
Wednesday, August 31, 2005


When you can't see how you will get it all done, the thing to do is to do what you can. Even when it's difficult to imagine getting the job finished, the thing to do is to take the first step.Creating something of value takes time and effort. The thing to do is to make that effort.

Getting beyond the difficult challenges will require persistence and diligence. The thing to do is to keep going.

When you're not sure where to start, the thing to do is to find some action that will move you forward. Even if you start slowly, it's much better than falling further behind.

When you don't know how you'll continue, the thing to do is to focus on the next effort. The more diligently you work on it, the more good and valuable options you'll see opening up to you.

Whatever may come your way, the thing to do is to make the most of all that you have to work with. And every moment will move you closer to where you have chosen to go.

I've been working on my Reiki course now - and practicing my energy healing... it is SO amazing!
The more I learn from it, the more I feel like the universal life force is guiding me... I mean, I knew it before but I never really knew it up until this moment in time....



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Friday, August 26, 2005


Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted any personal thoughts up on here...
I'm just feeling so good, its unbelievable.

I feel like this Summer a few personal doors have been opened... I felt things which I forgot, I met people I thought would never exist, I loved, I still love and I'm back with a huge smile lol.

Its funny how when I go away and return to 'real life', I'm in a daze for a while ... then something comes up and my whole being is sucked back into the old flow of things. Bang, it hits. It was kinda hard at first but then I felt like this was a chance to really use my spiritual awakenings to REAL use - before old habits start up again.

This is the real test - will it last out here too?!?

Living in purpose - not in expectation.
Woo-hoo - its a beautiful feeling.

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Today matters
ive today like it matters. Because it does.There are people you'll never even know who will be influenced by what you do today. So give this day your attention, your love, your very best.

There are ways that you cannot now imagine in which your own life will be influenced by the way you live this day. So live it with integrity, enthusiasm and an eye for the positive possibilities.

The world in which you live will be affected by the way you make use of this day. So fill your moments with thankfulness, imagination and joy.

Today matters, and right now you have the chance to make it matter in a most positive and fulfilling way. Today is the day when your life is lived, and many things in your life will be determined by what you do with today.

If you take this whole day for granted, it will leave you with nothing but regret. Yet it does not have to be that way. Live today like it matters, for now is when you truly can.

-- Ralph Marston

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Saturday, August 20, 2005


LEO LUNAR CYCLE August 4 - Sept. 2

Have the courage and strength to follow your heart, celebrate your life and shine shine shine! Romance and creativity are on the agenda, so take pride in your home and make it comfortable for yourself and inviting for your friends... and lovers. Mercury's still retrograde in Leo making this an especially powerful productive time for journaling. Remember the importance of passion, play and laughter and if situations heat up, a playful sense of humor can defuse an over-active ego and help you maintain a fresh perspective. The Aquarius Full Moon emphasizes friendship and asks you to reflect on ways your creative vision could benefit the earth and the greater good. The upside of this Leo cycle happens when you're an open-hearted channel for the creative power of spirit. The downside is an ego-driven perspective that's focused on what you want from others. Blend your imagination with an urge to seek the highest ideal and put forth intentions that support your individual creativity. Welcome more joy into your life and everything your heart desires will flourish.

FROM http://www.moonsurfing.com/mo-ovr.html
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Friday, August 19, 2005


Touched, I searched for words.
Thoughts never seem to come together at the right time,
Muffled, faded, searching to verbalise my ideas into sense.
Emotions and ideas collide,
Leaving me feeling a little breathless
A little worn out.
Or was that just you're pre-ESSENCE?
How do I explain and function
In the face of such love and light?
How do I tell a stranger
How my heart took flight?
The healing of a brief connection,
Unexpected to find what I did,
The YOU-ni-VERSE came
To find me the conclusion to a much lost plan.
He came, he went.
Alone, the silence said it all.

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moon phases






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