
Saturday, November 27, 2004


The sleep state -- a time when our body is renewing its Self, the time when our soul is reviewing a few things as it attempts to solve the open endings that often happen in our life, maybe even travelling out of the body to seek a higher Self...

And then the alarm goes off, and our Self is forced to return quickly into the body...

Have you ever woken up and just felt 'misplaced' or like falling back to the sleep?
This is not the way spiritual or conscious sleep should feel like when the body awakes. The whole point of sleep is to wake in a good state, feel refreshed and go into full physical gear again...

The trouble is most of us don't get that feeling as we struggle to get ready for work/school and overdose our Self with caffeinne to feel like we are ready to function...Who are we kiddin'?

This is why the routine of sleep is a sacred one. Who we lay next to at night or at any sleeping moment is also another time when our energy is constantly soaking and becoming in sync with the surroundins... So why would you lay next to a toxic soul? Think about that....

And if we were to just take 15-30 mins of conscious positive thought before/after our sleep...wouldn't it just set everything in a smoother motion?

The old saying: Never go to bed on an arguement...
Truth behind it!
Your mind soaks up and stores all those negative images/thoughts and carries on working through it during your sleep --this is the time you should be absorbing and going over positive and progressive thoughts...
Just because you are asleep, does not mean your mind and soul is.

So next time you get some shut-eye for the night, have a think about what it is you are about to let your Self into... (assuming you are getting 8 hours sleep a night...)
8 hours of fasting
8 hours for your Self to really heal...
8 hours of seeking the future...

End the day with a start to a fast with some herbal tes and love thoughts...
If you wake and you feel like you have been disturbed, take an extra half hour to fully get Self back into your physical body...
End your fast with nourishing food and hearbal tea...

Take sleep seriously.


You have a very nice blog. Keep up the great work.

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