
Friday, March 25, 2005

Was Tsunami a natural disaster or man-made? 

There are many provable irregularities in the official American tsunami story that raise a lot of questions.

It is beyond any doubt that a giant tidal wave smashed its way through South and South East Asia carrying on to the western shores of Africa.

But the question which needs to be asked is whether this tsunami was a natural or man-made catastrophe?

An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale had hit the north of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Jakarta Geophysical Office meticulously noted that the epicenter of the event was located 155 miles south-southwest of Aceh Province.

This location is approximately 250 miles south of the position later selected by the American NOAA, which plotted the epicenter to the north-west of Aceh, and initially claimed a Richter reading of 8.0 later upgrading the reading to 8.5, then to 8.9, and finally to 9.0.

The first proven irregularities were being peddled by American officials at the NOAA, who suddenly invented a new 'flexible' peak seismic wave for the event, of far greater magnitude than Jakarta, when the Jakarta office was located much closer at almost point-blank range.

It should be noted: there is no such thing as the new 'flexible' peak.

The first seismic peak recorded is the only real peak, unless of course you later manually draw in a few more peaks of your own, to match a contrived agenda. Naturally there is also only one epicenter, which was faithfully recorded by dozens of Indonesian and Indian seismographs.

Apart from the huge disparity in Richter values, the Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that the normal earthquake 'preamble' was missing from their seismograph charts.

What this means is that the normal steadily increasing number of transverse shear "S" waves that always precede an earthquake were missing, as were later aftershocks, which likewise always accompany a naturally occurring or Tesla standing-wave generated earthquake.

There were 'warnings' of aftershocks from the NOAA, but none actually occured.

What it means in layman's terms is that an earthquake is always triggered by a resonant electromagnetic frequency in the range 0.5 to 12 Hertz, but it is not an instant process, because the resonant frequency must be precise.

Thus as true resonance approaches, the fault line starts to tremble like a piece of rope under tension, and sends out warnings to the seismographs in the form of steadily increasing transverse shear waves.

If all you get is a cluster of "P" compression waves, then one is most certainly looking at an underground or sub sea explosion. They were the only copious seismic signals that the Indonesians and Indians received, and they looked very similar to those generated many years ago by large underground nuclear weapons in Nevada.

On the morning of 27 December, the Australian (New York owned) media was making it abundantly clear that the most badly hit nation in the region was Sri Lanka.

Under the orders of one Wall Street "gentleman" based in Australia known as Little Johnny Howard, four Australian Hercules planes complete with troops, guns and other tackle, invaded Sumatra just south of the devastated province of Aceh.

In turn, with 90% of its population killed by the tsunami, Aceh might perhaps one day soon become Indonesia's very own Guantanamo Bay, crawling with hundreds of heavily armed Australians and Americans.

Needless to say the Australians were merely the advance party, soon to be joined by a curiously well prepared and equipped U.S. Military.
Only a handful thought to question why they had been spending a whole year training for a "Humanitarian Mission", when the whole point of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps is normally to kill people in very large numbers.

Seemingly by magic, on its part the Pentagon managed to have two battle groups ready to sail at an instant's notice from Hong Kong and Guam during the normally chaotic Christmas to New Year period.

The next superbly orchestrated maneuver took place at sea. Out of Hong Kong rushed team one, comprised of the nuclear-powered USS Abraham Lincoln and her escort vessels, while the far more interesting team two rushed out of Guam, led by the USS Bonhomme Richard, a marine amphibious assault carrier crammed to the gunwales with gun-toting wooden tops.

The move of the Pentagon didn't go down too well with the Indian Government who knew fully well this was not a "normal" earthquake. On 27 December India refused to join George Bush's planned exclusive 'club of four', which would have effectively pulled this Asian nuclear power out of its new coalition with Russia, China and Brazil.

On 28 December the Indian Government politely warned the American military to stay clear of Indian sovereign territory.

Despite having a huge number of tsunami victims in its own State of Tamil Nadu, India completely converted the survey ship INS Nirupak into a 50-bed floating hospital in less than 72 hours, then sent it unarmed to help the desperate people of Aceh in Indonesia.

By direct comparison, America sent combat ships and armed Marines. The US Navy has two 1,000 bed hospital ships, the 'Comfort' and the 'Mercy', but neither one was dispatched. Though the USNS Comfort was deployed to New York when 3,000 Americans died in September 2001, this current lack of action sends a strong signal that 150,000 (mostly Muslim) dead in South East Asia, and half a million injured, are of no concern whatever to the power brokers in the U.S.

To force subservience on Asia, and ensure the lion's share of incredibly lucrative reconstruction contracts, all that was needed was a very large tsunami targeted on the selected nations, which was easily within the capabilities of a large thermonuke.

There is nothing new about "Sea Bursts" as they are called, and more than 30 years ago plans existed in both America and Russia to wipe out each other's coastal cities using exactly this technique. The tidal wave from a deep sea burst is relatively clean, allowing the aggressor to take over both land and remaining buildings with the minimum of delay.

If everything had gone to plan, then Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India would have been in pawns to the IMF and World Bank for thirty or more years - time enough to wait for the price of oil to come down again after the lethal fiasco in Iraq.

At the same time, if the Indian Government had taken the bait, the deadly Russian-Chinese-Indian-Brazilian coalition would have been dead in the water. Not a bad day's work for a single thermonuclear weapon discreetly removed from the decommissioning process.

Source: vialls.com

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finally about to take those steps forward to a place........................
Just a place I really wanted to be.

I'm no longer here, I'm there.
I'm up, gone and out.

.................. Until then.

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Monday, March 21, 2005


She asked me, with a grey tone
What would I need to make things go?
I sat, silent, absorbed by an unknown.

She asked me again followed by another Q
What would it take to see a platform at the end of this slide?
Again, I contemplated to what is true.

Waiting for my mouth to drop open with answers
She shook her head.
Her next words:
Your actions spoke the answer instead.

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Thursday, March 03, 2005


Spirit of Success Newsletter
March - April 2005
Living 'On Purpose'


  • Living on Purpose
  • Success Principles - Shifting Comfort Zones
  • Success without Stress
  • International Women's Day Event – Article
  • Teleclass begins

Welcome new subscribers and old friends to SOS Newsletter No.4 . March is the month we celebrate women and give thanks for life. It is spring and time for change. We have lots this month, so sit back and relax. I hope to see you really soon.

What people are saying about working with Shola

‘Thoroughly enjoyable, thought provoking and educational.'
Elizabeth Uwadiae UK

‘Shola clearly knows her stuff great info for promoting well-being and spiritual growth.' Melanie Dottin UK

This programme is truly transformational. Your gentle spirit creates a safe place to explore the dynamics of change and personal growth. You are a blessing thank you.'Anita Jackson. NY. USA

Living on Purpose, remembering ‘ Tony Merry' 1948 – 2004

Wow! Time moves so fast, March is almost upon us and spring is in the air. Or if you live in London, like me, snow is in the air. It is said that the only constant is change. And weather can shift here 4 times in a day. We can always rely on change. In our lives we never know how long we have, to make the changes we claim are so important. I attended a memorial in February at my old university for my Psychology lecturer, Tony Merry , who passed over at the age of 57. Its 18 years since I left uni. yet I can still call Tony a friend. What made Tony special to so many of us that shared our experiences at the memorial, was his empathy, ability to really listen and his compassion. My studies were focused on the whole person, the body, creativity, spirituality not just the mind. Tony never quite understood what I was doing and didn't really see the necessity for much of my work, but he supported me whole-heartedly because he understood me as a person. I will always be thankful for the teachings and gifts Tony shared. He was an authentic individual, Tony lived his life On Purpose and was passionate about ‘people' and supporting them to be the very best they can be.

What do you want people to say about you, when you pass over, and the truth is we don't know when that will be? What needs to change in your life now? Think about it real carefully and let me know if I can support you to achieve your goals.

Success Principles - Shifting your Comfort Zones

Excerpt from:
Embracing Purpose, Passion and Peace by Caroline Shola Arewa

Change can take place in an instant,
if you get over the resistance,
which is the real issue'

A comfort zone speaks for itself; it is an area of our lives where we feel comfortable. In our comfort zones we perform well and feel confident. When we move outside the zone that's when we begin to feel uneasy. Moving outside your comfort zone is frightening by its very nature. People get anxious and fearful. Panic attacks can be triggered just thinking about stepping out of the psychological boundaries we create for ourselves.

Limiting ourselves in this way prevents us achieving our ultimate performance and success levels. Therefore it is wise to identify, challenge and expand your personal comfort zones. Give yourself a break and do the exercise below; it will take you 5–10 minutes.

Comfort Zone Assignment

  • Name three of your Comfort Zones
  • Name one Comfort Zone you are willing to expand
  • What you are going do different?
  • When are you going to do it?
  • How will you be accountable?
  • What support you need?

Embracing Purpose, Passion and Peace, my latest book has lots more on
Comfort Zones
, to order your copy click here

Success without Stress

As some of you know I am currently working on a new 30-Day Audio Programme called Success without Stress. An easy to use Stress Management Programme for overworked professionals and tired-out parents. It includes guided relaxation, meditations and tools for success. This programme is perfect if you could use more time and energy in your day. That's what it say's on the packet!! Yesterday after working on the programme I had so many doubts I almost gave up. No doubts about the content, the content I have tried and tested over 20 plus years, I know it works, but about the production and the huge learning curve this is for me, making my first Audio programme. Those who know me well know I am a bit of a perfectionist, a bossy one apparently! So when I work on a project I give it my all. But as I share in this programme sometimes we have to let go to move forward, and we need to develop an attitude of EASE . So yesterday I needed to practise what I preach in Success without Stress and put the brakes on. I didn't give it another thought for the rest of the day; even though I have some really tight ‘lifelines' to meet. I just chilled and today, I feel great, the artwork for the sleeve is almost done and really captures the concept of Success without Stress the music is coming together and I will be in the studio recording next week, so watch this space. Or better still email me at mailto:shola@creatingease.comto encourage me, reserve your copy, and let me know its all worth it.

International Women's Day

I said we had a lot for you this month. To celebrate International Women's Day Inspirational Guidance are hosting a Special Event. On March 10 th

Spirit of Success
Seven steps to Creating a life of Ease and Excellence

An intimate and inspiring evening
with Shola Arewa
Author of ‘Opening to Spirit'

The event will run for one night only on Thursday 10 th March at the Cumberland Hotel, Harrow, London UK Starting at 7.00pm

Tickets are only £22.00 and can be booked at http://www.inspirationalguidance.org.uk/

or by contacting Diane Corriette on 020 8429 5250.

‘The evening will be a powerful combination of Life Coaching and Spiritual Wisdom. You will explore tools for, health, happiness, success and fulfilment. Shola encourages people to ‘live life on Purpose' and will introduce tools for following your heart and taking your life to the next level. If you are ready to take your foot off the brake and put it on the accelerator, don't miss this inspirational evening.'

I would love to see you there.

Check out this months Aspire Magazine for my article on The Power of a Woman .

New Teleclass coming real soon click here to find out more and sign up.

Have a great month and you know where I am if you need me. mailto:shola@creatingease.com

Shola Arewa

Shola is a Health or Success Coach who has worked in Personal Development for over two decades. A dynamic Speaker who has uplifted audiences on every continent and Author of the highly acclaimed books, Opening to Spirit and Way of the Chakras.

Peace and Blessings


P.S. Thank you for reading Spirit of Success remember:
‘Being Successful doesn't have to be stressful'

We grow through your recommendation. If you enjoyed this newsletter don't keep it to yourself, forward our newsletter to friends, colleagues and like-minded people.

'If you want things to be different be prepared to act different'
Copyright Notice:

Author: Caroline Shola Arewa © 2005 all rights reserved.
Further information:
You may copy or distribute ‘Spirit of Success' with this copyright notice and including full contact details of the Author. Contact:

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