first time I can say this and really mean it... I live in a clutter free place.

All the clutter from past and present is officially GONE! And it does actually feel rather strange to walk into a place and not see the objects that have been hanging around my space for so long...

And it feels just SO FREE! Really. It kinda blew me away to just have this space where I can now look to the future and think of what I want to do with it...instead of consuming my thoughts in the past and what every item meant to me...

It literally creates a vacuum in my mi src="http://photos1.blogger.com/img/168/2378/200/DSCN2018.jpg" border="0" />

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Thursday, November 04, 2004


I was talking to my new friend yesterday about what it meant to have a natural lifestyle and being vegan or vegeterian --and she agreed that once the weight of eating flesh has gone, there is nothing but light... an airy energy feel to things. And the awareness gorws. Its not so much the physical weight or 'fullness' of the body after a meat meal, its the spiritual weight too -- there was something that was holding me down when consuming flesh.

But I speak for just me --other people have their reasons for their choice. There are a million and one reasons for people changing their diet.

I love this lifestyle --not just the diet factor --everything in a package.

So some don't overstand that my changes are for the better --and they make it clear, thinking that I m destroying my body. Or that its too expensive to maintain this way of living...
And I say to them, its the opposite. Its cheaper, its healthy and its SO good for me.

With the money I'd spend before on buying a steak, I could get loads of fresh organic vegies.

With the money I spent before on body products, I can buy natural alternatives or make my own, for less. And it lasts 3 times as long. With way better results.

And all of this works my Self --inside and out.
Its ritual work, its love, its meeting people who appreciate life and see the same goal but through different angles.
Its learning that Self can be so free, being in tune with Self and others.

This is the only way for me to be.
Nature is my only 'religion'.

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Wednesday, November 03, 2004


I met me...

This fabulous butterfly that took everyone into another zone when seen, She smiled and her eyes sparkled like the moon on a clear night, And she spoke with a love for all --her love for life.

At first, I was scared, really worried, silent in thought, unsure how to react --What was this thing that I had just seen and how far was I from it? It reminded me of a time far away, where I had another vision, and my world was another colour. Another shade. Another vibration on the wall.

And then I worked it out ---I missed this beautiful person. I missed 'me'.
I missed the buzz of life with my other side --I love now, but I miss the other silent 'me', that I have stored for a while, in safe keeping until the time to release again. This 'me' had the same ideas, just another streak.

This is, my sacred space in this city --where I always meet another reality, that takes me to where I need to be --where I want to be. And there it was, just my Self staring back.

So many years ago, I had seen the same in another soul... That mirror reflected just light and love. This mirror recognised me and saw what I saw. This mirror needed to just release its thoughts to discover more about its Self.

I'm been lucky once again to be this free.
I have arrived at another stage once again.

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Across the pond, a few things are stirring...

Same old game. No surprises.

Does it really matter who is president? Its the same poppet show no matter who wins.

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Tuesday, November 02, 2004


One thing that I have learnt through time about Self is that instincts are usually right... whether we choose to listen or acknowledge is a whole different matter.

Fortunately, my instincts are much sharper, I hear my Self when the bells ring and signs show up -- and I have no problem trusting them.

If something is not right -- then I'll know about it. And I won't question why or take a risk.
My instincts is what I pride my Self on, along with other factors that make the YOU-niversal connection complete.

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Monday, November 01, 2004


I like to do this a lot --and at anytime.
So here it goes...my scan begins.... I work from my feet to my head.... Zoning in on any tensions and relaxing them...

Then I work through my chakras, I have become so aware of them these days so I have quickly placed an image in my mind of which chakra is feeling on a low...

And at this moment: I feel my root chakra is feeling very low, my crown isn't too good either --so its back to getting the balance in these areas.

Its unreal to ever really have a correct balance, but it is possible to play with the levels in our energy fields...and try to slowly work to unblock.

I'm in the mood to meditate tonight after a long break.

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moon phases






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