
Saturday, January 08, 2005


It seems the more I look into it, the more I see examples of people who are wasted by their dreams... Their dreams not being the problem. Their dreams being fine just the way they are. But the added extra was the issue --the lack of that extra.

So I ask my Self what makes a person dynamic?
Is it their style, their beauty, their brain or all combined?
In theory, it could just be that we need a mix of everything I mentioned to bring in a star quality. But in observation, I see that even if someone were to have all three, it just isn't enough.
So what is the vital ingredient missing?
What is it that makes a person truly dynamic?

Its simple -- a hard worker with purpose.

I've seen many people who I have admired and thought were potentially great (even though I have no right to judge) .... But all those ideas and images and planning went to waste when it came down to doing the hard work that gets them there.... They didn't have the courage to stay in and go through with responsibility of actions. What we often refer to as 'staying power'.

So what is the equation?
Imagination + Hard work = Dynamic drive ==> Progressive Vision.
Progressive Vision + Balanced Soul = Stable Building Foundation ==>A path To Success

Ok, so I'm no bloody Einstein here.... but this makes sense to me.

And what is it that makes a dynamic person take risks in their life? Why does every risk seem to always work out, even when they go through rough patches?

I've realised through observation of a few home role models that these characters have vision --real vision, clear vision. The type of vision that you see when you are on the top of a large hill looking down and thinking how small you are in the world... how insignificant we are as individuals among the vastness of the world... Meaning ever action needs to be bold and noticed for what it is. If it isn't, then it might just be a huge waste of time. If it isn't great or given purpose, we will just be soaked up in a huge mound of beings passing by --and forgotten.

This vision goes beyond the barrier that we have been controlled by, learned to do as a part of becoming and shaping adults. We start to judge harsher, feel a little more cautious and form part of the mould we created through society, culture, religion etc. Clear vision can work within and without it. For clear vision recognises that we are still humans trying to get somewhere in life, regardless of the mental and physical mould.

What will make us stand out from the crowd?

Take people who work with ego, they may look great with all the image works done to perfection, but a person who works with ego fades fast. They last for a small blast before they burn.

A person who acts with intention and purpose has what we call charisma .(...did I spell that right lol?!?). These are the people that wear ordinary clothing, nothing flash and still stand out in the crowd. They have deeper purpose. And they are alligned in such a way that people see them for what they really are, not what they try to be.

You can't buy charisma.

You can't buy courage.

You can't buy a label that states you are dynamic.

You just have to work on it and be true to purpose, hard working, honest and action spoken.

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