
Thursday, January 20, 2005


Dove Global Study:
The Truth about Beauty

British women and their relationship with beauty

What's the truth about beauty?
Dove recently set out across 10 countries and interviewed 3,000 women to find out.

Only 2% of these women describe themselves as “beautiful”
About 3/4 of them rate their beauty as "average"
Almost 1/2 of them think their weight is "too high"

And the truth doesn't stop there.

Read the Dove Global Study for a closer look at all the responses - and discover how perceptions of real beauty truly vary around the world.British women are more likely than women from any other country to feel uncomfortable describing themselves as beautiful, indicating the extent to which UK women have become distanced from today’s idea of female beauty. The study probes deeply into how British women feel about beauty, making country-by-country comparisons with the attitudes and beliefs of women throughout the rest of the world.

The report uncovers:
Perceptions about how the media and society shape our beliefs about beauty
What makes women feel beautiful and what women perceive to be beautiful
Women’s views on plastic surgery

Read on to find out the real truth about beauty...
Download in PDF format


I do think that it is a wonderful thing that finally someone within the beauty industry decides to challenge the concept ot media's beauty ...

I remember a while ago, on my way to work, seeing a HUGE banner sign with women of plus size posing in underwear... I saw the whole of the top deck of the bus stare in shock lol. Today, I saw another picture on a bus while walking down the street, a lady with locs smiling.

Back to the age old question of what makes beauty really beautiful.

Check out: http://www.dove.co.uk

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