
Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Customer Reviews
Avg. Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
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5 out of 5 stars One of best yoga book for children, February 8, 2005

Reviewer: happyoga from London, England
This is one of the best yoga for children book I've seen. The instructions are crystal clear and the author has very succesfully managed to integrate the philosophical concept of yoga with a fun practice of postures and breathing. Every parent should be able to build a strong yoga practice fun for the all family!

5 out of 5 stars Yoga for You and Your Child by Mark Singleton, March 1, 2004
Reviewer: Felicia M Tomasko from Southern California
I have a new favourite children’s yoga book—Yoga for You and Your Child. With poses named for animals and an emphasis on exploration of the body, Yoga is a discipline naturally favored by children, if they are taught in such a way that nurtures their creative spirit. As someone who has taught yoga to children, I find that an approach that is not only serious, but also playful, works most effectively to both spark a child’s interest in the practise of yoga and allow them to benefit from the mind-focusing, stress-reducing, and spiritual awakening and support provided by the discipline of yoga.

This new book, Yoga for You and Your Child, by Mark Singleton, is a welcome addition to the literature of teaching children yoga. It is unique in its approach, writing to parents and children together, inviting them to practise jointly. The book includes creative poses with enticing names like rocket, half moon, pigeon king, kicking mule, spider, big and little butterfly, cradling the baby, walking the dog, toad walking, and swamp monster. Singleton deftly describes yoga games including tag, obstacle races, whodunit yoga, and a day in the life, to keep a child’s interest focused on the practise. He not only explores the physical side of yoga, but includes information on teaching pranayama-the breath techniques of yoga, as well as meditation, relaxation techniques, the gift of attention, and an explanation of how yoga can be brought into the classroom.

The pictures and graphics in the book are engaging and beautifully done. The photos of children and parents practicing yoga together are not only easy to follow but capture the playful—and sometimes mischievous spirit of young yogis. If you are a parent, even if you don’t do yoga now, buy this book to inspire the practise of yoga at home with your child. If you do yoga, buy this book for a wealth of creative ideas and hours of fun reading.

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