
Thursday, December 30, 2004


Its a silly thing really, we all start to think that life will suddenly be better with all our New Years Resolutions and plans to live a better way of life...

All I want is to leave all the past where it belongs... not let it creep into the New Year.

I've decluttered my area, throwing out even more stuff. And I finally got my head to the thought of selling a few of my precious books to leave rooms for new thoughts and knowledge.

And everyone is planning their party this week.... yet another excuse to buy over priced tickets to get into clubs and meet people who are completely out of their frickin' minds with God knows what substance lol... its all good though.

Celebration works wonders... I just seem to be a little tired with the old concept of entering the year in party style.

I know what I have in mind.

As for New Years Resolutions -- I just want to fullfill a few plans by this time next year.
Work hard, play hard with my ambitions.

A little older, a little wiser about some stuff.

There really is no time to waste. Next year is ending soon too.

Its time to fly my wings out into my imagination a little more, where something is bursting to get started. You know when something inside is dying to get out, and to just go through with it --even though you just know things will be hard?!? Thats instinct telling you that its now or never, its time.

It really is TIME.

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