
Sunday, November 07, 2004


Sundays - a day of rest and spiritual focus.

I'm not a church go-er or a Christian ...but I do think prayers and meditations on Sundays especially are very cleansing, its a time to rid the energies of bad that have collected during the week and a time to get ready for the new week to commence.

A few things that Sundays are about:

Juice fasting -
I like to just drink freshly made juices (both vegetable and fruit), no solid foods.

Group Meditations -
Bringing family and friends together for a group meditation. Apart from the regular personal meditations, I like to get a group to share the experience with. Whats great about this is that everyone is from all nationalities, religions and backgrounds --meditation brings people together. I try to focus on the relaxation aspects, not the religious or spiritual, during these get togethers.

Time Out -
This could mean the whole day or most of the day alone, or a few minutes alone. Catching up on ME time.

Salt Baths -
Something that I love to do is make my own salt bath with crushed black soap and sea salt, mixed in an olive oil base. I never take baths during the week, just showers, so Sunday is a treat.

...I'm sure I had more in my mind of things I could do, so I'll return and add them on as I get grounded.

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