
Monday, January 31, 2005


You know, I've never heard someone tell me that they are truly happy with the way their life is.How SAD is that -really. And of course, that includes my Self who is still in battle with my imagination ..... of what is on the other side... and what I am not seeing....

The grass is greener or is it?!?

What does the expression really mean?

Isn't it an observation of what further we can achieve if we put our soul purpose to it?

And if we achieve it ---then what? Won't there always be another greener fieid in the distance, waiting for us?

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good fun!

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Sunday, January 30, 2005


20 Ways to Shift Worry Into Attractive Energy
- Written by Catherine Franz - Submitted on 6/7/04

Unrealistic expectations can cause failure
- Written by Caryl Ehrlich - Submitted on 12/16/2004

How To Stay Positive In spite of The Negativity Around You
- Written by Josh Hinds - Submitted on 12/4/2004

Depression would be the second largest illness by 2010
- Written by Jasdeep - Submitted on 11/20/2004

On Rooting
- Written by Huaihsiang Wang - Submitted on 3/8/2002

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Black Conscious News

Black Conscious Network

Black Conscious News

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Friday, January 28, 2005



The good news is that the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) lawsuit to overturn the EU Food Supplement Directive was filed before the October 15th deadline. Of course, they will need continuing donations to support this lawsuit. To donate, visit http://www.alliance-natural-health.org.

Already the EU has banned 300 vitamins and minerals in 5,000 products. This includes such things as calcium, magnesium, boron, selenium, chromium, potassium, vitamin E and other antioxidants. The most disturbing aspect of this law is that it bans organic/natural forms of these vitamins and minerals and allows synthetic versions. The EU is now considering banning herbs as well.

Since the goal of the FDA is to “harmonize” US regulations to the rest of the world, we need to support the ANH lawsuit to overturn the EU insanity. We the People need to stand our ground and not allow the banning of food supplements and herbs in America. Of course, this has already been occurring, but will certainly be accelerating in the next few years as the global War on Health continues. Over 1600 food supplements have been taken off the shelves in Australia without any proof of their being harmful.


Every year the drugs approved by the FDA kill approximately 100,000 people. The number of people killed by herbs and natural food supplements is 0. The current Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, is the man who is responsible for approving the artificial sweetener known as aspartame (NutraSweet), a known cancer-causing agent that causes tumors in the brain and other insidious side effects. [Read “The Artificially Sweetened Times by the Idaho Observer for details.]

The Bush family is well-known for their investments and involvement in pharmaceutical corporations. Under the current Bush/Rumsfeld regime the FDA is aggressively attacking people who promote and sell natural remedies. We the People certainly have our work cut out for us, but if we stand shoulder to shoulder we will win the War on Health which is being waged by both Democrats and Republicans.

The latest prisoner in the War on Health is Jason Vale, who was attacked by the FDA and is currently in federal prison because he cured his cancer with apricot pits and decided to provide apricot pits and laetrile to others. On October 24th, Jason Vale, will be sentenced for his crime of helping humanity.


The Washington State Attorney General, Christine Gregoire, is fraudulently attacking natural health alternatives. The latest target is Monte Kline and the Pacific Health Center. The Pacific Health Center sells food supplements and herbs and conducts Electrodermal Testing.

Pacific Health Center has broken no law, yet Christine Gregoire is shaking down Pacific Health Center for $1,000,000 bucks if they don’t stop exercising their natural/constitutional Rights. Gregoire is threatening a six million dollar lawsuit against Pacific Health Center if they don’t pay the “State of Washington” one million bucks and stop their activities to promote health. What is especially revealing about this situation is that Pacific Health Center has never received any complaints from any Citizen living in Washington State. They have not harmed anyone! For details visit: http://www.pacifichealthcenter.com/alerts/alerts_detail.asp?AlertID=14

The threatened lawsuit is bogus and full of lies and deception. Well, what else would you expect from a lawyer? For details visit: http://www.pacifichealthcenter.com/alerts/alerts_detail.asp?AlertID=14.

Unfortunately, Attorney General Christine Gregoire just announced her run for Governor of the State of Washington. The information which I have thus far accumulated (approximately 1,000 pages of evidence) reveals that the current Governor Gary Locke and Christine Gregoire are running a criminal protection racket to insure that public officials in Washington State can break the law and violate the Rights of Washington Citizens with total immunity. In short, Christine Gregoire is a criminal and We the People living in Washington State should make sure that she does not get elected as Governor.


It is no accident that lawyer jokes have surpassed ethnic, blonde and light bulb jokes in popularity. Like “military intelligence” and “holy wars”, the oxymoronic “lawyer ethics” has led to the comparison of lawyers to sharks, inciting a feeding frenzy of laughter:

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, how many orchards does it take for a lawyer?

If a lawyer and an IRS agent were both drowning, and you could only save one of them, would you go to lunch or read the paper?

How many lawyers does it take to grease a combine? Only one if you run him through slowly!

Yours in Health & Liberty,

Lanny Messinger

Sovereigns’ Health Freedom Network



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I have found that many people still need to be educated on meditation -- taking the stereotype and image from a group of people humming to a whole new science. It is so complex!

The more I get into the knowledge of meditation, the more I see that there is a whole stream of scientific images and ideas behind this practice ... When a few people laugh under their breath while I explain that I am interested in meditation, it makes me sad --- all those images on TV do no justice to the practice, along with many other pricks that are complex and misunderstood.

In recent news, the EU is going ahead with banning the use of natural herbs across Europe, to be no longer sold legally.... Don't we have to ask why this is?

Is it purely financial -- the fact that the pharmaceutical companies are now facing competition with natural based market out there?!?

Maybe they know that these products and sciences really do work....

Keep the population from gaining knowledge and strength to feed their mind and body. Add more additives (ADDICT-IVES) to their food and stiffen their thoughts....

When is this going to end?

Whether we care to admit it or not, science is therefore being distorted for the sake of keeping the mass population at a level that is comfortable to the government....

IMPORTANT READ: http://www.getalife.net.au/mag/nhp_html

Just as the food supplements directive is set to eliminate products from the market for no good reason other than their being an unwelcome competition to pharmaceutical interests, this new proposal for the fortification of foods is telling us that we don't need to worry about the quality of what we eat. The "right" chemical substances are being added back into our food - only, our health gets worse and worse.

Taken from: http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2003/12/14/fortification_of_foods_an_eu_proposal.htm

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Thursday, January 27, 2005


I recently posted this up on my forum:
ACTIVISM -A new forum! Some thoughts...

After a few days of thinking up what project to get started on, I came across a website that had all the charity and organisations listed in the area. Perfect start. I've decided to get in touch with a few of these organisations and see if they would be willing to let me teach meditation & Relaxation therapy in their centre.

I'm not after money, still a little broke and trying to get my s**t together but its about itme that I just get out there and do something just for pure fun.

My therapy work is getting on really well now, I've found a few new undiscovered areas to practice in with a lot of potential new and wealthy clients... And this time, I know I will be able to have that freedom again to work solo and grow in my own project.

Don't get me wrong, I love meeting people, but I just feel so restricted when I have to work in a group with all the same aims. If I do want to work in a group, it will have to be that we are all promoting eachother's projects and working freelance, occassionally meeting up to get a little inspiration and creative fun.

I've started on my writing again which is exciting. I've also started a few new courses to keep my head occupied while I have some quiet time without clients.

Things are looking bright.

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Monday, January 24, 2005

Tracey Emin - a profile 

Tracey Emin - a profile

In this article, we have used smaller thumbnail images. Click on the thumbnail for a larger view.

Note: Some images might be offensive to some readers

Tracey Emin


Entering the confessional

No Chance (1999)In the somewhat conservative world of British art, she's a rebel, an outsider shaking the cage of the establishment. Tracey Emin doesn't exactly fit the profile for a major British artist. She's not from a connected family and doesn't exactly "toe the line" in her work; but she's become the poster girl for the new generation of British art.

Emin was born in London in 1963 but brought up in Margate, a sleepy seaside town in Kent. While her upbringing was fairly unremarkable, her life was shattered in her early teens when she was raped. That event led her to a life of promiscuity, dangerously mixed with drug and alcohol abuse. Self Portrait Reclining Drunk (2000)

By 1984 however, she had her life in order enough to enrol in the Maidstone College of Art, where she was awarded a bachelor's degree in fine art. In 1989, she completed her MA in painting at the Royal College of Art. During her time there, she developed her interest in the works of the expressionists, particularly Munch and Schiele. Emin's paintings from the time were heavily influenced by their expressionist sensibilities. Her personal life however remained in turmoil and around that time, she fell pregnant. After having an abortion, she fell into a deep funk, a state she would later describe as her "emotional suicide". In the midst of this depression, she destroyed virtually all her works.

Sometimes... (2000)At this point, the lives of Emin and the playwright Sarah Kane reveal disturbing parallels. Thankfully though, Emin did not go down the same road of depression and loss that Kane experienced. Instead, Emin went back to work, building her reputation to the point that by 1993, she was exhibiting her pieces. An American tour followed in 1994, and she staged her first significant solo exhibition at the White Cube gallery in London, ironically titled "My Major Retrospective". The display included personal items and photos of the destroyed paintings.

The exhibition made people sit up and take notice. Here was an artist who was not so concerned with the formal aspects of art as the story that her works told - the story of her life. Her highly confessional works confronted and (in some instances) disturbed the viewer.

Since then, Emin has continued to work consistently, building a reputation as one of Europe's foremost contemporary artists. Her work has been embraced not only in the UK, but in continental Europe, particularly in Germany. In the past year, she staged a major exhibition at Haus der Kunst in Munich. She also achieved notoriety earlier this year when her cat became lost. Emin made posters and put them up around the London suburb where she lives. When word spread that Emin's work was available for free on lampposts, "collectors" swarmed the suburb for the posters. Thankfully, the loss of the posters didn't affect Emin's primary objective, and her cat Docket was found unharmed.You Forgot to Kiss My Soul (2001)

She continues with her confessional and confrontational style, utilising events from her life as the basis for her work. In contrast to her days at the RCA, she has moved away from "pure" painting and has taken up new and unusual media in her work. She brings techniques ranging from story telling, drawing, filmmaking, installation, painting, neon, photography, appliquéd blankets and sculpture.

The use of neon is one of the most striking motifs in her work. Reflecting both the power of modern advertising and its wonderful tackiness, Emin's neon works have become some of her most recognisable. That doesn't mean they don't say something too though. A work like "You Forgot to Kiss My Soul" (2001) expresses in one simple work the hopes, fears and frustrations of an entire relationship. My Bed (1998)

Emin has grabbed headlines for the graphic nature of some of her pieces, most notoriously "My Bed" (1998), in which the artist's unmade bed is strewn with the detritus of relationships past - including used condoms. Similarly "Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963 - 1995" (1995) forces the viewer to face up to their own personal histories, a process which can be extremely discomfiting. Not that Emin is only about unsettling her audience. She infuses her work with humour and a zest for life that belies her more serious concerns.

Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963 - 1995 (1995)In addition to her art, Emin is a writer contributing to magazines and a major book about her art is slated for publication this year. In May 2002, the BBC reported that Emin was to collaborate with noted British filmmaker Michael Winterbottom on a film of her life. Unfortunately, Emin's work has not as yet been exhibited in Australia, but as her reputation grows and she is increasingly recognised as a cutting-edge artist with a fine grasp of her material, an exhibition on these shores can't be too far off.

David Edwards

Send us your feedback on this article or anything else in The Blurb

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Sunday, January 23, 2005


Starting a business can be an exciting, but at the same time rather daunting, experience. There can be enormous pressure in running your own business. However, good planning and detailed research can remove some of the pressures and help you get your new venture up and running.
Opportunities are increasing for people setting up businesses that trade with a social purpose, the best-known example of which is The Big Issue magazine. The recently published Social Enterprise Monitor shows that these kinds of businesses are creating more jobs and have turnovers as high, or higher, than their mainstream counterparts. More women than men are being attracted into the sector, which is currently enjoying its fastest ever period of expansion. The Monitor is available at:

Do I have the right personality to run my own business?
What specific skills will I need?
Have I got the right motivation?
Hints and tips

Here are few good websites on business and starting one up:


More on it:

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How to Heal Yourself Energetically

By: Catherine Adams

I have been working with energy healing for a long time. I am always learning new things, and it never fails to amaze me. This is a gift to humanity from Spirit, an ability we were born with. We give up our power to people who tell us what is going on inside our bodies as if we have no control over it, but we do! I know "energy medicine" is going to be normal for us in the future. When we look back at this time in our linear history, our current medicinal practices will seem intrusive and barbaric. I am not saying I know everything...merely sharing some of my experiential wisdom with you. I am still learning along the way.

We are made up of vibrating energy. Your physical manifestation began with a blueprint in a higher frequency plane. That is the way illnesses begin, too. Even genetic illnesses have an energetic pattern that can be changed. The trick is to become aware of how to do this. The first thing to realize is that you have all the power within you to do this. When I do a healing on someone, I cannot change anything no matter what I do unless he/she is willing to let his/her own divine healing take place. If I am trying to heal someone's swollen toe, for example, the energy will not move until the person relaxes and lets go. When he/she does let go, something takes over. It is based on what I call the body's natural organizational principle. The energy flows, and I see the person do something like laugh, or offer her hands in prayer to me, or walk away in a beautiful scene that is special to that person. I know then that the person accepted the healing and that it is finished. I have no control over that flowing process, or healing. I just watch it happen. The person does not have any conscious control over this flowing process either, but he/she feels the difference, and knows something just happened. My job is to stimulate that process.

What this means is that you have a divine blueprint for health. If you have some kind of illness, it is because you have a block in your awareness of something, and need to manifest it in the physical in order to become aware of it. Think of the word "dis-ease". It suggests that we are out of ease with ourselves. When you become aware of the block, the disease goes away. This is another way of defining the process of healing. Are you beginning to see how important awareness in and of itself is?

Many people never become aware of what it is they are healing, but the body goes through a process of "eating the energy" by getting sick, acting out whatever it is the person needs to experience, and then if the person "gets the message", even if subconconsciously, the body is free to heal. It is a way of doing energy housework in the body. If we do not release the tension through our breath, our conscious awareness, or other ways of releasing, we accumulate garbage. The body finally takes over and gives the person a warning...the warning could be a headache, sore knee, or an aching back. If nothing happens, the body will manifest it more completely depending on what the issue is. The way illness will manifest often is associated with the functioning of chakras and the spiritual symbolism behind body parts. For instance, indigestion or stomach cramps may be related to tension about solving some problem for which there seems to be no solution (3rd chakra is problem solving and action). A problem may be symbolic such as stiff legs for someone who is afraid to move forward in life. Louise Hay has written a book called Heal Your Body which tells many possible interpretations of what is behind various illnesses, but she says that they are only suggestions, which is true. Each person's dreams may have common symbols with other dreamers, but each person is unique in many ways, also. You will find this true of the energy behind illnesses, too.

How do you find out what is behind an illness? You ask Spirit. This is why I think it is so good for people to develop their psychic skills, because you can pinpoint what more exactly is going on and why. Instead of going to a reference book of symptoms and cures that generalizes and assumes everyone fits the same blueprint, you are going to the Source and unraveling the energy that led to that particular manifestation of "dis-ease".

How do you do this for yourself? Since we are not always able to be objective about our own issues, we often turn to someone else for help. When we are not objective, we are "inside the block", or stuck. One way you can get outside the block or get unstuck enough to see your issue and become aware, is to laugh at it. Humor is the most underrated quality of human expression. Many indigenous people have the Lakota equivalent of a Heyoka, sacred clown or divine fool. This person does crazy things that are outside what is expected of a person, that makes no sense. He/she gives the others permission to let go of whatever they are stuck with without becoming fools themselves. They are often painted black and white because they unify opposites. In our world of polarities, we have good or bad, right or wrong, etc. It is easy to get stuck if that is all we see! If we allow ourselves to let go of expectations and see that everything is good AND bad, or NOT good OR bad, we see that it just IS, and we cannot hold onto stuckness anymore. In other words, stuckness is judgment about something. Judgment is resistance. When you are resisting, you are holding yourself tight, refusing to give in, being stubborn. If you laugh, you cannot resist, or judge. When you laugh, feel how the energy flows through you and fills your being. You breathe deeply and do not resist anything! Some of you may be saying "but, but, what if....". Just imagine that truly our life here is a divine joke and everyone is laughing and standing in the light. No one is lost, no one is hurt, no one is forgotten, no one is evil or bad. When you begin to see life this way, you begin to see into the Higher Realms. Zachariah, my guide, stretched my perceptions by showing me this attitude. He told me to laugh and dance down the street, enjoying life. I said "but...what if people point at me?" Hahahaha! I also had a spiritual teacher of mine, John Fulton, say that "seriousness is one level above death." (We are giggling, right?)

If you are ill, what are you in resistance about? What are you serious about or judging about? What do you judge as unacceptable in others? What you judge in others will manifest in you in some way. Also, what you feel is unchangeable about your life may manifest as illness. Remember, you always have a choice.

OK, you are laughing. What next? You can get into a quiet, relaxed state and close your eyes. Mentally scan your body and see it as energy. You do not need to know about the chakras or anything in order to do this. For any energy that appears stuck, dense, opaque or standing out, imagine it dissolving and flowing away. I often do this meditation in a sea salt bath and imagine the bath water dissolving all the stuckness from me. Then ask your Spirit to bring you new energy that is appropriate for you at the time and imagine it filling your body and aura with a beautiful light. The light can be gold or any other color that feels uplifting, flowing and healing to you. Remember to fill up with some good energy any time you release so that you don't pull back the heavy energy again.

By the way, meditation is an amazing tool of self healing and higher awareness. Just the act of turning within and asking for your spiritual connection once a week begins an alchemical process of spiritual growth and healing on all levels. You do not even need to have fantastic visions or experiences in meditation for it to begin to work its wonders on you. You do not have to do anything special, either. You will notice you will have more profound dreams which you remember more easily, synchronicities increase in your daily life and amazing things will happen.


~If it is Serious, it is STUCK


Walk in Joy, Love and Divine Happiness!


Further learning...You can learn about your chakras, how to feel them, how to be aware of people in your space, your unconscious agreements to be stuck, and how to use your psychic and healing abilities in more detail with a spiritual class. To find out about what I offer, see my February Activities page at my site:
Catherine Adams
Clairvoyant Counselor, Healer and Teacher


Catherine Adams
Clairvoyant Counselor, Healer and Teacher
URL http://www.litespirit.com/
email Catherine@litespirit.com

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I'm making a point to read atleast 5 articles a day....sit in reflection and get some useful info on it....

My new favourite website:

Chosen randomly:

WHOLISTIC RELATIONSHIPS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM - Written by Christopher and Jeannine Marie Jelm - Submitted on 10/4/2000

Insomnia - Written by "Dr. Farah Khan, DOM, L.Ac." - Submitted on 12/11/2004

Aromatherapy Demands More Credit - Written by Richard C. Honour, PhD - Submitted on 9/21/2002

Depressed? Wise Woman Ways Offer a Helping Hand - Written by Susun S. Weed - Submitted on 11/27/2002

Effect of FOOD on TEMPARAMENT - Written by Dr.Shashikant Patwardhan - Submitted on 9/4/2004

I saw so many more that I wanted to read, but for now ... I'll use my time on other stuff.

A few more things I know I'll have time to do these days....
~Read 5 articles a day.
~Submit a new article each week to various websites
~Everyday is a chance to promote my therapy work and website
~Send atleast 3 CV's each day to various places (I'm looking for a better place to earn the extra £'s)

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Saturday, January 22, 2005


I've been spending WAY too much time on a few forums over the last few months...
As much as I love sharing my thoughts, learning from others and having a laugh, it still doesn't make me stop thinking that I could just be doing something else with my time.

There are a few holistic therapy websites and forums that I would like to start visitting more often now, get into the swing of getting info just on the natural health business side of things...

Or maybe I should just do a huge detox and dissappear from the internet for a few months.

The forums do not stop me doing anything in my life ... They don't waste my time as I always learn new things when I visit, but it is time to just learn another side of me which will need some time and patience.

Yeah.... I'll dissappear for a while.
Go somewhere new and take a long break from online reality.

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Thursday, January 20, 2005


If anyone was in the UK in Spring of last year, I'm sure you will remember the HUGE banners all across the country. My first site of this was on the top floor of a double decker bus.... The whole bus turned to see this huge banner in shock lol. It's refreshing to finally have a media change of attitude towards beauty....

Toady, I was faced by a beautiful dreadlock girl on their banner ads...


Early reactions in Europe
In the spring of 2004, the Campaign for Real Beauty launched in the United Kingdom with a print ad campaign like no other before it.

The campaign was a collaboration with celebrity photographer Ian Rankin and featured a group of very real women celebrating their very real body types, including fuller figures not typically portrayed in advertising. These six ordinary women were recruited off the street and chosen for their confidence and spark - baring all in their underwear without having been airbrushed or re-touched in any way.

The campaign spurred instant discussions everywhere - and even a little controversy. Here are some highlights from the U.K. press. > Read on

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Dove Global Study:
The Truth about Beauty

British women and their relationship with beauty

What's the truth about beauty?
Dove recently set out across 10 countries and interviewed 3,000 women to find out.

Only 2% of these women describe themselves as “beautiful”
About 3/4 of them rate their beauty as "average"
Almost 1/2 of them think their weight is "too high"

And the truth doesn't stop there.

Read the Dove Global Study for a closer look at all the responses - and discover how perceptions of real beauty truly vary around the world.British women are more likely than women from any other country to feel uncomfortable describing themselves as beautiful, indicating the extent to which UK women have become distanced from today’s idea of female beauty. The study probes deeply into how British women feel about beauty, making country-by-country comparisons with the attitudes and beliefs of women throughout the rest of the world.

The report uncovers:
Perceptions about how the media and society shape our beliefs about beauty
What makes women feel beautiful and what women perceive to be beautiful
Women’s views on plastic surgery

Read on to find out the real truth about beauty...
Download in PDF format


I do think that it is a wonderful thing that finally someone within the beauty industry decides to challenge the concept ot media's beauty ...

I remember a while ago, on my way to work, seeing a HUGE banner sign with women of plus size posing in underwear... I saw the whole of the top deck of the bus stare in shock lol. Today, I saw another picture on a bus while walking down the street, a lady with locs smiling.

Back to the age old question of what makes beauty really beautiful.

Check out: http://www.dove.co.uk

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I could bitch and moan about a few things, a few situations that have gotten me nowhere in the last few years.

But am I really putting too much emphasis on what I have wrong with me -- instead of what is right with me?

I officially became disabled in 2001.... that word brings up a whole heap of stereotypes when its said in that term. Disabled ... I'm still getting used to that word. I feel that others' and their perceptions of this terms has given me a bad image to play with when I look at my Self.

What do I see when I look in the mirror? Do i look like a 'disabled stereotype'?
In reality, if you meet me, I look 'normal' ... no one can imagine what disability I have until I open my mouth and explain my situation. Then you see their face change, unsure how to react and how to see me in their mind. Its like you can literally hear all the cycles of thought clicking in their brain out loud. People then change the topic quickly and move on. A little uneasy until they get used to it.

A few friends of mine have recently just come from Europe, hoping to get a job -- yet they do not speak English well. And they complain and say the same things that I'm trying to explain about how people react to them when they open their mouth and explain that they are fully able and qualified to do the job, but the language is an issue. My friend has often used the word disabled to try to describe her position at the moment when looking for work.

Every person I have met has questioned a bad aspect of their Self and what it means to have less than another ... for numerous and varied situations. There is always something that we use to say that we are unable to do something...

This takes disabled, the word, to a much more deeper meaning than just the normal every day meaning of the term.

My point is...?

What I'm trying to say is:
Do we all have a factor that makes us 'disabled' in society?

Disabled - unable to do something: Whether it is because we are disabled by our health, our background, our lack of something that will get us to where we want to be...

In this light, I feel better about things. The truth is I have been used to people putting me down for an easy and comfortable position for their Self to deal with it. People feel afraid or embarrassed, not wanting to sound ignorant when I mention my disability.

In a wider sense of the word -- aren't we all disabled to an illusion that we need to be perfect to lead the life we want?

Our excuses will always bring us to conforming to our fearfull ways once again.

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The use of fear in contemporary politics is not the result of a conspiracy, the politicians have stumbled on it. In a populist, consumerist age where they found their authority and legitimacy declining dramatically they have simply discovered in the "war on terror" a way of restoring their authority by promising to protect us from something that only they can see.

Read more on this from the BBC:

But the reason that no-one questions the illusion is because this nightmare enemy gives so many groups new power and influence in a cynical age - and not just politicians.
Those with the darkest imaginations have now become the most powerful.


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Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Remember the days when you had those paperdolls that you would cut out with paper outfits that fitted and changed....

If you loved that, you'll love this:

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Thursday, January 13, 2005


Wow, HIStory comes out in so many forms, after hearing this in worldwide radio, I followed up the story:

A long lost portrait of Mary Seacole has been discovered!

A press conference was held on Monday morning at the National Portrait Gallery to announce the discovery of a portrait of Mary Seacole, Crimean war hero and greatest Black Briton,painted by a hitherto unknown artist called Albert Charles Challen. Painted in 1869 when Mary would have been 64 years old, she is portayed in the painting as wearing a bright red Creole scarf and and the medals she was awarded for her service - the British Crimean Medal, the Turkish Medjidie and the French Legion of Honour. It was by these medals that the biographer and historian Helen Rappaport recognised the identity of the sitter.

The image of the woman who refused to let racial prejudice prevent her from becoming a nursing pioneer was discovered by a dealer at a car boot sale in Warwickshire. The portrait, which measures about 9.5 inches by 7 inches, was found because the inscription caught the dealer's eye. He sold it on to a military historian who then contacted Helen Rappaport, who had been researching Seacole's life for three years. 'I almost fell off my chair when I saw it', she said on Monday. 'It's a defining image of her, dignified, mature and at the height of her powers'.

The painting is now on indefinite loan to the National Portrait Gallery, and will be on display in Room 23. The discovery of this portrait is serendipitous, especially in the light of the efforts of many, including the 100 Great Black Britons campaign, and Clive Soley MP and Dr. Elizabeth Anoniwou of the Mary Seacole Memorial Statue Appeal Committee to promote Seacole to her proper place among Britian's icons and heroes. Further recognition of her place in British historyare in the form of new biographies outh this month, celebrations of the bicentenary of her birth being launched at St Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust on 25th January, and Channel Four will be screening a new drama documentary on her life and work in the spring.

After a century of obscurity, and no acknowledgement of her contribution to the birth of modern nursing, it appears that Mary Seacole's star is to burn bright once more.



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I always believe that every generation of people need to go through stages where reflection on the world is a serious issue.

And to be honest, I don't think the western world had seen that form of reflection until 9/11. Atleast I speak for my generation of people.

With all that is happening, I'd like to think that this latest nature blast has some good in it... I know it is horrific to see the images and hear the stories... but is it time to reflect upon what good can come out of it now? Now...today... what it means for the world at this time.

I'd like to think that this will bring the much needed streak of humanity out in the people of the world, to bring people together, to help others and to see things in a different light.

We are fragile. We really do depend on one another to make a big change.
I'd like to think that things are shifting to make this union more solid.

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2004 SOUNDS SO OLD.... 

Its just coming to the 2 week mark and last year sounds so old already!
Like it happened a million years ago or something.

I think this is honestly the first time I have entered a full year and completely accepted it, my mind had already been programmed to go 2005 in December! This is the first time my mind has let go of everything and moved the hell on with life... Not even bothering to look back and see what I have seen etc.

And I put this down to my house clearance, it really is refreshing to just throw out the old stuff!
Its given my Self a whole new opening to a clear space where I can come, relax, be free to read and write, think and do and not be trapped up in spiritual staleness...

2005 was so good to me! Yes, I said 2005.
I say this in past tense as an affirmation to set the tone of what I wish to achieve and results.

I've started yet another mission to complete by Summer, and I'm officially teaching my work.
A whole new set up to my work.

2005 ---------- A better year yet to come.

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Saturday, January 08, 2005


This takes me back to 1998 where I was starting a course in environmental health in uni. At the time, very passionate about the Earth, the philosophy behind our actions and how we are part of a much larger system that we don't even realise it to be...

And what has happened over the last 4 years and most recently falls back into place with my theories. So I revisited the past, my mind and my notes to a time where my focus was on global Mother Earth and what it meant to be human on it.

What is Deep Ecology?

Gaia, Mother Earth & Goddess Mythology

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It seems the more I look into it, the more I see examples of people who are wasted by their dreams... Their dreams not being the problem. Their dreams being fine just the way they are. But the added extra was the issue --the lack of that extra.

So I ask my Self what makes a person dynamic?
Is it their style, their beauty, their brain or all combined?
In theory, it could just be that we need a mix of everything I mentioned to bring in a star quality. But in observation, I see that even if someone were to have all three, it just isn't enough.
So what is the vital ingredient missing?
What is it that makes a person truly dynamic?

Its simple -- a hard worker with purpose.

I've seen many people who I have admired and thought were potentially great (even though I have no right to judge) .... But all those ideas and images and planning went to waste when it came down to doing the hard work that gets them there.... They didn't have the courage to stay in and go through with responsibility of actions. What we often refer to as 'staying power'.

So what is the equation?
Imagination + Hard work = Dynamic drive ==> Progressive Vision.
Progressive Vision + Balanced Soul = Stable Building Foundation ==>A path To Success

Ok, so I'm no bloody Einstein here.... but this makes sense to me.

And what is it that makes a dynamic person take risks in their life? Why does every risk seem to always work out, even when they go through rough patches?

I've realised through observation of a few home role models that these characters have vision --real vision, clear vision. The type of vision that you see when you are on the top of a large hill looking down and thinking how small you are in the world... how insignificant we are as individuals among the vastness of the world... Meaning ever action needs to be bold and noticed for what it is. If it isn't, then it might just be a huge waste of time. If it isn't great or given purpose, we will just be soaked up in a huge mound of beings passing by --and forgotten.

This vision goes beyond the barrier that we have been controlled by, learned to do as a part of becoming and shaping adults. We start to judge harsher, feel a little more cautious and form part of the mould we created through society, culture, religion etc. Clear vision can work within and without it. For clear vision recognises that we are still humans trying to get somewhere in life, regardless of the mental and physical mould.

What will make us stand out from the crowd?

Take people who work with ego, they may look great with all the image works done to perfection, but a person who works with ego fades fast. They last for a small blast before they burn.

A person who acts with intention and purpose has what we call charisma .(...did I spell that right lol?!?). These are the people that wear ordinary clothing, nothing flash and still stand out in the crowd. They have deeper purpose. And they are alligned in such a way that people see them for what they really are, not what they try to be.

You can't buy charisma.

You can't buy courage.

You can't buy a label that states you are dynamic.

You just have to work on it and be true to purpose, hard working, honest and action spoken.

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Wednesday, January 05, 2005


...ME, in my simple form.
Thats how I'm feeling right about now...just simple and getting to the basic essentials.

No fuss, no fancy colours, just the core stuff.

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Saturday, January 01, 2005






BE INSPIRED, all articles taken from this website:

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moon phases






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