
Thursday, September 30, 2004


I'm missing him loads -he went abroad for some time just a while ago and I miss having my best friend around. Just the little things I want to share about my day.

I kind of like these breaks though, it makes me see what we have, and what we should work on... It's amazing what a huge part of my life this person is, and I love every minute of it.

I don't take anything for granted -he is special, he is honest and he is everything I could ask for and more in a soul mate.
Love him.

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I'm calm now, I have a few things sorted out in my head, a sweet phone call in the morning from my babes and a few words is all I needed to hear:
"You'll make it."

Its that simple! Then it triggers off a chain reaction in my consciousness that makes me want to get up and go, run with my dreams and continue my work.

Thats all I needed to hear.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Yeah, you've probably guessed -I'm in FOUL mood...

OK, so apart from the shock of having to deal with a complete idiot again who doesn't know how to take a direct message... I deal with another bunch of people who feel totally insecure in my own choices....

Its my life, I chose to live a life that I am comitted to... or should I say certain people in my life don't want to accept . And take it as a personal insult that I no longer share the same views as them.

Why are these choices offensive?
How is being vegeterian an issue?!?
How is saying my locs a permanent thing an issue?
How is my journey through natural health an issue?!?

Why the hell does it bother them so much?!?

...I know they mean well, but why make an issue out of nothing? Its a waste of time explaining anymore. They know my answers off by heart now, they just want an excuse to confront it. Or should I say, they want to confront their own issues?

Yeah, family again... can't live with 'em, can't live without.

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Again, this person decides to phone... So I thought I would give them a chance... See what they have to say.

It had been a while since we really spoke. Things had changed, we had changed and I no longer wanted this person in my life -for many reasons.

But in a higher nature, I thought everyone deserves a chance to explain their actions. I thought by now we could at least talk and respect eachother's opinions and move on...

Big mistake. This person had the nerve to act like things were going to just be normal, like I'd calm down after all these months... Like this person could play the SAME tricks again to my better nature... And they were dissappointed to find someone who took no b*lls**t - I mean NONE of it. I saw every crack of dishonesty.

You know, people really don't change -And why should they change for someone else? Rightly so, they stay the same individuals unless the person decides to change for their own Self....

Then we have the choice to accept the other individual's package -for all its good/bad bits.

I no longer accepted this package. Too many bad bits, too many toxic conditions to accept.

There is no nice way to tell someone that its just time to move on.

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There's always a reminder of the old things when we try to focus on the new...

It could be anything ... but its still a reminder. It is still a test.
And a reminder always tests us to see if we really are moving ahead of the old ways, the old things that we no longer need or want and have outgrown...

As soon as we make the comittment to move on, things suddenly turn up from the past... now more than ever... and Spirit watches to see if we are ready to move on...or if we will fall into old habits or negative traps...

But when we get that reminder and we really SEE that we are past this challenge, it feels great!

Then the reminder (or test) becomes a cause to award ones Self - another hurdle, another chapter.... no reminder will ever bring back the old ways.

Then WE KNOW we have moved on.

Challenge complete.

When a reminder trap comes: Think in higher thought, act with good intent, be 100% blunt and truthful to your Self and the other (if the reminder is a person) and cleanse out all the negative thoughts. then you know you can't fail! Fuinish it off with awarding your Self for taking it on and then move on.

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Monday, September 27, 2004


My little Rose quartz,
Full of light and love.

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READ THIS BLOG: dove eyes. 

dove eyes.
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READ THIS BLOG: open lotus 

open lotus
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There I was panicking that I wasn't going to reach the deadline, that my money situation was in bad shape and that I don't know how to get my Self out of this mess...

Then, I wrote it all down, in a planning form. Got out an old calendar I never used, a huge marker pen, a small pen and ringed all the deadlines and wrote down side notes and got the bigger picture in my head of how I can manage things...

Time management.... I need to retrain my Self to stick to a time management plan...

So many plans, so little time?!? I think not!

I just spent most of it putting my things off until it piled up.

Things make more sense now.

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Today is a new day
Today works with only my new ambitions
Today is no longer a build up of past misfortune
Today is a place where I want to be
Today is a stage in my life where I know where I am
Today I know who I am
Today is no longer connected to what I have left behind
Today there is no need to waste my thoughts on the long gone memories
Today there are no issues of past dissappointment
Today I am stronger than I have ever been before
Today I no longer deal with issues that have been connected to negative people
Today is the future and now
Today there is not yesterday
Today I know there is no turning back -just forward.
Thats all there is to know.

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Sunday, September 26, 2004


On dream watch, making notes on all the dreams that come my way...

And I finally saw the ending ... I saw the part where I finally said BYE to a chapter of my life that has been stored in my mind for years... And they said it was over. They siad their final words...

And I said my words. And left.

Like that, it finally came to me. Just like that, I'm ready.

It is now over. Finally.

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88.1% FULL.... 

Waxing Gibbous 88.1% of Full Sun 26 Sep, 2004

It approaches once again, soon to be here... the Goddess moon is watching again and getting her Self ready to shine those beams down on us...

Feeling energy already.
Feeling quite in sync with the flow of life.... And I'm getting prepared to do my fast.

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And why should I?
All I did was say a few truthful thoughts, not that the other person didn't know it already...

Truth can hurt , but atleast its not about living a lie and pretending everything is good -when it isn't.

I don't feel guilt or regret for saying the truth and being honest. Infact, I think that by not being open with the truth, we just drag it on and it builds up and explodes in other ways ~ which can be so much more harmful than dealing with the issues as they come along...

Saying the truth and being completely honest -and often blunt - means that we are now in a position to deal with an issue, we aren't going to run away from it.

And when we deal with it, from the very beginning... it cuts straight to the source.

Too many people take the easy option, sweep it under the carpet and play like nothing is wrong...
I don't believe in that.

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Saturday, September 25, 2004



Why should anyone expect anything from the higher force (God, Goddess, Spirit, whatever you want to call it...), when we can't be bothered to make the effort?

If we can't be strong enough to work through it, why expect things to work in our favour?
Spirit only helps when we take the time to start the venture, to work hard at it and commit our Self to making it work...

Then Spirit makes equal efforts to ensure that things go in a positive light, when we are ready to receive.
What you receive is what you put out.

OK, I'm going to stop complaining now -I know how it works. I know what to do.

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Friday, September 24, 2004



Support is knowing that trust is essential, you may not like what the other is doing but you TRUST that they are working towards a good cause, you SUPPORT their choice, committed to being there if times are hard and they need you.

Support is being able to say that you are open to new concepts and what they bring.

Support is being responsible for your actions and others.

Support is removing your needs and giving instead of expecting to receive.

Support is not sending the other on a guilt trip over how much support you have given them.

Support is not information being used against another to make a point.

Support is commtment of love unconditonally.

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The year 2004 I mean...
Or its as good as over...

And the Summer (if you could call it that!) season is definately over... Back to the grey clouds of darkness and rain...

So now I have just a little time left to do the things I wanted to do this year before I mke a set of new goals for next year...

What have I not done yet?
Why have I not done it?
What am I grateful for?
What did I do this year that has been good for my progression in my journey?
Where did I go wrong?
And what next?
What is the future 6 months going to be about?
What would complete this year?

Time flies! Time to do some more planning!

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Folly again... Its been a long while since I've seen things in the shops that I actually like and want to wear...saved me a lot of money!

Now I'm seeing...
Beaded earrings, tweed jackets, retro cuts and I'm suddenly back in style lol!
Without even having to go for a shopping trip.

Off to dig out my old clothes...

...love it!

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I hate waiting... I hate thinking that I am doing nothing to make things go in a direction ... in my direction.

But not everything can be rushed. This time, I just have to put my needs and accept that if I really want things to go in a good way, I need to be patient and let time do its thing.

I'm not expecting miracles, I just want to really see what comes next...

So each step counts, each action works towards the bigger picture...
I'll just do the best at each stage and wait until I get the signal to move to the next.

Surely, I won't mess up then.

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Monday, September 20, 2004


Spirituality (with or wothout religion) is one of those things that continues and flows... There are high and low points where we feel we need to take a break and then continue...but it sill moves with everyday life...

My only thoughts in improving spirituality is that you can't - you just are spiritual and learn more about the process everyday. Improving is not the same as increasing.

Learning about ones Self and taking the time to evaluate it well is a way of simply giving Self an extra nudge in the right direction.

My personal views only -God (or whatever you like to call it) is everywhere, it isn't a set place or a specific time to pray, so every monet is a time to reflect in how spiritual connections are being formed. Take each minute to see the deeper meaning, open your eyes to 3D thought, not just what is in front of you. Increasing spirituality is being aware that it is everywhere.

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Monday, September 13, 2004


Yup, if I want this dream bad enough, I'm going to have to work much harder than this!

To all the people who have tried to discourage me due to limiting beliefs...

Thank you for reminding me that I really want this to work out!
Thank you for making me see how living in fear is not an option!
Thank you for putting me back on track!

The stubborn streak in me comes out again, but I know I'm not wrong in saying that my ambitions are very possible and very real.

I refuse to believe that my 'lifestyle' (as some put it...) is less than any other 'normal way' ... Misunderstood, as always. I refuse to think that my dream is less ambitious than a 'normal' choice... What is normal anyways?

I believe we live in a huge world -where we will find what we want, if we really want it and prepared to go for it! And after some inspiring meetings with various people so far, I KNOW that I am where I need to be -despite what many choose to believe is my 'should-be place' at this time...

A state of fear where we feel that we can only lose in a situation out of our comfort zone, Thinking the YOU-niverse is limitted in its amount of possibilities (when we haven't even bothered to give it a go yet!). Self-doubt. Thinking the dream is not worth the thought because it will never be real.


So much energy wasted hiding the dream -when I could have used it in the past to promote it.

Time, Love, Strong Will and Hard work will tell.

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Tuesday, September 07, 2004


The YOU-niverse awaits to hold your dreams real
To seek what you already see
To show you a path where you belong.
All you need to do is be patient, explore and know that it is out there.

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Monday, September 06, 2004


Now why is it (from experience) that the people I know with the most to be grateful for, are the most miserable?

And its not like they hide that either - complain, complain, complain -over the MOST pettiest of things... And there's me, listening and trying to make sense of what the big issue is! ...Not even seeing that there is an issue at all!

So when it comes down to it, happiness I feel is about taking a step back and being grateful for all the good things we have had up until this second.

There's probably always going to be things we hate in life -no big deal.

Every time I complain about something now, I'll end the complaint with a statement of gratitude.

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Sunday, September 05, 2004


[OK -this isn't going to make ANY sense but here it goes anyways...]

How obvious must it
To stare into a wall and see -nothing
Time stretched into another dimension
Your soul somewhere gone
And left behind, is we.

Then you return to act like nothing ever happened...
Back to normal
Back to the old ways once again.

~~~~~Now why would you want to ignore that? I wish this person will finally see another way.
For their own sake.

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...But I thought that when I reached here, things would finally flow...
...But I thought that working with my heart will make more sense...
...But I thought that people would become more accepting of me for it...
...But why am I still going through the rough patches here and again?...
...But I thought we would never make it...
...But how will I really see that things will get better?...
...But why all the questions still?!?

There is always a BUT in every issue, when we make one.

What I'm trying to say is that the path doesn't end because we planned it to a certain point -it just reaches there and you'll find a whole new path to turn off to... it doesn't stop.

Isn't that word ('but') just as negative as 'what if'....?
It creates the thought that we might not reach, we might not gain, we have doubts...

I chose to be here right now - I chose to make this spiritual commitment...
I am here. No 'buts' or 'what ifs' about that.

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Its way TOO easy to go through life in a cloud of illusion.

We think we read the news first thing in the morning on our way to work -but are not told anything really,
Its so much easier to accept what we are told and leave it at that. So we do.

We go to work, come home tired with all our own problems racing through our minds...
The bills, the family issues, what people said to you today, what you'll do tomorrow... it goes on and on.

We play all the roles that we are meant to be to the best level we can or know -the mother/father, the sister/brother, the good friend, the co-worker, the wife/husband... and then we spend a few seconds for US (whatever that has become!).

When out shopping, we pick the most appealing foods and clothing that we see -not giving a second though about what is in it or why we liked it,
"It just looked good so I took it".

Then the weekend finally creeps around and all we want to do is relax -maybe go out, maybe get totally wasted on _________ and forget how everything is just for that split moment. Or stay in and take refuge from the outside world -escapism to relax.

And at that point we think we're just fine - until the next morning, we have a splitting hang-over or we have to face the day-to-day ordeals... Monday seems way too near...

Monday is here -we start the week again and its just another cycle.

Thats it. Thats the illusion we get sucked into.

Where's the time to get real with the bigger image?

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Maybe its the whole package of change that I feel more humble in my mind and heart, but I'm almost 100% sure that becoming a vegetarian is a huge part of the way I have changed...

Knowing that the power of the mind can change a life time habit overnight.
Feeling lighter in Spirit and energy.
Feeling calmer and emotionally in a peace state.
Feeling closer to nature.
I am more sensitive to my surroundings.
A different way of looking at life.

It has now been nearly a year -and I don't plan on changing it!

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Friday, September 03, 2004


This was a bad habit that I did often, and I admit -still do now and again.
What do I gain out of it? Nothing really.

Its so easy to go and blame the world for all the mis-fortune that we have in our life... its simple, there is always someone on hand to pick out and we don't feel guilty for what we do. And is it worth it?

What if for a minute, we look at the bigger picture of what is happening in our immediate life?

What if everything that we see is just a direct reflection of our inperfection or inbalance within?

The theory goes that we live life through our eyes -these eyes are the direct vision of our thoughts and vison of how we internally see the world. We create our world.

Scary thought -but I feel to be very ture.

When I change my inner world, my outer world reflects my thoughts and my vision of life.

A shift in my attitude towards people, a higher thought towards a situation, a progressive awareness that each experience is simply a lesson and to let go of having the need to blame others for my lessons in life... Thats all it takes.

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Not counting my time so far...

But I have noticed that I feel so much better, my body, my moods, my dreams, my general experiences through Universe is working out on a positive note...

Just yesterday, a few things happened to me that completely shocked me and the person I was with... the Universe's way of showing me that things have changed and I, as an individual, have changed.

The toxins are slowly coming out ... in all forms, not just physical.

Back to the vegie diet issue, my taste has changed...more sensitive to salt and sugar content and additives (additives =addictive) content. Now it seems, I can let my taste buds do the deciding for me when eating food.

There was one particular incident that made me open my mind again to how fragile we are as humans in this physical body -we need to take care of it. Long term damage can come through in so many forms and health signals -sometimes impossible to overstand the exact cause.

Life is short - you never know whats going to come around and how different things could have been if.... So lets just live it right.

Live in love. Live in living meditation and conscious choice.

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Wednesday, September 01, 2004


I can't believe the Olympics have ended -it just seems like yesterday that the last one was on air...

Another new chance to start up my plans -so this time in the next Olympics, I'll have worked towards something and hopefully achieved it!

I've got some serious plans in my mind!
And I have a feeling it will change quite a few things in my life and with others...

No more said.

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...So true!
I'll try to remember that when I see a certain someone!

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Like all detox plans, our body goes through that process of eliminating toxins which slowly surface for a while before they get filtered out of the system -and this process usually means no energy, bad skin and generally feeling in a bad way...

Now, when I started this plan, I didn't count on it being a detox -but it is -on an emotional level.

All the bad emotions and issues that have slowly stored up, without me even realising it, have began to slowly surface... toxic thoughts, bad memories, mood swings and negative energy... So I'm back to this period of time where I'm feeling low before it finally drifts away and I feel revitalised...

Did I forget to mention the weird dreams?
Its been months without having a complete dream that I can actually remember- but since getting on this routine, I'm getting familiar with the symbolics of each dream, the ideas and past toxic connections associated with it -and what it means for me now.

Its a learning process, still very new so I'm hanging in there to see what else might show up.

Feeling tired,
Feeling bored,
Feeling terrible!

I'll get through it.
...I can't wait until all this clears up!

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moon phases






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