
Friday, November 12, 2004

WISH ME LUCK!!! ... 

...My moods today.

I have decided to just go for this -- I know what I want, some things just ring good bells inside and I KNOW that I'll be part of it. And that it would suit me for me. And along the way, I feel I will be able to explore my Self better, open up a few sides inside that haven't had a cahnce to breath in a while!

I rarely get strong urges, so when I feel them ...its that time to do what I 'need' to do... There's a new place to visit or see, new people to meet and share with, a new area that is calling for me to open my dimensions... And it has always proved to be a success in the past.

So, I'm making that call and just giving it all I've got.
I've got a good feeling about this one.
Wish me luck!!!

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