
Monday, November 15, 2004


I'm a very lazy vegie cook ... I really feel that some people look at my food and say it looks boring, but I know its simply because I just don't make any effort at all. A simple dish goes a long way for me --I don't feel I need to impress non-vegies in my family/friends to prove that my eating habits are good.

What I do love most is a simple plate of lightly cooked vegetables... fresh vegies, so I can can literally taste everything individually... And then there is the fire foods that I like to use during this season.

Going by the chinese food ideology, the hot foods balance the cold weather. And especially when I'm feeling a cold or illness coming on, the fire foods help to ward them off...

A must have: My spices.
Tumeric, black pepper, garlic, onions, a mixed variety of other spices ... all turn a cold energy dish into a winter version. Normally eaten in Summer with no spices, I can now feel the heat of the hot foods as they slowly clear the dampness that we take in with the cold weather... our body tends to store it all up without us even knowing, and with the fire food, it slowly clears the toxins and negativity.

It was last winter that I had the flu from hell ... never ending!
After trying everything, I just felt completely dozey with the medications that I had been pumping my body with from the local chemist.
And then I tried the hot concepts to my food. The next day I was good as new!

And this Winter has been an easy going process.

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