
Sunday, September 05, 2004


Its way TOO easy to go through life in a cloud of illusion.

We think we read the news first thing in the morning on our way to work -but are not told anything really,
Its so much easier to accept what we are told and leave it at that. So we do.

We go to work, come home tired with all our own problems racing through our minds...
The bills, the family issues, what people said to you today, what you'll do tomorrow... it goes on and on.

We play all the roles that we are meant to be to the best level we can or know -the mother/father, the sister/brother, the good friend, the co-worker, the wife/husband... and then we spend a few seconds for US (whatever that has become!).

When out shopping, we pick the most appealing foods and clothing that we see -not giving a second though about what is in it or why we liked it,
"It just looked good so I took it".

Then the weekend finally creeps around and all we want to do is relax -maybe go out, maybe get totally wasted on _________ and forget how everything is just for that split moment. Or stay in and take refuge from the outside world -escapism to relax.

And at that point we think we're just fine - until the next morning, we have a splitting hang-over or we have to face the day-to-day ordeals... Monday seems way too near...

Monday is here -we start the week again and its just another cycle.

Thats it. Thats the illusion we get sucked into.

Where's the time to get real with the bigger image?

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