
Sunday, November 21, 2004


Top 10 Gifts for the Yoga Enthusiast
Guide Picks

From Phylameana lila Desy,Your Guide to Holistic Healing.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!
It won't take a stretch of the imagination to figure out that any of these yoga selections would be appreciated by your yoga friends.

1) Yoga Sculptures
Offers beautiful sterling silver yoga sculptures depicting classic yoga poses. The sculpture pictured here is Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana II - One-Legged Inverted Staff Pose II by Lindsey Johnson.Read ReviewManufacturer's Site

2) Kundalini Yoga with Gurmukh
Energizing yoga exercise video featuring Gurmukh to help you unleash the the spirit within you to become a happy, healthy, and whole person.Read Review

3) Living Yoga
Christy Turlington's "Living Yoga: Creating a Life Practice" - Exploring the history and present day practice of yoga.Read Review

4) Yoga Art Poster
Colorful and detailed yoga art print. Order with or without frame.Vendor's Site

5) Yoga Vacation: A Guide to International Yoga Retreats
This is a practical gift for the yogi extensive traveler or anyone who is planning a yoga vacation or weekend get-away. Read Review

6) Nike Kyoto Women's Yoga Shoe
Comfortable and stylish footwear for the yoga-minded.

7) 2005 Yoga Calendar
How better to remember to make yoga a part of your daily exercise program than to have it featured on your calendar or datebook?

8) Bally Total Fitness Yoga Kit
Yoga Kit by Valeo Sticky mat 24" x 68" 72" woven cotton strap with buckle Two firm foam blocks 3" x 6" x 9" Nylon tote bag with shoulder strap. Includes yoga instruction chart.

9) OM Yoga Flash Cards
Cyndi Lee, founder of New Yorkês OM yoga center and creator of OM yoga created these "For Beginners" flash cards that portray a unique blend of Hatha yoga and Buddhist mindfulness.

10) TKO Yoga Mat
Features cushioned, non-slip sticky surface. Adds stability to postures.

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