
Sunday, December 05, 2004


Its nearly going on a year that I haven't touched meat, been very (almost too careful) with my food content and drinking bottled water...

Any difference? I definately feel it.

This is not a vegie lecture, I promise. If people wish to eat fish/meat -thats cool with me.
Its just a few thoughts about how people should really take their body seriously...

The only thing that we have left to really control is what we put into our body, that changes our Self, that has a knock on effect on our mind and thoughts... in turn, our actions get affected...
You see where I am coming from.

Yet, most of us don't bother to ask where our meat/fish source is coming from, or read what the tin or packet says... it just looks good, so they buy.

And you remember seeing the effects of hard water in your bathroom taps and kitchen, yet most have no second thoughts to drink it straight... What does all of that hardness really do to our body? Just imagine...if even the solid taps get hard and crusty.

What about the fact that they can now grow a full grown chicken in just 2 weeks with all the growth hormones that they are pumping into live stock... what is that doing to you?

We have that right to ask where our food is coming from, the food retailer should have no problems with telling you where its produce is bought.

I saw someone the other day go the butchers and demanding her info on where the beef was coming from... And while the other customers looked at her with a WTF face... I was glad to see that someone is taking things seriously.

Your body is Sacred, it is the vehicle that could help you or destroy you...
And you're stuck in it.

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