
Thursday, November 25, 2004


I have been in London since Summer 1998... And from a few years of observing London, I see that London as a city is a beautiful place ...Not in terms of the actual city which is ridden with rats and dirt ...but the character is beautiful. Its a huge clash of people, like many other cities, but it has its own edge to it...

And when it comes down to it, there are only 2 distinct divides:

A. You are a real Londoner...
People who were born and raised in London, have family ties and know their ends...Pretty much in a stable way as to living in one area only, being friends and rooted within the boundaries. The accent, the culture is distinctive to London.

B. A nomad in London...
I've known people who have lived in London for pretty much all their grown up lives, but if I were to ask them if they were from London, they would shake their head. London is not home, London is a place to seek opportunity, moving from one place to another, most often with not many or any family. London attracts people world wide to take a chance, even though it is a harsh environment as its so bloody expensive. But at the same time, we pride our Self in not being from London... Friends usually come and go, there are no real roots. The best way to explain this type of Londoner is a nomad. Moving, seeking the best spot to make the best for ones Self and moving on.

I write more on type B because I feel those who are nomads in this city tend to stick together, tend to bond quicker and tend to like to meet others who are also nomads.

Ofcourse, I'm being extremmmmmely general, it might not be fair...but its just a side note on the observations.

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