
Friday, January 28, 2005


I have found that many people still need to be educated on meditation -- taking the stereotype and image from a group of people humming to a whole new science. It is so complex!

The more I get into the knowledge of meditation, the more I see that there is a whole stream of scientific images and ideas behind this practice ... When a few people laugh under their breath while I explain that I am interested in meditation, it makes me sad --- all those images on TV do no justice to the practice, along with many other pricks that are complex and misunderstood.

In recent news, the EU is going ahead with banning the use of natural herbs across Europe, to be no longer sold legally.... Don't we have to ask why this is?

Is it purely financial -- the fact that the pharmaceutical companies are now facing competition with natural based market out there?!?

Maybe they know that these products and sciences really do work....

Keep the population from gaining knowledge and strength to feed their mind and body. Add more additives (ADDICT-IVES) to their food and stiffen their thoughts....

When is this going to end?

Whether we care to admit it or not, science is therefore being distorted for the sake of keeping the mass population at a level that is comfortable to the government....

IMPORTANT READ: http://www.getalife.net.au/mag/nhp_html

Just as the food supplements directive is set to eliminate products from the market for no good reason other than their being an unwelcome competition to pharmaceutical interests, this new proposal for the fortification of foods is telling us that we don't need to worry about the quality of what we eat. The "right" chemical substances are being added back into our food - only, our health gets worse and worse.

Taken from: http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2003/12/14/fortification_of_foods_an_eu_proposal.htm

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