
Thursday, November 17, 2005

It makes more sense.... 

You're either part of the solution or part of the problem.
Thats making more and more sense as I figure stuff out...
Maybe I'm getting more stuck in certain ways, but there seems to be a bigger gap between the rights and wrongs ... for my life.
Whats right/wrong for others is up to them.
I'm trying to stick more to vital living....

Nov. 1 - Nov. 3o

Release, renew and transform... that's the theme, challenge and opportunity presented by this lunar cycle. The intense emotional and powerfully creative stuff of life, as well as the old emotional monsters sabotaging your dreams and desires is what Scorpio is all about.

If there's a whole lotta shakin' goin' on in your life, just know that the status quo is about to change in a big way. Remember that it's all a divine design to help you loosen up old deeply stuck energies so you can use them in new constructive ways in your life. Issues that have been unclear or unresolved since the Scorpio eclipse last May now gain a shot of clarity so you can be re-inspired or dream a different dream.

A stressful Full Moon in Taurus asks you to look at what you value most and what you really need to feel secure. Many old ideas about prosperity and financial and material security are no longer valid.

Mercury begins its last retrograde of the year Nov. 14.

Tensions in the external world mount as the month progresses, so it's crucial that you stay strongly aligned with your highest intentions. Be sure you set aside more time to rest and cultivate a deep spiritual connection to light your way.

The reward is not just change, but transformation. That's quite an incentive.

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