
Thursday, January 13, 2005

2004 SOUNDS SO OLD.... 

Its just coming to the 2 week mark and last year sounds so old already!
Like it happened a million years ago or something.

I think this is honestly the first time I have entered a full year and completely accepted it, my mind had already been programmed to go 2005 in December! This is the first time my mind has let go of everything and moved the hell on with life... Not even bothering to look back and see what I have seen etc.

And I put this down to my house clearance, it really is refreshing to just throw out the old stuff!
Its given my Self a whole new opening to a clear space where I can come, relax, be free to read and write, think and do and not be trapped up in spiritual staleness...

2005 was so good to me! Yes, I said 2005.
I say this in past tense as an affirmation to set the tone of what I wish to achieve and results.

I've started yet another mission to complete by Summer, and I'm officially teaching my work.
A whole new set up to my work.

2005 ---------- A better year yet to come.

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