
Wednesday, November 03, 2004


I met me...

This fabulous butterfly that took everyone into another zone when seen, She smiled and her eyes sparkled like the moon on a clear night, And she spoke with a love for all --her love for life.

At first, I was scared, really worried, silent in thought, unsure how to react --What was this thing that I had just seen and how far was I from it? It reminded me of a time far away, where I had another vision, and my world was another colour. Another shade. Another vibration on the wall.

And then I worked it out ---I missed this beautiful person. I missed 'me'.
I missed the buzz of life with my other side --I love now, but I miss the other silent 'me', that I have stored for a while, in safe keeping until the time to release again. This 'me' had the same ideas, just another streak.

This is, my sacred space in this city --where I always meet another reality, that takes me to where I need to be --where I want to be. And there it was, just my Self staring back.

So many years ago, I had seen the same in another soul... That mirror reflected just light and love. This mirror recognised me and saw what I saw. This mirror needed to just release its thoughts to discover more about its Self.

I'm been lucky once again to be this free.
I have arrived at another stage once again.

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